In the Blade

Chapter 561: Strong Food

Although they only practiced for three short days, these evil spirits masters gained a lot.

The first thing to be solved is what they have been most worried about and confused about. What is the double-edged sword of evil spirit that hurts the enemy and hurts themselves? Can this power continue to be used? Is there any higher space on the road? But now, they already know that the so-called evil spirit is just a trail after all, and even several other ways to gain power are just trails.

"The evil spirit makes people crazy, the power of will makes people greedy, and the power of mind makes people stupid... It turns out that there is a price to pay for the use of these powers."

Although this conclusion is a bit too cruel for evil spirit masters like them, it also makes many people feel relieved. It turns out that their worries all the time are not unreasonable. It turns out that the power of evil spirit really has its own end. It turns out that they had previously There are explanations for some of the anomalies occasionally seen. It turns out that there really are forces other than evil spirits.

"Double-edged sword..."

A group of evil spirit masters chewed this word carefully.

If the man in black robe only taught him this far, what would be left to them would be the deepest despair. After all, this conclusion itself is basically a death sentence for these evil spirit masters - there is no way ahead, all the power They all have their own limits, so where should they go now that they have almost reached the end?

Fortunately, the man in black robe also taught them the next steps.

That is the power called "Tao", but it is not the Taoist scriptures recited by Taoist priests, but to implement one's own path and strengthen one's will - this seems to have nothing to do with the battle itself, after all, the will itself There is no way to release it like evil spirit or mental power.

However, this thing that has nothing to do with the battle itself is the basis for controlling those powers.

If you think of power as a sharp blade, then will is the handle of the sword. If you think of power as a galloping horse, then will is the reins that control these galloping horses. If you think of power as a big tree with leafy branches, then will is the root of the tree. If you think of power as a rushing river, then will is the source of these rivers.

It is because of the existence of will that power can flow, and it is because of the existence of will that power can be stable.

Strength is still a double-edged sword, and this has not changed at all, but a firm will can allow people to withstand the damage caused by this double-edged sword, just like a strong and strong man will not care about a little cold. Just like a billionaire who doesn't care about a small expense, as long as the will is strong enough, the strength that can be endured will increase accordingly. As long as the will is strong enough, the world itself will even change.

"This is...the power to go further."

Whenever they think of this dream-like knowledge, these evil spirits masters are intoxicated. Until now, they can't believe what they have heard.

Like a frog at the bottom of a well climbing up to the top of the well for the first time, like a newborn bird leaving its nest for the first time.

For the first time, they saw the real world and the real sky.

"It turns out...this is real strength!"

Such thoughts suddenly appeared in the minds of these evil spirit masters.

It turns out that this is real strength, it turns out that there is a sky beyond the sky. Compared with this vast world, the so-called disputes in the rivers and lakes and the so-called life and death fights they had before are as small as ants and as small as fleas.

"Become stronger...become stronger!"

These evil spirit masters seemed to hear the cry in their hearts.

Those who can become evil spirit masters are not mediocre in the first place. What many people lack is actually just this finishing touch. They just rely on themselves to realize without anyone's guidance. God knows when they will realize it before they can explore it. Some results were produced, but now, they have obtained the most necessary knowledge.

The fog in front of their eyes was lifted, and what was revealed in front of them was the real Avenue to Heaven.

"Don't forget to be grateful to the deceased Maitreya, and we must continue to share this concept!"

When they were separated, these evil spirits masters made an agreement with each other. On the one hand, they were naturally grateful to the man in black robe for teaching him. On the other hand, it was also because God knows if the man in black robe will show up again. ——If the man in black robe knew that they did not fulfill the other party's request seriously, I'm afraid they would be killed on the spot even if they became stronger.

After all, according to the man in black robe, the old man with red hair and red beard was also a powerful person who transcended life and death. But wasn't it possible that such a powerful and unrivaled figure was torn into pieces?

"But, even if you are torn into pieces, you are still alive..."

When they think of this, these evil spirits masters are filled with the desire to go further.

Theoretically, they want to share knowledge, and specifically speaking, they are also happy to share these things - but there is always a first-come, first-served basis for this kind of thing. Even if everyone in this world is like a dragon, Then at least you have to turn into a dragon yourself first.

"If I can't even cultivate it myself, then even if I go out and explain it to others, how can I possibly make sense?"

Although these evil spirit masters have gone back to their respective homes, their thoughts are surprisingly unified at this moment.

It is definitely better to cultivate yourself first, and then go out and teach others after you understand it. As for how long it will take to understand it... it depends on their own comprehension ability. But again, they are not mediocre, and the process of cultivation will not take long.

Just like Meng Hu, who is known as the "Five Tigers Breaking the Door Knife" and has understood everything.

"So that's how it is, so that's how it is, this is power... this is power!"

After just one night of rest in the inn, Meng Hu has understood the truth.

The teacup on the table flew up out of thin air under his will, but there was no evil spirit in it. This is the power beyond the evil spirit, the effect of mental strength - but using this power did not make him stupid, just because he still maintained that firm will, he knew very well what he was doing, and he knew very well what he was going to do.

And when Meng Hu raised his hand again, the nine-ring broadsword hanging on the wall in the distance also floated to his hand.

But this time, when he held the hilt of the knife, the impulsive killing intent brought by the evil spirit had been suppressed to the limit, and it could even be said that it disappeared without a trace.

"Yes, that's it, that's it..."

The swordsman Meng Hu, who had just gained power, was like a naughty boy who had just got a new toy. He kept trying new skills and new ways of playing. Until his will began to waver, he began to become persistent and even full of killing intent. Meng Hu took a deep breath and stopped many actions.

