In the Blade

Chapter 582: Superpowers, Regret for Killing

Although if we extend the time span, heroes and heroes from ancient times to the present are numerous, but in each era, there seem to be only a handful of people who can be called heroes and heroes.

Among this small number of people, only a very small number of people have the opportunity to gain power, soar all the way to the sky, and become powerful, or what outsiders call the Star Lord.

In other words, every powerful person can be called a hero among heroes, a hero among heroes.

Such people are naturally not lacking in ability, and they all have their own paths to take, and their own ambitions and aspirations - in other words, no one is convinced by anyone else. After all, everyone has fought their way up with their own abilities, so why should they listen to you?

If you have not yet become a powerful person, this disagreement is actually relatively easy to resolve. As long as you catch the opponent and beat him to his knees and dying, facing the threat of death, the superiority and inferiority will naturally be separated.

But only at the level of powerful people, this kind of thing cannot be done.

The powerful people would occasionally fight to the death, but that was often only today. Even if they lost today, what about tomorrow?

As the saying goes, there is a day when tiles can turn over, and there is a time when the east wind turns south. To become a powerful person and fly to the sky, who has not experienced countless hardships and tribulations, and who has not survived again and again - in other words, for most powerful people, as long as they are not dead, they have not lost, and there is still a chance.

However, the problem lies here. If you can't tell who is better, no one will submit to anyone, and naturally you can't form a faction or form an organization.

So all along, although the number of powerful people has been increasing, their relationship is still relatively loose. No one can command anyone, and no one can instruct anyone.

But this time, there was an exception.

"Wenquxing, this old dog..."

The powerful person who landed on the top of the mountain couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

The powerful man who came here was called Baizu Xingjun. He was the ruler of a small country in the southwest in the past. However, compared with the rulers of the Central Plains who were always fighting for the throne, Baizu Xingjun was more inclined to study power itself. In Baizu Xingjun's view, these mundane powers were just passing clouds. The power that really determined everything was the power of life and death brought by power.

Facts have proved that Baizu Xingjun's judgment was indeed correct. His extraordinary strength not only made his power stable, but also brought him a long life. So after more than two hundred years of hard work, Baizu Xingjun finally broke through the barrier and flew to the sky, achieving the honor of a powerful man.

This world speaks with power.

Baizu Xingjun has always felt this way.

But recently, things have changed.

Everything started with the crusade against the extraterritorial demon. Originally, Baizu Xingjun was a little confused about how powerful the extraterritorial demon was that it was worth all the powerful people to join forces to crusade against it. However, the extraterritorial demon was indeed strong enough. Baizu Xingjun still remembered that in that battle, many powerful people were killed several times, and even he himself was stabbed.

But it was only stabbed once. The extraterritorial demon was not strong enough to kill him with one sword. Even his counterattack caused a lot of trouble for the extraterritorial demon.

This also made Baizu Xingjun more confused.

The extraterritorial demon was indeed strong, but it was obviously not strong enough to mobilize a large number of troops. The thousands of powerful people gathered together and seemed to fight with great momentum, but as a witness, Baizu Xingjun always felt that many of the powerful people came to make up the numbers. In other words, many powerful people actually did not have the strength to participate in this kind of battle at all, but they were still pulled over.

Participating in a battle that you shouldn't participate in, the consequence is naturally to be killed on the spot. Even if you can rely on life-saving means to revive a few more times, you will only be killed a few more times.

So that battle seemed so tragic, to put it bluntly, it was mainly because a bunch of irrelevant great powers were queuing up to die.

It was precisely because these weak great powers left corpses again and again that the extraterritorial demon stood on the mountain of corpses and looked terrifyingly strong.

"There must be something wrong here."

The Hundred-foot Star Lord keenly noticed the abnormality. He always felt that the extraterritorial demon was just a trigger.

