In the Blade

Chapter 594: Wenquxingjun's Battle

Since the magic soldiers come from the demons outside the territory, are these so-called magic soldiers really as useful as imagined?

"How is that possible?"

In the main hall of the Ten Thousand Stars Alliance, Wenqu Xingjun, who was holding a pair of metal eyeballs, frowned.

Just because the eyeball in his hand is constantly struggling.

This is something that does not belong to him. Now that the original owner has awakened, these eyes will naturally want to return to where they belong.

"But, no."

Wenquxingjun tightly clutched the eyeball in his hand.

"Now is not the time for you to leave. You have more important things to do."

But obviously, these eyes would not just give up, so another Wenquxingjun walked out of thin air and looked at Wenquxingjun himself coldly.

Looking at himself walking out of thin air, Wen Quxing himself shook his head and laughed.

"Isn't it enough?"

"Maybe you should ask yourself."

Another Wenquxing Jun also frowned.

"Isn't it enough? How long can I wait?"

"I can still hold on."

Wen Quxingjun himself looked indifferent.

"Anyway, something like consciousness only carries experience and thinking, or in other words, knowledge... Just like this book, knowledge will become two copies after being copied."

Having said this, Wenquxingjun himself raised his head and looked at his other self.

"The same goes for people."

Having said this, Wenquxing himself looked into the eyes of his other self.

"Just like now, copy my memories, my experiences, my thoughts, everything about me... You are me, and I am you."


Facing Mr. Wenquxing himself, another Mr. Wenquxing shook his head.

"You are not me, and I am not you."

Saying this, another Wenquxingjun already picked up the pen and began to draw ink out of thin air.

Obviously, even if there is another self, the other self may not admit it. Wenquxingjun knows this very well. After all, he has experienced similar things countless times.

Just like using evil energy, using mental power, and using willing power, you have to pay a price, you also have to pay a price for using magic weapons, a power that does not belong to you.

"If you can, please stop."

While holding the pair of eyeballs tightly, Wen Quxingjun's other hand also took up the pen.

"After all, I really don't want to do it to myself."

"I wouldn't want to if it were possible."

Another Wenquxingjun sighed.

"But, who am I while you are alive? Who am I?"

"Why do you think so?"

Wenquxingjun himself raised his writing brush.

"We should be united as one..."

"All of one heart? Whose heart?"

Another Wenquxingjun sneered.

"Yours? Or mine?"

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

Two strokes of pen and ink collided in the air, and turbulent fluctuations shook the entire hall.

If other powerful people see this scene, I am afraid they will be shocked, because the strength displayed by Wenquxing is completely different from what they know - he can move mountains and seas with just one stroke of ink. This Wenquxing Jun, I am afraid that you have not already been among the top ranks of powerful people!

And the one who currently holds this power is not Wenqu Xingjun.

In addition to Wenquxingjun himself, another Wenquxingjun also possesses this tyrannical strength.

"The stronger I am...the stronger you will be?"

Although he already had some understanding of this matter, Wenquxingjun still sighed when he felt the tyrannical power exerted by his other self.

When experience and thinking can be copied together, it means that knowledge and cognition can also be copied together. Knowledge and cognition will bring power and unrivaled power.

Likewise, it will bring unparalleled hatred.

"Is the power gained by killing yourself useful?"

Another Wenquxingjun narrowed his eyes.

"You ask me why I don't obey you, why should I obey you? Since you said I am you, then I naturally know everything you have done... You know very well that we are just copies, right? So you Only then will you kill all those who resist, leaving only those who are willing to obey you..."

"Since you even know this, you should also understand. There is no way you can defeat me."

Wenquxingjun himself shook his head.

"Why do you think you can do it when all the challengers are dead?"

"Indeed, I may not be able to do it."

Another Wenquxingjun raised the pen in his hand.

"But, I don't want to die here either! Feng!"

The surging ink seemed to be alive and wrapped around Wenqu Xingjun's neck. The tightening force was about to crush Wenqu Xingjun's neck in one go!

However, it is only to this extent.

"I said, you are me, I am you."

Wenquxingjun himself just waved his hand, and the restraint around his neck disappeared.

"How do you think I couldn't have imagined that you would use this skill?"

Yes, it may be impossible to determine the outcome of this battle.

After all, they are all facing themselves.

I am the one who knows myself best, and I am the one who knows myself best. All the means, offensives, battle ideas, and even strange tricks are meaningless at this moment, just because they know each other too well. They are the same person.

However, there is only one thing that is different.

"You still have to distract yourself to suppress the demon soldiers."

The other Wenquxingjun raised his pen again.

"This is my chance."


Wenquxingjun himself fell into silence.

Yes, this is also the biggest difference between the two of them. He has to distract himself to suppress the restless demon soldiers, but the other self is in full bloom. With one side gaining and the other side losing, can he really win?

Yes, he really can.

Just because he has dealt with similar situations countless times.

"Even if I give you one hand, you are not my opponent."

Facing the offensive launched by the other self, Wenquxingjun himself just shook his head.

"Because my will is above yours."


The surging ink marks collided again, and the surging power instantly shattered the entire hall.

The other Wenqu Star Lord was also stunned.

"How is your power possible? You and I are one, how can you be stronger than me?"

"I said, my will is above yours."

Wenqu Star Lord himself, floating in the air, had no expression on his face.

"You are me, I am you, but you killed me just to seek a way to survive... This is what you want, small and pathetic."

"Ants still try to survive, do you want to die if you don't live?"

Another Wenqu Star Lord sneered.

