In the Blade

Chapter 589 Demonic Soldiers, Real Mirror

After looking at Wenquxingjun, who was still intact, and at the pile of rotten flesh on the ground that he had hammered out, Juyangxingjun's mind couldn't turn around for a while.

It makes no sense. This kind of thing makes no sense at all. Juyang Xingjun can be sure that he will never kill the wrong person - just because of Wenquxingjun's temperament and the Taoist power that belongs to Wenquxingjun himself. It's really It's so obvious that it's impossible for anyone to disguise it so well.

Could it be that Wenqu Xingjun had already planned on this day, so he had arranged a substitute for himself decades, even hundreds, or thousands of years in advance?

To be so insidious and cunning, this old dog Wenquxingjun...

"That's fine."

Taking a deep breath, Juyang Xingjun clenched the war hammer in his hand.

The matter has reached this point, and it is no longer time to investigate the cause of the matter. All he can do now is kill, and he can only kill.

What's more, this isn't even a bad thing for him.

The position he wanted has not yet been obtained, his desire has not been satisfied, and the blessing of the war hammer in his hand is still continuing. At this moment, he can clearly feel that his power is increasing so much that even he Like the giant sun hammer in his hand, his body grew stronger.

At this moment, he is not so much a person as a humanoid war machine. Nothing can stop his pace. Everything will be turned into powder under his heavy hammer!

He can kill Wenqu Xingjun the first time, and he can kill Wenqu Xingjun the second time!


With a violent roar, Juyang Star Lord rushed towards Wenqu Star Lord, and the war hammer in his hand was swung out again, with unparalleled power!


With just one hammer blow, both the bookcase and Wenqu Xingjun were smashed into pieces.

There was even a huge crater on the ground.

"That's all?"

Juyang Xingjun couldn't help but sneer.

Wenquxingjun, this old dog, was bluffing when he suddenly appeared, but now it seems that this old dog is nothing more than that - he didn't even feel any resistance from Wenquxingjun, and he had already smashed the opponent into pieces. Meat puree.

With just this little bit of strength, does he deserve to be said to be overestimating his abilities?

Just this kind of thing...

"whispering sound."

Shaking his head, Juyang Xingjun suddenly lost interest.

Originally, he thought that even if he already had the blessing of magic weapons, if he wanted to defeat Wenqu Xingjun, he would probably have to fight for 300 rounds. After all, Wenqu Xingjun also had magic soldiers and had mysterious methods—— But now it seems that Wenquxingjun is still too weak.

Indeed, this Lord Wenquxing may have mastered some magic weapons, but so what?

In front of him, Wenquxingjun didn't even have a chance to draw out the magic weapon.

This is the gap in strength, and it is also an absolute gap.

In this world, strength is still respected after all...

"Crack, snap, snap."

At this time, a burst of applause suddenly sounded from behind Juyang Xingjun.

"It's amazing. You did a good job. You can actually kill a powerful person at such a fast speed. You are worthy of Juyang Xingjun."

Along with the sound of applause, a familiar tone also came.

"But this doesn't seem to be your own power... Mr. Ju Yangxing, what's going on with the hammer in your hand? Why does it have the aura of an extraterrestrial demon on it?"


Juyang Xingjun suddenly turned around, only to find that Wenquxingjun, whose beard and hair were all white, was still standing not far away.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all.

The Wenquxing Lord he just killed was not fake. He could clearly feel the inflow of power. He had indeed killed Wenquxing Lord. This was definitely not a false illusion. He had killed two powerful men one after another. All of them were Lord Wenquxing... But how could it be possible that the two powerful men he killed were both Lord Wenquxing?

What went wrong? Why is Wenquxingjun still alive?

Could it be that something went wrong with his magic soldiers?

"What, you finally found out?"

Not far away, Mr. Wenquxing still had the same smiling expression.

"The power of this extraterrestrial demon is not that easy to use..."


Juyang Xingjun charged again without hesitation.

If he had doubts about the magic soldiers in his hands just now, then when Wenquxingjun spoke, he had directly erased this doubt from his heart - the matter itself is not important, the important thing is that he must not fall into the trap. This is Wenquxingjun's plan to alienate you!

He believed in the magic soldiers in his hands just as the magic soldiers in his hands believed in him.

