In the Blade

Chapter 558 The Right Path

When the tiger claws pierced his chest, Huode Xingjun had not realized what had happened, but when he was torn into pieces, he had already understood the whole story.

After all, there was sand passing through his sight.

"Sand... is that desert!"

In just a moment, Huode Xingjun had realized the problem. After all, it was impossible for the broken Black Tiger Xingjun to escape from the desert in such a short time - especially when he knew nothing, it was absolutely impossible.

Unless the Black Tiger Xingjun found some kind of more powerful power in the desert.

"Old man..."

Thinking of this, Huode Xingjun couldn't help but have the urge to spurt blood. He never thought that a piece of desert he found casually would contain such a dangerous thing - in a sense, it could even be said that he was simply unlucky. If he could have thrown it in another place at that time, he would not have been so passive.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

If he could have thrown it somewhere else...

"What's the point of changing the place?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Huo De Xingjun.

"Even if you change the place, I can still live through his body... After all, the places you can go are all my remains, and everything you can see is just my decayed body..."


The Huo De Xingjun, who only had his head left, frowned suddenly.

This voice was not so much in his ears as it was in his heart, and the tone was a bit too loud - he actually opened his mouth and said that the whole world was his remains, who did this thing think he was?

"You killed me and sealed me in the so-called ground, and now you have forgotten me and asked me who I am?"

The voice laughed, and it was a simple sneer at first, and soon it became a rampant laugh.

"You actually asked me who I am? Don't you know who I am?"

"You are..."

Huo De Xingjun's face was angry, then stiff, and then incredible.

Then, it was cold.

If he just thought that this might be some kind of secret existence, now he has realized that this existence seems to be too secretive - especially when the other party said that he was sealed on the ground, he had already thought of a result that was absolutely impossible and should not happen.

"Weren't you all killed?"

Thinking of that result, Huo De Xingjun was shocked.

"Weren't you all crazy people killed a long time ago? How could it be..."

"Killed? Crazy? Is this how you record us?"

The voice was a little more playful.

"It seems that you didn't experience the battle in person, you don't understand anything..."

"At least I know that you are all a bunch of crazy people."

With only his head left, Huo De Xingjun gritted his teeth.

"You brought chaos..."

"We are crazy people, we brought chaos?"

The voice spoke again.

"Who did you hear that from? Did you see it with your own eyes?"


Huo De Xingjun instinctively wanted to say something to refute.

But for a moment, his voice was stuck.

Although he did want to refute it, his damn understanding ability had already made him understand what the voice meant - after all, he didn't go to heaven that early, and he didn't see the chaotic war with his own eyes. All the information about the war, the collision of the two galaxies, he heard from other powerful people.

In other words, he was not an eyewitness.

What could he know?

"This kind of thing is actually very easy to do, isn't it?"

The voice spoke again, whispering in his ear like a demon.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. This is something that even mortals understand. The winner can write himself as extremely glorious, no matter how despicable their means are, and no matter how many things the loser has done, as long as he fails, he must be trampled into the ground... cut off his hands, pull out his tongue, cut him into pieces, and then step on ten thousand feet."

At this point, the voice paused.

"Ah, just like you are now, can you feel it?"


The Fire Lord was speechless.

After all, although he was not torn into pieces, he had been chopped into pieces.

Although he had tried very hard to resist the influence of the voice, his current situation was not fake. Following the description of the voice, he also saw the Black Tiger Lord wrapped in an old robe. The current situation was exactly the "winner takes all" situation in the voice. Since he had been attacked and fell to the ground, what awaited him was only the torture of hell.

Cut off his hands, so that he could not record, pull out his tongue, so that he could not speak, everything he had before had become a thing of the past, just because the Black Tiger Lord was about to make the final judgment on him.

At this moment, he had personally felt the great terror described in the voice.

"Old man, old man..."

Using his last strength, the Fire Lord spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

"I will never collude with you!"


The voice scoffed again.

"What is filth? We are filth? Who told you? Who did you listen to? If even the idea that everyone is like a dragon is filthy, then who are you? Your so-called strength, so-called Star Lord What is the position?”

"I am constantly striving for self-improvement!"

Mr. Huo Dexing cursed loudly.

"Everything I have is earned by my hard work! Along the way, I have never been ashamed! How can you little ones..."

"Yes, you tried your best, and you are worthy of your conscience."

The voice fell silent.

"So, who isn't?"


Mr. Huo Dexing was stunned by the question.

But the voice didn't mean to stop just like that, but continued.

"Who doesn't strive for self-improvement? Who doesn't achieve everything by virtue of their ability? If you think the idea that everyone is like a dragon is dirty and chaotic, then who are you? What are you?"


Huo Dexingjun subconsciously thought along this line of thought, and he only felt a splitting headache.

After all, it seems that this is true. Even the Black Tiger Star Lord who was cut into pieces by him flew into the sky based on his own ability. Who has not obtained everything by his own ability? Who didn’t risk their lives to transcend life and death?

"But you brought chaos..."

Mr. Huo Dexing tried hard to maintain his last sanity.

"You are the source of trouble..."

