In the Blade

Chapter 567: With one's own strength

Great power has transcended life and death itself, and great power cannot be killed.

Huode Xingjun himself is the best example. Even though half of his body has been burned to ashes, and even the remains of his body have fallen to the ground, he is still not dead and still retains his last consciousness - this Such mundane killings are meaningless to the mighty beings who transcend life and death.

"So, what are you doing?"

Lord Huodexing, who had only one eye left, looked at the back of the man wielding the sword.

Perhaps it was precisely because he was the first to fall that he now had the best viewing position, and with his only eye, he could see everything that happened that day.

The first person to be killed was Wenquxing, who had white hair and beard. This middle-aged scholar-like expert started writing and writing as soon as he started. The huge ink words were flying in the air. It takes shape instantly - obviously, when the word "town" is pressed down, the figure wielding the sword will be unable to move on the spot. After all, this is the entire will of a powerful person, a power far beyond the ordinary.

But that knife is much faster than that pen.

The knife clearly looked so uncoordinated, and even a bit reluctant as a weapon. The too heavy blade was destined to not be a dexterous weapon.

However, such a knife was one step ahead of the stroke and fell on the back of Wenquxing's neck.

The sword chopped off the words in mid-air, and also cut open the middle-aged scribe's neck.


The middle-aged scribe covered his neck and stared blankly at the chopped text in front of him.

" it possible to do that? What kind of knife is that?"

"Butcher the pig with a knife."

The figure holding the big knife said casually, letting the body behind him fall from the air.

The figure had no intention of looking back, just because there were more enemies in front of him.

Lord Huodexing did not recognize the second great power that was killed, but when he took out the flute and started playing, the sweet melody still tore apart the remaining will of Lord Huodexing - at this time, Only then did he know that there are powerful people who have such means. They can become powerful by relying only on music, and even become so powerful... Even when he was in his prime, faced with this melody that hit his heart and soul, he could really Can you do it?

Lord Huo Dexing didn't know whether he could do it. After all, he was now severely disabled and could even be said to be just one step away from death.

But obviously, the figure carrying the big knife can do it.

The thick blade split open the flute, and also split the head behind the flute.

In Huode Xingjun's sight, the previously arrogant power turned into two pieces like him in just an instant.


Mr. Huodexing moved his lips.

However, this is of no use.

For a powerful person who transcends life and death itself, it is impossible to kill him with just such an attack. Not to mention that this strange powerful person is not dead, even Huodexingjun himself is not dead either - firm will Their consciousness is still maintained. As long as their minds are immortal and they still want to live, they will not usher in real death.

What's more, even if they die, they can still find a way to come back to life.

The figure holding the big sword was indeed brave, and his forward-moving attitude was unprecedented. Even in the face of thousands of powerful men, the figure never flinched.

On the contrary, those powerful men flying in mid-air were falling from mid-air one after another.

At first there were just one, two, then three, five, seven, eight. Even though these high-ranking Star Lords had tried their best, they were still chopped down from mid-air by the heavy sword - that The heavy knife, the figure holding the knife, all of this has completely surpassed everyone's common sense.

"How is it possible? How could it be useless?"

There is a blue power that is maintaining the posture of pushing its palms in vain, and the cold chill is gushing out from those palms. Anyone who touches this coldness will probably be frozen in an instant, and then turn into ice. The sky is full of boulders.

But even this attack, which gave Mr. Huo Dexing a headache when he saw it, hit the figure holding the big sword at this moment, but it had no effect at all.

On the contrary, the broadsword, which could only be regarded as ordinary iron, and even not considered sophisticated among ordinary iron, easily split open the waist and abdomen of this powerful man.

"It's useless. That's not normal."

The figure carrying the sword responded like this.

"After all, you are mixed with them, so how can you beat me...I forgot who said this, anyway, cattle and sheep need to be in groups."


The powerful man with only half his body still wanted to spit out chills, but what greeted him was an oncoming CS blow.

After one blow, the scattered corpses fell from the air.

"My will is above yours."

The figure holding the big knife only left these words.

"So it's natural that you lose."

After saying these words, the figure holding the big sword became even more imposing.

On the contrary, the thousands of powerful men who had filled the entire sky before seemed so insignificant at this moment.

Even though these powerful men had done their best, even though the terrifying pressure alone had killed all the creatures in this area, they still could not do anything to the figure swinging the big knife, and their pressure could not shake this figure even a little bit.


The Fire Star Lord watched from afar, watching the figure swinging the big knife to kill people everywhere.

But it was useless.

How many powerful men had been killed by that big knife? Hundreds? Or thousands? The Fire Star Lord, who only had one eye left, could no longer count. He could not even remember how long this battle lasted. He only saw the broken bodies falling from the air like rain, and he only saw the big knife being swung again and again.

But it was useless.

The broken bodies pieced themselves together, and they stood up again and flew high into the sky again.

Those who couldn't stand up used their last consciousness to look at the stars in the sky. Then, the stars they were looking at had a brilliant light falling. They were the resurrected mighty ones who once again joined the battle.

So, it was useless just like this.

No matter how many times the big knife was swung, it was useless, because the big knife was facing a group of opponents who had transcended life and death. As long as the will of these mighty ones had not been swallowed by the will of death, they would not really die - obviously, it was still too far to cut out the will of death in their hearts with just a big knife.

After all, these mighty ones were not the swordsman in the inn before. Only the new mighty ones might die because they didn't understand the situation or didn't prepare enough means of resurrection.

