In the Blade

Chapter 592 The Weakest Demon Soldier

With doubts about Wenqu Xingjun, Shadow Tracer Xingjun found another holder of the broken body.

Due to long-term seclusion, Shadow Trace Star Lord actually has no social interaction among the powerful. The reason why he is able to find another residual body holder is because he participated in the gathering organized by Wenqu Star Lord before - but even if he found him After entering the door, he actually didn't know what the other person's name was, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

However, he does not know the other party, but the other party knows him.

"Is this Lord Shadow Tracer here? Come in quickly!"

The unfamiliar powerful man was quite enthusiastic and welcomed Shadow Trace Star Lord into the cave.

Contrary to the expectations of Shadow Trace Star Lord, the powerful person coming here now is not just himself. Long before him, more than ten powerful experts have come here - and after a brief exchange, Shadow Trace Star Only then did you know that these powerful people actually came to seek shelter.

"Stay in your own cave. If the extraterrestrial demon comes to your door, you will be dead!"

Those powerful people expressed such thoughts one after another.

"Only demon soldiers can fight against the devil!"


Shadow Trace Star Lord was in a daze for a moment. He felt a little unreal for a while. You must know that these powerful people have all relied on their own strength to fight their way to the sky. Who is not a hero? But now they look like this, this fear of death, it's really...


Thinking of this, Shaozong Xingjun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

If he only talks about others, what can he do about himself? Isn't he also afraid of death? Are you also afraid of that terrifying future?

Perhaps this is also the limitation of the mighty ones. Although their will has transcended death, it has only transcended death.

They have not transcended their fear of the unknown, nor have they transcended themselves.

After all, this kind of thing is impossible. As oneself becomes stronger, the one who needs to be surpassed becomes stronger. One day, they will be overtaken by the shadow of their past and then be swallowed up.

At this moment, Shadow Trace Star Lord could already see the intention to die on the faces of the powerful people in front of him.

The moment they took the initiative to seek shelter, the moment they began to seek a way out, they were getting closer to death.

Therefore, Shadow Trace Star Lord did not choose to stand with those powerful people. He did not feel that he had to die with these people. It was not that he had no chance to change. He still had the remains of the extraterrestrial demon in his hands.

However, he was still a little unsure about the use of this broken body.

So, after taking a deep breath, Shadow Trace Star Master finally mustered up the courage to find the strange power.

"I came here this time for other reasons."

While saying this, Lord Shadow Tracer expressed his worries, but concealed the details about Lord Hundred Foot Star.

"What do you think about this matter..."

"It's certainly possible."

Contrary to Shado Xingjun's expectation, this unfamiliar powerful man nodded.

"Although the path pointed out by Mr. Wenquxing sounds good, Mr. Wenquxing is indeed not worthy of trust... Just like the matter of the magic soldiers, he has completed everything quietly, and now he is telling everyone , What does he mean? What does he want to do?"

" true."

Hearing that this strange powerful man was also questioning Wenqu Xingjun, Shadow Tracer Xingjun couldn't help but nod along with him.

Indeed, although Wenqu Xingjun's performance seems to be high-sounding, other powerful experts are not fools. Everyone can more or less feel that there is something wrong with Wenquxingjun's words - even if all Wenquxing Jun's words are not lies, There must be some key information hidden in it.

While deceiving and advocating cooperation at the same time, how can such a person be trusted?

"That's why we are gathered here."

Having said this, the strange powerful man looked at Shadow Trace Star Lord.

"Since Lord Wenquxing is not reliable, then we should just stick together to protect ourselves. Since Lord Wenquxing knows how to make magic weapons, we should be able to make them too. By then, as long as we have the magic soldiers in hand, even if we encounter the attack of the extraterrestrial demon, , at least I can have the power to protect"

Saying this, the strange powerful man extended his hand to Shadow Trace Star Lord.

"Are you going to join us?"