This is a fateful encounter, and it is their mutual luck. As giant suns, they will stand firm and move forward indomitably!


Another hammer blow, and the newly appeared Wenqu Xingjun turned into a pile of minced meat again.

After killing the third Wenqu Xingjun, Juyang Xingjun's power increased dramatically. Not only did his entire figure grow several feet taller, but every muscle became as tight as an old tree root. Veins sprouted on Ju Yang Xingjun's body, which made the already fierce Ju Yang Xingjun look even more like a terrifying demon god!

However, just when Juyang Xingjun thought that everything was going to end like this.

The Wenquxingjun in blue shirt appeared behind him again.

"Is this the power given to you by the demon outside the territory?"

This time, Wenquxingjun even raised his hand and fanned with disgust.

"This makes you look like a monster..."


Before Wenquxingjun finished speaking, Juyangxingjun's hammer had already smashed down again.

The touch in his hand was still real, and the Wenquxingjun he killed was still real. He killed four Wenquxingjuns in a row, and all four Wenquxingjuns were real - but the fifth Wenquxingjun still appeared not far away, and even the sixth and seventh...

"Kill, kill, kill!"

At this moment, Juyangxingjun was already blood-curdling, and the hammer in his hand had already danced into a hurricane. One after another, Wenquxingjun fell under his hammer, and the sticky meat sauce had already spread all over the Ten Thousand Star Alliance Hall.

Strength, strength is everything. As long as he still holds this Juyang hammer, as long as he still holds strength, then no matter how many times Wenquxingjun is resurrected, he can still kill them all!

In this world, strength is respected after all!

"Actually, you are right. You are all right."

Just when Juyang Xingjun took a breath, Wenqu Xingjun's voice sounded again.

"This world is indeed based on strength...or in other words, no matter where you go, strength is the absolute master. After all, the power of life and death is the absolute power, and the weak can only wait for death."

Speaking of this, Wenqu Xingjun shook his head.

"But unfortunately, you know nothing about strength."


Juyang Xingjun turned his head suddenly.

But this time, he did not rush to swing the hammer.

Just because this time, Wenqu Xingjun appeared in front of him, holding two iron galls he had never seen before.

Iron gall is a rather strange weapon. Its structure is not complicated. It is just an iron ball of medium size. It usually appears in pairs. Some mortal warriors often carry it as a hand-held device. They can play with it in their hands in their spare time to improve their finger and wrist strength. In case of emergencies, they can also throw the heavy iron gall as a hidden weapon. Its force is enough to break bones. The walnuts played by some literati and scholars come from this, which can also be called a kind of elegant interest.

But now, Juyang Star Lord can be sure that the two iron galls in front of him are definitely not something that Wenqu Star Lord uses to show off his elegance.

These two iron galls are magic weapons.

They are the magic weapons in Wenqu Star Lord's hands.

"So, is this your trump card?"

Staring at the two iron galls, Juyang Star Lord suddenly laughed.

"Is this what you rely on? Do you think you can beat me with just this thing?"

Two iron galls, that is to say, Wenqu Star Lord only has two chances to attack. It is just like a joke to kill him who has been blessed by the demon soldiers several times with only two attacks - you should know that he has been blessed to the point of being extremely strong at this moment, and his whole body is as hard as iron. How can Wenqu Star Lord fight him with only these two iron galls?

Just relying on this thing...

"So, you know nothing about real power."

Speaking of this, Wenqu Star Lord actually raised his hand and threw the two iron galls into the air together.

It was at this time that Juyang Star Lord really saw the appearance of the two iron galls.

It is better to say that they are two eyeballs than two iron galls.

Two, the eyeballs of the outer demon!

"Sleeping in false violence, you can't see the real way forward at all."

Speaking of this, Wenqu Star Lord closed his eyes.

"Then let me tell you what the true meaning of power is."

Accompanied by these words and the gaze of the two eyeballs, the second Wenqu Star Lord walked out of thin air, followed by the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth... In just a moment, hundreds of Wenqu Star Lords had already filled the entire Wanxing League Hall, surrounding the entire hall!


Juyang Star Lord was stunned, the scene in front of him was really beyond his cognition.