But for these old mighty ones who were fully prepared and had a complete understanding of their own situation, it was almost impossible to kill them by hacking.

"Even your equality of all beings cannot be achieved."

Looking at the figure charging in mid-air, Huo De Xingjun sighed.

Yes, if he was once frightened by the crazy idea of ​​equality of all beings before, but now, he has seen the flaws in this path-this path seems to be extremely crazy, and even a disaster for all the powerful, but now it seems that this path is not without its own problems.

At least now it seems that Du Chengfeng, who has found this path alone, cannot use it.

All beings are equal, all beings are equal. If an ordinary person uses it, it will naturally pull the powerful into the situation of ordinary people-but the problem is here. The figure waving the big knife, Du Chengfeng who has found this path, is also a powerful person.

Powerful people are equal to each other, and powerful people cannot be killed. So what is the difference between equality and no equality?

Maybe there is still a difference.

That is, there are too many powerful people on this side.

There are too many powerful people, so no matter how many fall, they can always stand up and continue to fight - this means that they have countless opportunities to try, and can withstand countless failures. No matter how many times they fall, they can always stand up again.

But there is only one person wielding the big knife.

There is only one person, which means there is only one chance. Even if those powerful people are killed for a while, there will be other powerful people rushing forward one after another, and these killed powerful people can also have enough time to recover themselves, or simply revive on the spot and come down from the starry sky - but if the figure wielding the big knife falls...

Who will give him a chance?

No one will give him a chance. As long as the figure wielding the big knife shows even a little fatigue, it will be instantly overwhelmed by thousands of attacks on the spot. These powerful people will tear it to pieces and crush every inch of it, and will never let him have the slightest chance to recover.

This battle was unfair from the beginning.

Or in other words, is there really any fairness in fighting?

It seems so. There may never be any fairness in fighting. Either the strong ones use their superb skills and tyrannical brute force to crush the weak ones, or the weak ones are forced to use more sophisticated techniques to charge at the strong ones. As for the so-called fair fight... even in the ring competition, there is also a distinction between the strong and the weak.

A true battle of the same level will not happen from the beginning. After all, such a battle will not benefit both sides, and may even end up with both sides losing.

"In other words, if all beings are equal, then there is true peace?"

Thinking of this, Huo De Xingjun was suddenly stunned.

Then, Huo De Xingjun sighed.

It doesn't exist. Such a thing is impossible. As long as they are human, they can be divided into strong and weak. As long as they are divided into strong and weak, they will be divided into superior and inferior. Even among the powerful, there are superior and inferior.

Such things will not change because of a firm personal will.

Or in other words, no matter how firm a personal will is, it is just one person.

But this person has to face the stars in the sky, and even the vast galaxy.

That is the will of all the powerful. Their will is also a will, and even a firm will that transcends life and death itself.

Trying to use the will of just one person to fight against the will of all the powerful is like hitting a rock with an egg.

No matter how strong this egg is, it will eventually break.

Just like now.

At first, it was just a stream of light that brushed past the body, and that stream of light didn't even cause any real damage. The figure was still swinging the big knife, and even slashed back along the stream of light, splitting the powerful person who shot the stream of light in two.

But then, another purple air hit the back of the figure.

Just like when the figure first killed these powerful people, at first it was only the first and second attacks, but then it was the third and even the fifth. More and more attacks hit the figure holding the big knife, which made the figure who was still fighting in blood become slower and more sluggish.

"That's it! Kill him while he's sick!"

The resurrected Wenquxing also shouted in the air, and his hand was even more swift.


This can't even be called a word, just two simple ink marks, but this seemingly ordinary ink mark is far sharper than those divine weapons and precious blades - when it was cut by these two ink marks, the body as hard as fine steel was also neatly divided into four pieces.

"Come on!"

The azure-colored great power just raised his hand and waved, and an arm that seemed to be cast in steel was frozen by the cold air and torn into pieces in an instant.

After that, the great power who was proficient in music, after touching the flute, even gave up using his ability, flew directly into the air, and tore off a leg with brute force.

This tearing was more like a signal, and more and more great powers flew towards the broken body. The steel-like body was torn to pieces by them. The arrogant figure who even chased them and killed them before was finally turned into pieces of debris in their hands.

"We won!"

Until even the heavy sword was broken into two pieces, the group of powerful people finally declared their victory.

And these torn pieces will also be dispersed and suppressed by them. Facing this extraterritorial demon who dared to fight with them for so long, they will definitely suppress and seal it, so that this extraterritorial demon will never be reborn.

"Really... did we win?"

Looking at the powerful people celebrating their victory in the air, and the powerful people who turned into streams of light and scattered, Huo De Xingjun, who fell to the ground, was suddenly stunned.

Huo De Xingjun, who was already seriously injured, was a little fuzzy at this moment, but it was precisely because his consciousness gradually became blurred that his senses became more acute.

The will of the powerful is firm enough to transcend life and death. The powerful cannot be killed by conventional means. Even Du Chengfeng, who is crazy enough to think that all beings should be equal, cannot really kill another powerful person.

But on the other hand, other powerful people cannot really kill the figure who swung the sword.


Really, did I win?

"No, that's not right..."

As his consciousness became increasingly blurred, Huo De Xing Jun gradually closed his eyes.

"This is not the end..."

At the end of his consciousness, Huo De Xing Jun clearly felt it.

A new struggle began.

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