Shadow Trace Star Lord was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

It's not that he looks down on this weak alliance with only a dozen powerful people, it's just that he is used to being alone. If he can complete things by himself, he doesn't want to cause trouble to others... But from a practical point of view, Considering it from the other side's perspective, this weak alliance really can't accomplish much.

Only cattle and sheep need to be in groups, and the truly strong will only face it alone.

"Wait, why don't you think about it again."

Just when Shado Xingjun was about to refuse, the strange power stopped him.

"I know that you have the remnant body of the extraterrestrial demon in your hands, and you have the ability to face the extraterrestrial demon on your own, but if we both hold magic weapons, then when we face the extraterritorial demon, don't we have double power? Do you have strength? Lord Wenquxing also showed it when he fought with Lord Juyang before. Unity is strength. As long as we cooperate, we will definitely survive..."

"Forget it."

Shado Xingjun thought for a while and shook his head.

So what if there are two magic weapons? In the final analysis, it is better to use the magic soldiers to deal with the extraterrestrial demon. Let’s not talk about whether the demon soldiers can defeat the extraterritorial demon. Let’s just talk about the demon soldiers themselves and the issue of Wenqu Xingjun. This has not yet been discussed.

Before finding the truth of the matter, he would not easily use the remaining body of the demon.

So he continues...

"Shadow Star Lord, please stay."

It was at this time that the strange power blocked him again.

"Shadow Star Lord, do you know who I am?"

"Ah this."

Shadow Trace Star Lord choked on the spot.

When I came to visit, I still didn’t know the name of the host. Probably only the shadow-tracing star Lord, who had lived in seclusion for many years, could do such a thing. There was clearly a bit of anger in the other party’s words, but the shadow-tracing star-lord For a while, I always felt a little embarrassed.

However, Shadow Trace Star Lord was speechless, but the strange powerful man laughed.

“It’s okay not to know, it’s okay not to know.”

After laughing here, the expression of the unfamiliar almighty suddenly became ferocious.

"You don't even know who I am, and you still think you can get out of this cave today?"


It was at this time that Shadow Trace Star Lord realized that just as he was talking to the strange power in front of him, several other powers had already sealed the entire exit of the cave.

Now this cave has clearly become a dangerous trap!

"What are you going to do?"

Shadow Tracer Xingjun frowned, and his feet began to turn into blue smoke.

With the name of Shado Star Lord, although he may only be considered average in combat, when it comes to his ability to escape, he can definitely be regarded as first-class - just like now, even if the exit of the cave has been He was completely sealed, but as long as he wanted to escape, he would definitely be able to...


It was at this time that a harsh buzzing sound suddenly sounded, knocking the Shadow Trace Star Lord off his prototype as he was almost escaping.


Shadow Tracer tried to continue to activate the secret method, but the harsh buzzing sound made him unable to concentrate at all. The sound was so manic that it even seemed like inserting a red-hot iron rod into his ears. , which made Shadow Tracer almost crazy.


Shadow Trace Star Lord gathered his strength and turned his head sharply.

It was at this time that Shadow Trace Star Lord saw that in the hands of the strange and powerful man, there was a small fork at some point.

Yes, the little fork is not a long-handled weapon used for piercing, but a small fork like a dagger. Just looking at its shape, it is almost impossible to really use it as a weapon - but that strange power, right now Nor is he using the method of operating a weapon to operate this silver-white steel fork.

The strange power simply struck the steel fork, and a harsh sound rippled out, lasting for a long time.

"Do you think you can run away?"

The strange power sneered.

"Aren't you curious? Why do you even find my door and still don't know my name?"


It was at this time that Shadow Tracer Xingjun realized that something was really not quite right.

That's right, if he really didn't know the name of this powerful man, how could he ask about this powerful cave? Even if he really doesn't know, during the questioning process, those powerful people he asks will definitely tell them.

But in this current situation, what exactly is this...