"It's a pity that I haven't tried the incense and vows. If there is a chance, I will ask someone to build a temple for me. But I feel that ordinary temples may not work. Or do I still need to do some major events?"

As the saying goes, if you understand one method, you can understand a hundred methods. Although there are definitely differences in the details between the power systems, after figuring out the tricks, there are similarities in the general process. At least for the swordsman Meng Hu, this is the case. He thinks this is a necessary quality for a master.

"Really good..."

Recalling the attempt just now, the swordsman Meng Hu has never been so happy.

Someone once said that the greatest happiness of human beings generally comes from two aspects, either creation or destruction, but in the final analysis, it can be summarized into the same thing, that is, using one's own will to change the reality of the outside world - and now, the swordsman Meng Hu is tasting the taste of this happiness. He never thought that practice would be so wonderful.

"So this is power, this is practice... What are those things before me? What are those evil spirits before?"

Thinking back to his previous so-called practice, thinking back to his previous so-called power, thinking back to his previous self-righteous strength, the swordsman Meng Hu even felt a little ridiculous at this moment.

Just like what the black-robed man said, he was really a frog in the well.

Just simply killing people, thinking that killing can accumulate power, just to seize weapons, thinking that better weapons mean power, this idea now seems a bit ridiculous - after all, now he has known that real power has never been such a superficial thing, and real power is far simpler than these complicated trivialities.

Real power lies in using your own will to influence everything around you.

The real power lies in doing great things.

"Do great things!"

Thinking of this, swordsman Meng Hu turned over and sat up from the bed.

He was too excited to get the power he had just gained, and he couldn't even fall asleep. He couldn't wait to do something great - as for what great things he hadn't thought about yet, but at least he was ready to practice his will and use his will to influence the world around him.

And the way he influenced the world was to kill people.

Even the name of the swordsmanship was called "Five Tigers Breaking the Gate", which was enough to show how cruel the swordsman Meng Hu was. Moreover, "Five Tigers Breaking the Gate" was not only the name of the swordsmanship, but also his nickname in the rivers and lakes - as the saying goes, there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames. This swordsman Meng Hu usually doesn't take action, but once he takes action, he will definitely kill the whole family.

But in Meng Hu's eyes, this kind of thing is nothing, not to mention that he also needed to use this method to increase his evil spirit before.

But now, he is not doing it for any evil spirit.

He just wants to enjoy the joy of killing.

"Yes! This is what I want! This is what I want!"

After casually chopping off two travelers who were also staying in the inn, the bloody swordsman Meng Hu enjoyed the joy of killing.

Yes, this is it, this is what he wanted - or rather, he should have thought of it earlier, this so-called Tongtian Road is a summary of the past roads. The so-called influence of everything around with will, its most fundamental embodiment is to kill the person in front of you, after all, this is to deprive another person of his will with one person's will, which is the most essential and obvious influence.

"So that's it, so this is my way..."

Another knife chopped down the innkeeper who came over to block, and the swordsman Meng Hu's heart once again rose to enlightenment.

What is the way, or what is the way? The man in black robe did not explain this point, but let them understand it themselves, saying that each of them has his own way and his own direction to stick to - the swordsman Meng Hu was confused for a time, but now he is no longer confused.

He doesn't know what other people's paths are, but he just likes killing people. He feels that this is his path and the direction he wants to go in.

Therefore, he would cut down anyone who stood in his way.

"Heroes, take action quickly! Don't let this thief continue to kill!"

"He's gone crazy! He's gone crazy!"

"Kill him quickly! Kill him!"

As several corpses fell, the entire inn suddenly boiled. Screams pierced the silent night sky. There were screams of escape everywhere. The sounds of people putting on clothes in a hurry were mixed with the sounds of taking out weapons. The entire inn was in chaos.

But in the face of this chaos, swordsman Meng Hu behaved unusually calmly.

"Am I crazy? Am I crazy?"

Swordsman Meng Hu looked into his heart and then shook his head.

He can confirm that he is not crazy. This is not the evil spirit entering his body, and he has no signs of being affected by the evil spirit. In other words, the current situation is that he is controlling the evil spirit itself, and he is controlling all the power. achieve what he wants to achieve.

"It turns out...this is cultivation!"

The swordsman Meng Hu was so happy that he suddenly became enlightened again.

Yes, this is practice. Try to use everything at hand to achieve the goal you want. This firm practice, this behavior that will not be affected by external things, this is practice!

"That's it...that's it!"

At this moment, the swordsman Meng Hu is already in the mood for killing, just because he can feel that with this killing, his will has begun to become stronger and his strength is also rising!

Practice again and again, action again and again, this is simply, this is simply...

"This is what I want! This is what I want!"

The swordsman Meng Hu struck a passenger on the head with his sword again.

"This is what I want!"

The heavy knife cut the passenger in half as easily as cutting through paper.

"This is what I want!"

Seeing that there were even officials running all the way on the street in the distance, the swordsman Meng Hu simply raised his hand and waved.

The sharp sword energy flew far away, and was about to split the officer into two pieces!

But at this moment, the sword energy cut across the official's figure like it was cutting through the air.

The officer's movements didn't change at all, and he even drew his sword at him.


Swordsman Meng Hu was stunned. He never expected that his attack would have no effect.

"……Who are you?"

"I'm the new policeman in town!"

Even though the officer's hands were still trembling, he still pulled his neck and shouted.

"What are you!"

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