"We brought chaos? Do you think we brought chaos?"

The voice seemed to have heard something funny, and it laughed even more crazily.

"Use your brain and think about it carefully. Did we really bring the chaos? Yes, we are gone now, but has the chaos disappeared? You think that the emergence of power should be suppressed, and you think that you should maintain your so-called Where is the order in your mouth?”

"Order is..."

Mr. Huo Dexing's brain was in chaos.

Where is the order? Mr. Huo Dexing was really confused for a while. He really wants to say that order has always been there, and no matter how chaotic the world is, there is at least some basic order in it - but does this so-called order really exist?

Or, has the chaos really disappeared?

"Don't believe those so-called slogans, and don't follow what others say. Believe in your heart and the truth you feel."

That voice lingered in Huode Xingjun's ears.

"You actually know the answer, don't you? You actually know the answer..."


Lord Huodexing fell into silence completely.

Indeed, he actually knew the answer.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he did know the answer, especially under the guidance of that voice, the answer was extremely clear - that melee that year, the collision of the two galaxies, the two powerful factions There may never be any justice in attacking and killing each other.

Whether it is the so-called maintenance of order, controlling the amount of powerful output, or the so-called maintenance of the status quo, making everyone in this world like dragons... There is actually no distinction between the two factions themselves, and there is no distinction between good and evil. debate.

Just the most common winner and loser, nothing more.

But now, Kou is not completely dead, but is back again. He can feel the hatred contained in this voice, he can feel the hatred in the other person's words, the hatred for failure. The hatred is simply...

"You think it's because you hate me, it just means you don't understand me well enough, don't understand this idea well enough, and don't understand the world well enough."

Just when Mr. Huo Dexing thought of this, the voice suddenly sighed.

"Successful kings and defeated bandits, this is your understanding, right? From a mortal point of view, this is indeed no problem... But is there a possibility that neither you nor I are mortals?"

"...What do you want to say?"

A bad premonition arose in Huode Xingjun's heart.

"Not a mortal, so what?"

"Since you and I are not mortals, you should understand that I am right."

The voice spoke again.

"Since you are not a mortal, you should understand that everyone is like a dragon not because of me, or even because of anyone. This was the reality at that time, and even the reality now... Step back Wan Bu said, if you had not obtained a further method, would you be able to fly to the sky? What qualifications do you have to live forever? "


Lord Huodexing fell into silence.

There was already a bit more struggle on his face.

"Look, you can actually understand it, can't you?"

The voice continued.

"You can actually figure it out, but you don't want to figure it out yourself... You think those so-called star kings in the sky are your friends. Naturally, you have to uphold their rules and protect their interests, even if this rule No matter how strange it is, no matter how unreasonable it is, you have never thought about it, or you don’t need to think about it..."


Lord Huodexing shouted loudly.

"Stop talking! If you want to kill or chop me into pieces, come quickly!"

"Why do you want to kill or cut into pieces?"

The voice sighed.

"I will not kill you, nor will I chop you up. After all, death is the greatest waste... We all want to live, right? We all want to live, right? In order to live, our will even transcends death itself. , then how could you die here for no reason? "

Accompanied by such words, Lord Huo Dexing's originally broken body was gradually put back together.

It was Black Tiger Star Lord who completed the piece. Although the broken half of his face still showed some reluctance, Black Tiger Star Lord still did it - this also made Huode Star Lord even more... In order to confuse him, he first cut him into pieces in a sneak attack, and then put his body back together and repaired it. What does this Black Tiger Star Lord mean?

"The revenge has been avenged."

As if aware of Lord Huode Xing's doubts, Lord Black Tiger Star also sighed.

"The revenge has been avenged. You attacked me, and I attacked you. You cut me into pieces, and I cut you into pieces. The two sides are even... What do you mean by looking at me like this? What else can I do to you? I can’t kill you, and I can’t take your life.”


It seems that this is really the case.

The great powers have all kinds of resurrection methods. It is difficult for them to completely kill the other party. Even if they have reached the point of bloody fight, the most they can do is seal it and slowly wait for the other party's will to be destroyed. Spend it all, and be overtaken by the will of death - even this is not the end, you have to ensure that the other person will not be called back from his long sleep by some strange means after death.

In other words, the fight between powerful people is meaningless and can even be called a waste of time.

"What's more, I already know that you and I are fellow travelers."

The Black Tiger Star Lord spoke sincerely.

"You reached heaven through your own efforts, and so did I. We have achieved everything we have today through our own abilities. Instead, we should communicate more."


Lord Huodexing, who had been pieced together, opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Even if he could kill the Black Tiger Star Lord again, so what?

Even if he can kill the Black Tiger Star Lord, what can he do?

Lord Black Tiger Star will still come back to life, and nothing will change. After all, they will all survive, and they all have a strong will that transcends life and death.

They are really the same kind.

In a sense, it is said that everyone is like a dragon, and the two of them are two dragons that have stood out.

"So, is it really wrong to say that everyone is like a dragon?"

The voice sounded again.

"Is the so-called chaos really caused by us?"

"I think you should have the answer in your mind now."

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