In the Blade

Chapter 573 This is attack, this is defense

In the final analysis, Du Chengfeng and the old blacksmith are currently in a very complementary relationship.

The weakest mortal with the strongest weapon can kill anyone who stands in their way.

But if they are separated, problems will arise. Du Chengfeng has not yet fully recovered his body. Even if he has the ability to act alone as a sword, without the most critical sword holder, his power of equality for all beings will not be able to be exerted.

As for the old blacksmith, it is even more troublesome. Without Du Chengfeng's force, this old man really has no ability to resist risks at all - let alone the enemies Du Chengfeng himself encountered, any of the Giant Shark Gang members can make the old blacksmith lie dead on the street.

"So no matter what, there must be some basic combat power, right?"

This is also another purpose of Du Chengfeng in this operation.

After all, the old blacksmith was an ordinary person. He could be weak and inexperienced. Du Chengfeng could understand all this. But at present, the two sides were in a cooperative relationship after all. Even if this cooperative relationship might not last long, the old blacksmith had to at least master some basic combat power.

At the very least, the old man had to learn to use a sword first, right?

If they couldn't even use a sword, what cooperation could they have?

"Don't use your eyes to see, use your body to feel."

While sending this message to the old blacksmith, Du Chengfeng launched an attack on the enemies swarming in front of him.

"This is a chop! This is a stab!"

After just two short swings of the sword, seven people lay on the ground.

They were all yamen runners loyal to Captain Zhang. On weekdays, they followed Captain Zhang and did a lot of bullying and even bullying men and women. But just when they thought that the waist knife in their hands could still chop down the old man as before, the oncoming sword light directly cut off the steel knife on the spot.

Together with their bodies.

"This is a belt! This is a stab!"

The sword hooked and slid, and the water and fire sticks that came from the side were led to the empty space. Then the sharp sword stabbed straight, and the sneak attacking yamen runner was pierced through the chest on the spot.

The old blacksmith holding the sword was still a little frightened at first, but as the long sword moves became more and more fierce, the old blacksmith gradually immersed himself in these sword moves.

The sword moves were not complicated, and could even be said to be very simple. Each move was the basic of the basics - but these extremely basic sword moves, at this moment, produced great power. Just look at the chopping, stabbing, picking and slashing. None of the opponents in front of him could take even one move. Under this blocking and washing belt, even if these ferocious runners and thugs attacked in various ways, none of them could fall on him.

"This... is a sword."

In a trance, the old blacksmith actually felt the feeling of being a teenager in the past for the first time in a long time.

At that time, he had just come into contact with swords, and no one could teach him anything, so he could only hold the sword in his hand casually and wave it randomly based on his feelings. Although there was no exquisiteness in this way of swinging, just swinging it like this was enough for him to feel the joy brought by the sword.

But it was just joy. The old blacksmith at that time knew very well that the sword was never such a simple thing. The sword moves were complicated and varied, and ordinary people like him would never be able to learn them in their lifetime.

But now...

"It turns out, it turns out..."

The old blacksmith who was swinging the sword burst into tears for a while.

It turned out that the sword was not what he imagined.

It turned out that the so-called sword moves could be so simple.

Or, no matter how complicated the sword moves were, they were ultimately composed of these basics. Even these extremely simple basics, when used to a high level, would burst out with unimaginable sharpness.

This feeling, this feeling...

It was exactly the same as when he was young and swinging the sword randomly.

It turned out that he was not wrong back then, and those random swings were not meaningless. He could have always walked on the swordsman path he longed for, but he had always chosen to give up.

So, why was he crying?

Probably because what he was swinging now might not be the sword wind.

It was the cool breeze blowing from the countryside when he was a teenager.


Taking a deep breath, the old blacksmith raised his left hand that had not yet grasped the sword and wiped away his tears.

Perhaps because the killing just now was too fierce and decisive, the policemen and thugs who surrounded him began to dare not move forward, but at this moment the old blacksmith had no intention of retreating.

Stepping on the corpse on the ground, he even took the initiative to meet it.

"I can do it... Yes! I can do it!"

Holding the sword tightly in his hand, the old blacksmith was full of confidence.

Yes, he couldn't do it before. On the one hand, it was because he had always chosen to retreat, but on the other hand, it was because he really didn't know how to fight - in fact, it was because he didn't know how to fight and couldn't beat these people that he could only choose to be timid and retreat.

This can't even be called cowardly, just because it has become a special survival wisdom born out of being forced.

But now, he has learned to fight.

Even if it's just some of the most basic sword moves, it's still something that can be used. If you add this rare sword in your hand...

Even if it's just basic sword moves, it can make him kill people everywhere!

"This is blocking! This is blocking!"

Seeing that the officers and thugs hesitated for a moment and then rushed over again with their weapons, the old blacksmith did not retreat but advanced, with the sword flashing in his hand.

"This is chopping! This is stabbing!"

There were only two clangs, and the water and fire sticks and steel knives that came towards him were all blocked by the sword spine, and the officers and thugs were directly swept by the sword light on the spot, and they died.

"This is..."

The old blacksmith was very excited. This was the first time he realized that being a swordsman was so refreshing.

The most important thing was that he knew clearly from the beginning that this was not a dream, but reality.

This was not the kind of reckless and random madness in the dream, but the passion to move forward bravely even though he knew that this was reality. Now he can finally say proudly that he is no longer the timid old man, and he will also become a swordsman one day, and he can also stand tall!

This also made the sword in his hand, that is, Du Chengfeng, quite pleased.