So many Wenqu Star Lords, there were Wenqu Star Lords everywhere, and even every Wenqu Star Lord was real, and every Wenqu Star Lord was a real great power... How could such a thing, such a thing, be possible?

Could it be because of that pair of eyes!

"Eyes are the windows of the soul, and also the mirror that reflects the soul."

At this time, the Wenqu Star Lord, who was in the lead, stretched out his hand and took back the pair of eyeballs in the air.

"Through this mirror, we see the future... This is the real power, the unrivaled power."

As they said this, 3,600 Wenqu Star Lords wrote at the same time, and a huge sealing talisman took shape in an instant under their pens!

"Unity is strength!"


3,600 suppression talismans fell at the same time, and immediately smashed Juyang Star Lord into the ground!


Juyang Star Lord tried desperately to resist, but facing the simultaneous efforts of 3,600 Wenqu Star Lords, he didn't even have the chance to get up - just because these 3,600 Wenqu Star Lords had even separated into waves, and round after round of suppression talismans continued, leaving Juyang Star Lord no chance to breathe!

It was at this time that Juyang Star Lord realized what kind of attack the extraterritorial demon had suffered in the original battle.

But even so, the extraterritorial demon could still wield his sword to kill many powerful men. In contrast, he himself did not even have the ability to stand up.

Is he really that much worse than the extraterritorial demon?

Is he really not as good as the extraterritorial demon?

"How is it possible... How is it possible!"

A strong sense of frustration surged into the heart of Juyang Star Lord, which even made Juyang Star Lord's figure begin to shrink, and even the war hammer in his hand seemed to lose its power and gradually wilted.

This also made Juyang Star Lord even more crazy.

"Impossible... Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Gritting his teeth, Juyang Star Lord raised his head again.

"I! I must..."

"Don't resist, it's meaningless."

Looking at Juyang Star Lord still struggling, Wenqu Star Lord, who was in the lead, shook his head.

"Perhaps you are comparing yourself with the extraterritorial demon at the time, and you are using him to motivate yourself. You think that what he can do, you can naturally do... Or in other words, you just need to work hard, you can always try, right?"

Speaking of this, Wenqu Star Lord sighed.

"But this time, you are facing us. Although this hall can only accommodate 3,600 people, it is enough to deal with you... After all, this is not comparable to the last battle. What we hold in our hands is real power."

Speaking in this way, Wenqu Star Lord raised his hand.

In the hall, the other 3,000 Wenqu Star Lords also stopped at the same time.

The short silence gave Juyang Star Lord a moment to breathe, but the heavy pressure made Juyang Star Lord feel suffocated - these 3,600 Wenqu Star Lords did nothing, just stood quietly in the air, but Juyang Star Lord had already felt the heavy sense of power.

Yes, the sense of power.

Just as Wenqu Star Lord said, this is indeed the power itself.

"What is this...?"

Juyang Star Lord vomited a mouthful of blood, his voice dry.

"What exactly am I facing?"

"You are facing the real power."

The Wenqu Star Lord, who was in the lead, had also flown into the air.

"We are united as one."


Accompanied by Wenqu Star Lord's waving hand, 3,600 strokes of ink crisscrossed.

Juyang Star Lord's huge body was instantly dismembered, and he died on the spot.

As Juyang Star Lord was dismembered, Wenqu Star Lord's figure also fell to the ground. Some Wenqu Star Lords disappeared out of thin air, while others began to clean up the entire hall in an orderly manner--and the leading Wenqu Star Lord walked to the side of Juyang Star Lord's body and picked up the war hammer.

"You want a hammer?... It's something you can really make."

Just a glance at Juyang Star Lord's body, Wenqu Star Lord shook his head.

Then he swung the war hammer and smashed Juyang Star Lord's body inch by inch.

But Wenqu Star Lord did not accept the magic weapon. He only used it to clean up Juyang Star Lord. Then, he casually threw the magic weapon to another Wenqu Star Lord. He really didn't need this kind of thing, just because he had something better, or even the best.

"Come on, let me wait and see."

After sitting back at the desk, Wenqu Star Lord took out the two eyeballs and looked at the pair of dull pupils, as if looking in a mirror.

"Let me wait and see, where is the future I'm waiting for."

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