"Of course because I don't want you to know."

Saying this, the strange power struck the steel fork in his hand again.

The brain became chaotic under the harsh sound waves, and even the memory was also in chaos. The seven orifices were bleeding, and even the vision became blurred. In this blurred vision, the Shadow Trace Star Lord once again looked at that person. The steel fork, only this time, the silver-white steel fork looked like a tongue!

Yes, a tongue, a forked tongue cut down the middle.

What was held in the opponent's hand was actually the tongue of the devil!

"The name is meaningless, and the words are meaningless. Your willingness to believe those things has already proven your weakness."

The strange power continued to hit the steel fork, shaking the shadow-trail star-lord's brain.

"The weak are not qualified to hold the remnant body of the demon, only the strong are qualified to possess the demon soldiers!"


Shadow Trace Star Lord struggled to get up, but the harsh concussion sound had begun to penetrate into his bones. Every inch of his body, every hair and skin began to be unable to hold up. The ability that made him achieve great power, and even more I can't show it at all!

This is the power of the magic weapon.

This is the power of the devil's tongue.

Destroying the five senses, confusing information, and causing wrong judgments to appear in his mind before he even reacted... This devil's tongue can be so terrifying!


At the last moment of his life, Lord Shadow Tracer finally took out his piece of the demon body.

Yes, in order to prevent this dangerous thing from being lost, he always carried it with him. This was originally just an uneasy worry, but he didn't expect that at this time, it could actually become his life-saving straw.

As long as this demon's remnant body is hatched into a demon soldier, he may not be incapable of fighting, as long as...


The dagger-like steel fork nailed the remaining body of the demon and the Shadow Star Lord to the ground together.

Then, the steel fork vibrated, and Shadow Star Lord was shaken into a ball of blood on the spot.

"What, you thought I would give you a chance to turn the tables?"

The strange powerful man shook his head and sneered.

It has already come to this point, how could he be at ease watching this prey complete the forging of the magic weapon - after all, when Shadow Star Lord exposed himself, he was already on the hunting list of many powerful people. After all, among all the powerful people who hold the fragments of the body, Shadow Star Lord, who only knows how to hide from the world, is the weakest and easiest to kill.

As the saying goes, a man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure. Since he took such a precious material as the remains of the demon, he can't blame others.

Originally, he thought that Shadow Star Lord had not been in contact with people for too long, and would be a relatively easy-to-deceive type, but who would have thought that although Shadow Star Lord was stupid enough to come to him on his own initiative, he still retained his original agility - this forced him to sacrifice the magic weapon in advance to kill him.

Fortunately, although he has revealed his trump card, he will soon have a new trump card.

"I should fulfill your last wish."

Saying this, the hidden great power placed the seized body of the demon on the pool of blood left by Shadow Star Lord.

Absorbing the flesh and blood of Shadow Star Lord, the broken leg-like body was melting madly - and after seeing this scene, many great powers were full of expectations.

You know, this is a broken leg. With the length of the bone, it is obviously the easiest to be cast into a weapon. If it can also absorb the extreme emotions of Shadow Star Lord, what will this broken leg become?

Is it a knife? Is it a gun? Is it a sword? Is it a halberd?


"... What is this?"

Looking at the new magic weapon that is gradually taking shape, several great powers present suddenly frowned.

What appeared in front of them was not a weapon.

But a pair of boots.

It was a pair of metal boots, which looked solid and thick, but when you actually touched them, they had a soft texture like cloth. The several powerful people present thought for a long time, but they couldn't figure out how to kill people with just this pair of boots.

"This is not for killing people."

The leader, who was also the powerful person who hid his identity, shook his head after taking the boots.

"This pair of boots can't kill people at all. Its biggest use is to escape... just like this Shadow Star Lord, go to a place where others can't find you."

As they said this, the powerful people shook their heads.

This was probably the most useless magic soldier they had ever seen.

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