"Is the effect so good?"

Du Chengfeng was also quite surprised. You know, he has always been accustomed to failure when making various attempts - even if he succeeded a few times occasionally, it can only be regarded as an ordinary success, not a perfect one.

But now, this time... You know, he only taught some basic sword moves, and there are even a lot of follow-up plans that have not been implemented yet.

But the change of this old blacksmith has far exceeded his expectations!

"Surprised! I also have good luck sometimes?"

Although it is a great success that is rare, because this success is too small, Du Chengfeng will not be shaken by it - as a mature warrior who has fought countless battles, he can still stay calm enough in the battle.

So when the old blacksmith was killing people, Du Chengfeng also reminded him.

"Now you have mastered the most basic attack and defense skills."


The old blacksmith swung his sword to cut off three water and fire sticks, and he felt the joy brought by the sword.

"I have mastered it completely! So this is the sword..."

"It's good to master it."

Seeing that the old blacksmith had even given an answer with his actions, Du Chengfeng was relieved.

"Since you have mastered the basic attack and defense skills, it's just right. After three breaths, there will be two evil spirits sent to you. Kill them."

"Of course!"

The old blacksmith laughed happily.

"It's just two...ah?"

The happy laughter froze.



Before the old blacksmith could react, the surging knife light had already fallen from the sky.

The broken bodies flew everywhere, and even the ground paved with bluestone was smashed to pieces by this knife light. The ground was even split into a gully, and the old blacksmith himself was already flying backwards.

"Is it this old guy?"

A bald man carrying a machete flew down from midair, his tall body shining like an iron tower under the moonlight.

"With just this old bone, can it kill all the brothers of my Giant Shark Gang?"

"Boss He, look at the corpses on the ground."

At this time, a scholar in a green shirt holding a long sword also walked out of the shadows.

"Although the sword marks on these corpses are not exquisite, they are extremely skillful... This old guy has some skills, so don't be arrogant."

"Master Meng, you are just too timid. Or, are all you swordsmen so timid?"

The bald man called Boss He sneered.

"It's just an old bone, so why bother?"

With these words, the machete was swung down again.

The dazzling knife energy went all the way forward, directly taking the old blacksmith's head.


The great terror between life and death made the old blacksmith wet his pants on the spot.

It was at this time that he realized what level of monster he was facing - you know, even if he learned sword moves, he could only be considered a beginner. He might be able to fight some yamen runners and thugs, but if he really encountered some evil spirits in his body, he might even be able to fight them.

Yes, evil spirits in the body, this is already an extremely terrifying opponent in the eyes of the old blacksmith. After all, he had seen those martial arts crazy people with evil spirits in their bodies. Although the evil spirits affected their rationality, they also brought unparalleled speed and strength to their bodies. The blessing has long been beyond common sense and cannot be beaten by ordinary sword moves.

But now he can fight with it, just because the grade of the weapon in his hand is too excellent. He can directly smash these weapons with evil spirits in their bodies, and then smash the people behind the weapons.

But now, what appeared in front of him was the evil spirits released.

If the evil spirit entering the body can already be called a master, then releasing the evil spirit can be said to be a master among masters - if they can release the evil spirit, their attack has completely exceeded common sense, and the material of the weapon in their hands is no longer an obstacle. After all, they can easily use the weapon to swing the evil spirit in the form of swords and sabers.

If the evil spirit entering the body can already make a person infinitely close to a hundred enemies, then if it is replaced by a master who releases the evil spirit, the worst of them will already have the strength of a thousand men.

Such a terrifying he really something he can handle?

And two at once?


Even if the old blacksmith regretted it now, it was already too late, because the oncoming sword light was so fast that it had already hit him in front of him without even giving him a chance to speak.

But some things are faster than the light of a sword.

That was the sword in the hand of the old blacksmith. The sharp sword had already stopped in front of the light at some point, and flames suddenly appeared on the sword's blade!


It was at this time that the old blacksmith vaguely heard a sigh.

The flaming sword easily split the blade.

But this time, it was replaced by a sword, or Du Chengfeng himself came.

Du Chengfeng also didn't expect that things would develop like this. You must know that what came was just two evil spirits. If he farts, five of them will be killed - well, this is a bit of a stand-up. It doesn't hurt to talk anymore. After all, there was a time when he didn't have the strength. At that time, when he faced He Xiqing, he was suppressed by the other party.

But what the old man is facing now is a completely different situation.

He Xiqing was really strong back then, and the two evil spirits in front of him were really strong. In addition, the old man had this sword in his hand. No matter how you look at it, this old man's advantages were greater than his own back then. It was too big - even if the old man was facing two evil spirits, it would still be the same.

It's just two evil spirits released. What does this mean?

But obviously, this matter is nothing to the old blacksmith.

Both sides were still in the opening stage of the wave, and before they could get in the face and swing their swords, the old man's legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up, and he even peed on the spot.

That’s not even a description, it’s actually pissing.

If he still maintained his normal body, Du Chengfeng would even want to hide his face and sigh.

He knew that his luck would not be so good, and the so-called great success before was nothing more than an illusion.

It seems that he still has a long way to go before this old man can master some of the most basic combat skills.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Controlling the old man's sword hand, Du Chengfeng made two empty backhand swings.

The bald man who looked like an iron tower and the scribe in blue shirt had turned into two headless corpses before they even had time to show off their talents.

"It's still too bad..."

Forcibly dragging up the old blacksmith's limp body, Du Chengfeng and the old blacksmith continued to move forward.

"You still have to practice."

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