In the Blade

Chapter 58 Carpenter Li

Not long after Du Chengfeng rode away, Carpenter Li was still trembling against the ax in the warehouse.

Not just because of fear, but because he was shivering in a physical sense. He always felt that the ax was like ice cubes frozen in winter. Just looking at it made his whole body cold.

He didn't dare to touch it, he really didn't dare to touch it. He would never touch this ax even once.

Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, Carpenter Li simply closed the door to the warehouse. He couldn't do much carpentry work in this situation anyway, so he might as well close the ax inside, which would at least make him feel more at ease.

But just when Carpenter Li was about to return to the main room to make some food for his wife and children, his courtyard door was pushed open.

"Have you seen my scimitar?"

It was Yang Sanlang who came in through the door. He was going from house to house asking him where the knife was.

"I obviously remembered to bring it back..."

"Didn't see it."

Carpenter Li scratched his head for a while.

He must have seen it, after all, Du Chengfeng still brought the scimitar when he came to him, but he definitely wouldn't tell it. Since Brother Du took the knife away, it must be of great use.

"Do you want to stop looking?"

"I won't look for it anymore. Maybe this is one of the tests my ancestors gave me."

Yang Sanlang thought for a while, but he had no intention of continuing to search.

There was really no need to search anymore. He had already asked the whole village. Carpenter Li at the entrance of the village was the last one he asked. If he couldn't find it again, then there was really no need to search anymore.

"Maybe this is what my ancestors wanted to tell me. The knife is actually not that important. The person who uses the knife is the most important."

Saying this, Yang Sanlang, who had been running around, simply sat down and asked Carpenter Li for a bowl of water.

They were all from the countryside, and Carpenter Li didn't refuse. What's more, Yang Sanlang was someone he had grown up with, and he could be considered a top-notch talent in the past few years - but only in the past few years. Ever since his brother Du Chengfeng and Du arrived, Yang Sanlang began his path of madness and has not stopped until now.

Thinking of this, Carpenter Li couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but there was nothing he could do about this kind of thing.

After all, his brother Du is really too strong.

Two male cats would start fighting together, not to mention two tigers. Most of the young men were very energetic, and they would definitely have to compete with each other - but compared with his Du brothers, Yang was still like a cub. Saburo can only be regarded as a male cat.

Youdao always irritates people to death, and Yang Sanlang is obviously the type to be irritated to death.

That night, everyone in the village knew that Yang Sanlang challenged Du Chengfeng. Although his brother Du spared Yang Sanlang's life, his almost indifferent attitude was almost equivalent to breaking Yang Sanlang's back.

Carpenter Li knew about this, but the two parties in the duel had a grudge after all, not to mention that what Yang Sanlang did was indeed unreasonable, and he didn't want to say anything more as an outsider.


Thinking of this, Carpenter Li simply found the sugar jar and added some sweetness to Yang Sanlang's water bowl.

He could only express his sympathy in this way.

"Thanks, Uncle Li."

After a moment of silence, Yang Sanlang took the water bowl.

It was at this time that the sound of galloping horses came from afar.

"Yes...ah, he is back."

Carpenter Li turned his head to look in the direction of the door, but consciously did not mention Du Chengfeng's name.

"He went out in the morning, so he should be back soon."

"...Uncle Li, you don't have to be like this."

Yang Sanlang forced a smile.

"I...have given up. The fact that I have survived until now means that this life he gave me on credit. I also admit that the words of encouragement must be a bit false, but I also know that it is useless even if I don't accept it. People won’t take it seriously.”

"It's all the same."

Carpenter Li poured another bowl of sugar water over.

"Men are all like this. They all learn to grow up by watching another man. Your father passed away early, and Mr. Yang was such a sweet-tempered man. He could teach you how to read and digit, but he didn't I’ll teach you how to be a man..."

"Forget it, Uncle Li, let's not talk about this."

Shaking his head, Yang Sanlang was ready to drink another bowl.

But just when Yang Sanlang was about to pick up the water bowl from the table, he found that the sugar water in the bowl was shaking slightly.