Facts have proved that the perception of the Hundred-foot Star Lord is correct, because even after a war, the extraterritorial demon was successfully conquered, and the gathered great powers did not disperse - because the extraterritorial demon has not completely died and needs to be suppressed, so Wenquxing proposed to gather the power of a group of great powers to split and suppress the body of the extraterritorial demon to prevent future troubles.

Therefore, with the fierce enemy of the extraterritorial demon, the originally loose powers have been organized.

With an organization, they naturally have to obey the organization's dispatch. After all, no one wants the extraterritorial demon to come back to life and slaughter the heavens again - it is precisely for this reason that the Centipede Star Lord was sent here to suppress the suspected revived extraterritorial demon.

The one who issued this dispatch order was Wenquxing.

It was Wenquxing, whose strength was far inferior to his.

"Who are you! How dare you ask me to do something!"

When he received this order, the Centipede Star Lord slammed the table on the spot. If Wenquxing could beat him, it would be fine, but the problem was that Wenquxing's strength was far inferior to his - a weak person who was far inferior to him was ordering him, a strong man, to work? Why? On what basis?

"Why don't you go? And them, why don't they go?"

"We have more things to do, not to mention that our strength is also average."

Bai Zu Xingjun still remembers that the middle-aged scholar with white hair and beard said this.

"Since Senior Bai Zu is stronger than us, he must be able to handle this matter... Please make a trip."

You have things to do, but I don't?

Bai Zu Xingjun was very angry. You know, he has reached a critical stage in cultivating poisonous insects. It is the time when he can't leave. How can he have time to care about the remains of the extraterritorial demon?

But since it has come to this, Bai Zu Xingjun has no reason to refuse, so he can only come here to check the unusual movements here.

"Wen Quxing, this old dog... he is definitely doing it on purpose!"

Bai Zu Xingjun cursed again. He felt more and more that this extraterritorial demon was not that important. On the contrary, Wen Quxing was the one who really deserved to die.

"When I return, I will kill you!"

Take a deep breath, Baizu Xingjun raised his hand and summoned a giant centipede that was several feet long, and then rode the centipede into the mountain.

This mountain is the seal itself, and inside is the remains of the extraterritorial demon. According to Wenquxing, Fengling Xingjun will be there to meet him. If Fengling Xingjun is fine, then he can just go back directly. The whole process is not so much about asking him to come and solve the problem, but rather asking him to come and pass on a message. At most, that's all.

He also knew Fengling Xingjun. This Fengling Xingjun was good friends with Wenquxing, and could even be said to be a loyal fan of Wenquxing. But what made Baizu Xingjun most angry was that this Fengling Xingjun was not as strong as him.

Two people who were not as strong as him could order him to be a messenger to pass on a message. Is this what Wenquxing was going to do?

"I should have not joined this Wanxing League if I had known earlier!"

Thinking of this, Baizu Xingjun couldn't help but spit.

He suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he should not have participated in the crusade against the extraterritorial demons. That way, he would not have been dragged into it, and naturally he would not have fallen to this point. When he returned, he would have to quit the Ten Thousand Star Alliance. This was not a place for him to stay.

"So... wait, why did I suddenly start thinking about this?"

Thinking of this, the Centipede Star Lord suddenly frowned.

No matter how bad the recent events were, as an old and powerful man, he would not be unable to handle even this little emotion. Complaining is complaining, and doing things is doing things. He can still distinguish between these things. But just now, he suddenly couldn't tell the difference, and even started to complain while doing things, confusing the two together.

"What's wrong?"

The Centipede Star Lord felt vaguely that something seemed to be wrong.

But he didn't have time to worry about this little thing at the moment, because at this moment he had already entered the mountain. The huge centipede hovered in the cavity of the mountain for a while, and the Centipede Star Lord discovered the abnormality here.

First of all, Feng Ling Xingjun died. Even though Feng Ling Xingjun was much weaker than him, he was at least a powerful person with some strength. However, this existence that seemed like a god in the eyes of mortals was now only a broken body lying on the ground.