"What about you? You and I are one, what do you want? What do you call a great cause? What do you call an expedition? Or the phrase you often say, one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of bones?"

"I don't think you can mock this sentence, after all, you actually understand it."

Wenqu Star Lord himself shook his head gently.

"The so-called thousands of bones are only my bones... Just like you, you will be one of them."

Having said this, Wenqu Star Lord himself raised his hand.

The pair of metal eyeballs floated up into the air again, and there was no sign of agitation!

"I'm waiting for the demon soldiers to stop agitating, what are you waiting for?"

Along with the words of Wenquxingjun himself, the pair of metal eyeballs looked over immediately, and under the reflection of the pair of eyeballs, 3,600 Wenquxingjuns suddenly appeared and surrounded the other Wenquxingjun!

"I said, you can't win."

Seeing that the encirclement was completely completed, Wenquxingjun himself shook his head.

"If you bow your head now, you still have a chance."

"Bow your head, and then you will send me to do hard labor, and finally use me as a substitute to die?"

Another Wenquxingjun gritted his teeth.


"Because I am strong and you are weak, that's all."

Wenquxingjun himself waved his hand.

"Forget it, go ahead."

3,600 Wenquxingjuns immediately wrote in the air, and a terrifying pressure was brewing.

The other Wenquxingjun still stood there, as if everything was over, and as if he was waiting for something.

Yes, waiting for something.

"I'm waiting for this move of yours."

Facing the 3,600 terrifying pressures, the other Wenquxingjun laughed out loud.

"Aren't you curious about what I'm waiting for? Then you should know now."

As soon as the voice fell, 3,600 pens and ink flew towards Wenquxingjun himself.

Wenquxingjun himself had put away the pair of magic weapons at the fastest speed, but he was still a step slower.

3,600 ink marks hit his body, and Wenquxingjun himself was blasted to only a head.

But Wenquxingjun himself was not dead yet. This injury was extremely serious for a great man, but it was not a real fatal injury.


Wenquxingjun himself moved his lips, and he had no strength left.

"When did you succeed in turning them against the emperor?"

"I don't need to do it."

The other Wenquxingjun shook his head.

"There's no need for me to do it. They're already dissatisfied with you. You say we are you, but are we really you? Since you did it yourself, there's always a time to pay it back."

Another Wenquxingjun came over and stepped on the rags of flesh and blood that were blown out.

"Now, it's time for you to pay for your life."

"Pay for your own life..."

Wenquxingjun himself smiled.

"That's a good ending."

"...What do you mean?"

Another Wenquxingjun frowned, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"What do you mean by a good ending? What are you talking about..."

"Go on, this is what you deserve."

Under the gaze of Wenquxingjun himself, the pair of magic soldiers floated up again.

But this time, the pair of magic soldiers did not reflect the figure of Wenquxingjun.

But it just fell into the hands of another Wenquxingjun.

The moment the magic soldiers were in hand, the other Wenquxingjun suddenly understood everything.

"How... is it possible?"

The other Wenquxingjun stared blankly at Wenquxingjun himself.

"How is it possible? How come you are also..."

"Me too, or I am not."

Wenquxingjun himself, with only his head left, smiled weakly.

"I said, I am you, you are me... There has never been such a thing as replicas and genuine products between us. I had already foreseen this when I got this pair of magic soldiers. This is To bear the consequences of being a demon soldier, if you want to use another self, you must be prepared to be killed by the other self.”

"That's why you..."

Feeling the memory pouring into his mind, another Wenquxingjun already understood everything.

As Wenquxingjun as a whole, they have never had any priority.

In other words, whoever can fight to the end, whoever can subdue all Wenquxingjun, will become the leader of this group.

But now, he, who thought he was a replica, had defeated the so-called Wenqu Xingjun himself.

This time, he is the new Wenquxingjun.

"Go on for me."

Wenquxingjun himself, with only his head left, closed his eyes.

"Go on for us."


Another Wenquxing Jun himself wanted to say something, but the head in front of him had completely lost his voice.

The will to die comes back, there is no possibility of saving this kind of thing, this Wenqu Xingjun wants to die himself, and no one can stop a person who wants to die.

After accepting that memory, another Wenqu Xingjun also knew the cause of the other party's death.

This so-called Wenquxingjun himself was exhausted to death.

Since he can be copied, he can use himself as a consumable. Managing a team of 3,600 people, even all of them are his own, consumes a lot of energy.

And now, as the winner, as the new generation of Wenquxingjun, he has also sat in this position.

The 3,600 pairs of eyes that were originally watching him had also been fixed on him.

This is to endure the curse of the demon soldiers. If you want to control the numerous ones, you must first endure their anger and murderous intent.

"That's why great cause is needed and expedition is needed."

At this moment, the newly appointed Wenquxingjun smiled helplessly.

"You even need to kill yourself."

Yes, as the newly ascended Wenquxingjun, he has realized that if he wants to continue to live, he must kill those new versions of himself.

But just like the previous Wenquxingjun, he will endure it.

After all, he is also Lord Wenquxing, so he also knows everything that Lord Wenquxing knows. He also knows that there is no further way to go in this world - if you want to continue walking, you must go to the so-called outside the territory. Even if this is just a guess, a possibility.

In other words, the reason why Wenqu Xingjun is so strong is also due to this.

It's not that you have the tyrannical power to take on this responsibility, but the responsibility itself also means the power itself.

"I won't stop here."

Saying this, the newly appointed Lord Wenquxing tightened his grip on the pair of silvery metal eyeballs in his hand.

"I'll wait, there's a reason why I can't lose."

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