Yang Sanlang subconsciously raised his head and listened to the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer.

That was not the sound that a single war horse could make, it was clearly dozens of war horses galloping together!

The sound of hooves is like thunder!

"It's the Cavalry!"

Yang Sanlang stood up suddenly.

"Quick! Uncle Li! Find something to hold up the door! They will be there soon..."


Before Yang Sanlang could finish speaking, the weak wooden door had been completely knocked open.

The Hu Qingqi in fur coats dismounted one after another, their eyes were scarlet like ghosts crawling out of hell.

Yang Sanlang, who was bare-handed, was about to rush forward, but was pulled back by Li Carpenter.

"This way!"

Gritting his teeth, Carpenter Li dragged Yang Sanlang to the edge of the warehouse.

The barbarians behind him had already rushed over, and Carpenter Li couldn't care less. He simply opened the door of the warehouse and pushed Yang Sanlang in.

"Get the ax! Quick!"


Yang Sanlang had also seen the axe. He recognized it. The armored general who broke through Yangjiabao was holding this axe.

Can he really lift this axe?

Can he really kill the enemy with this axe?


Just as he reached out for the axe, Yang Sanlang screamed in pain as if he had been electrocuted.

And a layer of frost had already appeared on his arms.

Obviously, the axe rejected him and didn't even want him to touch it.

"What's wrong!"

Carpenter Li, who was lame on one leg, was still running away desperately. He had even been stabbed twice on his back, but when he raised his head, he saw even deeper despair.

Yang Sanlang failed to pick up the axe.


When he was desperate, two more scimitars chopped Carpenter Li's shoulders.

The scimitar pierced his flesh, blood flowed, and Carpenter Li was chopped to the ground, unable to get up.

But at this moment, he saw those red-eyed barbarians dragging his wife and children out of the house.

The children were still crying, and his wife was so scared that she was dumbfounded - yes, facing these red-eyed barbarians, facing those swords full of murderous spirits, who would not be afraid? Who would not be afraid?

Carpenter Li was also afraid, he was more afraid than anyone else, he was timid, he fainted at blood, he was afraid of death, he didn't even dare to kill a chicken. As for those fierce weapons, they were his nightmare. Whenever he woke up at midnight, he would think of that bloody day and the corpses all over the ground.

And the timid self.

As long as he was a good person, he could survive, he always thought so, as long as he was kind to others, he could live on, he always thought so. He never wanted much. He just wanted to live like a normal person and live with his family.

But this was not enough.

Far from enough.


Seeing the scimitars of the barbarians about to chop his wife and children, Carpenter Li finally gave up thinking completely.

"I'll give you my life."

Saying this, Carpenter Li held a cold axe handle.

Even though his arms were already frosted, Carpenter Li held the axe handle tightly and never wavered.

"I'll give you my life. It doesn't matter what you want, as long as my wife and children can survive!"


The north wind was howling, and blood was floating.

The head that was just ferocious had already rolled to the ground.

And Carpenter Li's eyes were completely bloody.

It's true that I got up late, and it's a bit late to update. I still want to find a way to fix the update time.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to Liu Ran, Yan Fei of a certain beauty, and the reward of fake wine and cephalosporin. I am really honored and it is really a waste of money.

Thanks to Dongfang Bubai Dare Not Castrate Himself, Book Friend 20220830180743036, not for nothing, modest words, Book Friend 202109300071449471, it is worthy of Republican vj, long night, four-pointed star flower, Book Friend 20200203153206380, Liu Ran, LOYAI, Book Friend 20171030205944123, Seventeen Ranjue, AzharFU, a humble boy with little talent and learning , Book friend 20210301106509083160, Spring sleepiness and not sleeping in the middle of the night, Book friend 20170308124834521, Yan Fei of a certain beauty, Book friend 20180516074704742, Book friend 20190828014123118, Book friend 202206290253355354, Lazy King, Book friend 20210112143746499's monthly ticket.

Thank you all for your kindness. It is my motivation to move forward if everyone can read it comfortably. I will continue to write.

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