And behind this corpse, the remains of the extraterritorial demon that was supposed to be sealed there had also disappeared.

"Is it really an accident?"

Baizu Xingjun frowned slightly.

With just a wave of his hand, the huge centipede that was several feet long curled up. With a sound of mechanical coupling that made people's teeth ache, the huge centipede turned into a dark long staff in a moment.

After picking up the long staff, Baizu Xingjun, who fell to the ground, swung the long staff and waved it above his head.

The green poison instantly filled the entire mountain cavity.

Yes, this is the fighting method that Baizu Xingjun is best at, especially in such a closed environment, his poison can achieve the greatest effect - as for himself, he had already practiced to be immune to all poisons in the two hundred years before he became a star lord, and after becoming a great power, these little poisonous fogs have no effect on him.

But that only has no effect on him. If any other great power comes, no matter how high their cultivation is, they can only last for three breaths in this poisonous fog at most.

After three breaths, even a great power will probably die on the spot.

"So you're not coming out yet?"

Baizu Xingjun's sight passed through the poisonous fog and examined the surrounding environment.

"No need to hide, you didn't leave, and you shouldn't have time to escape in this time... I saw you, you are here, aren't you?"

As he said this, Baizu Xingjun's long staff suddenly stretched out and stabbed into the void not far away.

The originally dark place suddenly revealed a sword shadow under this stab. It turns out that in addition to the killing effect, the biggest use of the poisonous fog of the Centipede Star Lord is perception.

"This light-blocking technique... did you use the Taoism of the Yaoguang Star Lord?"

The Centipede Star Lord sneered.

"But, so what? Even if the Yaoguang Star Lord came in person, I would..."


Before the Centipede Star Lord finished speaking, the dazzling sword light suddenly stabbed over from the side!

But this fatal blow was still blocked by Baizu Xingjun. After all, he was a real veteran with strong strength. Strength was everything. With only this little skill, he could not escape his sight at all. This kind of shallow sword move was even less likely to hurt him.

"Just this... huh?"

Baizu Xingjun, who was about to counterattack, suddenly frowned.

He thought of the poisonous insects that he had not yet cultivated.

Not only the poisonous insects that had not yet been cultivated, he even thought of his own experience. Obviously, as a powerful veteran, he should have practiced his own Taoism further, but what was he doing now? Helping two weaklings to deliver letters?

Yes, now a weakling is dead, but he has to clean up the mess left behind. This kind of thing doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. He is a strong man, why should he do things for the weak?

Is it because he was soft-hearted at the time and participated in the action of crusading against the demons?

Is it because he joined this, the Ten Thousand Star Alliance?

"Regret! Regret! Regret!"

For a moment, the Hundred-foot Star Lord regretted his decision!

If he had not joined the Ten Thousand Star Alliance, he would not have ended up in this situation. If he had not participated in the crusade against the extraterritorial demon, there would naturally be no subsequent events. If he had not been obsessed with power before ascending to the sky and had not paid any attention to the small country he once belonged to, that small country would not have quickly turned to destruction after he ascended to the sky.

Regret! Regret! Regret!

The Hundred-foot Star Lord has never regretted so much.

But things have passed after all. Now, no matter how much he regrets, it is too late. No matter how much he regrets, the past can never happen again, and he can't choose again - just like now, no matter how much he regrets his distraction, there is no chance to do it again.

The sharp sword blade like white bones has already stabbed into his throat. At this moment, he can't even speak. How can there be any chance to do it again?

"Regret! Regret!"

With a sharp sword stuck in his throat, the Centipede Star Lord even had the intention of dying in his heart.

Yes, that's it. Regret is like a maggot on the heel. It is impossible to stop it no matter what. The only thing that can stop regret is probably death itself.

As long as you die, you won't regret it, right?


With the last breath exhaled, the Centipede Star Lord died on the spot.

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