In the Blade

Chapter 596 Wu Zhao

The moment he picked up the dragon head stick, Jiulong Xingjun already understood that he had probably completely turned to the side of the extraterritorial demon.

This kind of thing is not a big deal, or in other words, in Jiulong Xingjun's view, this is the most correct decision - anyway, these so-called powerful people can't make him stronger, so he might as well follow the extraterritorial demon who can make him stronger.

But the problem is here.

Where is the extraterritorial demon he wants to follow?


Looking at the corpses of the powerful people in the cave, Jiulong Xingjun suddenly felt that he seemed to have made a wrong decision. This impulsive killing did strengthen his determination, but it also made him expose his position too early.

This is not a good thing. With his current strength, he may not be able to withstand the reckoning of Wenqu Xingjun, and other powerful people may not be happy to see his behavior. He may be attacked by the crowd.

"So we must think of a way..."

Thinking of this, Jiulong Xingjun hurriedly began to deal with the corpses on the ground.

Since it was his own cave, he could justify whatever he said, so these powerful people who came to seek shelter became villains who wanted to rob the remains of the demon, and his killing naturally became a legitimate defense - as for why these people wanted to rob the remains of the demon, of course, it was because they had already surrendered to the demon from outside the domain.

On the contrary, Jiulong Xingjun himself was the one who was loyal to the Ten Thousand Star Alliance and this world.

Yes, Jiulong Xingjun had figured it out. At this time when he couldn't find the demon from outside the domain, it was dangerous to expose himself rashly. Instead of being liquidated by Wenqu Xingjun, it would be better to hide himself completely and pretend to be the most loyal one.

Then, slowly look for opportunities and wait for the right time.

With this idea in mind, Jiulong Xingjun quietly lurked.

His opportunity would not be far away, at least not too far away.

When another powerful person came to seek shelter, Jiulong Xingjun did not refuse. Like other powerful people who controlled the remains of the body, he took the other person under his protection. At this moment, Jiulong Xingjun had already seen that although most of these powerful people who came to seek shelter had bad intentions and even wanted to take away the magic weapon in his hand, this mentality of seeking shelter also doomed them to be difficult to exert any strength.

"In the final analysis, this elimination has already started from that battle."

Looking at these powerful people who were practicing in their own caves, Jiulong Xingjun had already had some enlightenment in his heart.

The so-called powerful people may never be heroes.

Or, from the time they ascended to the sky and opened up their own caves, they were no longer the heroes of the past.

When they came into contact with the essence of the world, when they came into contact with the omnipotent power, when their will even surpassed death, what else could limit their actions?

When there is no opponent, it is the most dangerous time.

These so-called powerful people in front of him have personally proved this point.

With their weakness, with their depravity.

They pursued the so-called becoming stronger, but did not want to die, and even preferred to take shelter in his cave in order to survive.

"There are also superior and inferior powers among the powerful."

Thinking of this, when Jiulong Xingjun looked at these powerful people again, his expression was actually a bit of pity.

From the moment they failed to snatch the remains, these so-called powerful people had no choice. Their fate was doomed. They were eliminated and were doomed to be unable to go to that new era.

"Wenqu Xingjun..."

The more he felt this way, the gloomier Jiulong Xingjun's face became, just because it was not someone else who started this elimination, but Wenqu Xingjun.

In the past, he thought that Wenqu Xingjun was just a little capable, but after Wenqu Xingjun really showed his strength, Jiulong Xingjun admitted that Wenqu Xingjun was ruthless and decisive enough, but now it seems... he still underestimated Wenqu Xingjun.

The other party has more than just ruthlessness and decisiveness.

This is an extremely powerful opponent.

"But, it's still a little bit lacking."

After several encounters with Wenqu Star Lord, Jiulong Star Lord can be sure that the other party has not discovered his little tricks.

Since he has not discovered it, he naturally has the opportunity to let go and act. It just so happens that the Ten Thousand Star Alliance also needs his strong fighting power at the moment. The search for the extraterritorial demon has finally been put on the agenda. Many powerful people have formed teams one after another around those demon soldiers. They patrol every piece of land and search every cave, never giving the extraterritorial demon any chance to take advantage of it.

"We must catch the extraterritorial demon!"

Although the slogan is shouted like this, many powerful people still have nothing to show for it. The extraterritorial demon seems to have evaporated half of the world, and there is no trace of it.

This also makes some powerful people start to slack off.

"Brother Baizu, are you going back early again?"

Jiulong Xingjun frowned as he looked at Baizu Xingjun who came to ask for leave.

"How many times has this happened? You always..."

"Old man, I am really not in good health."

While saying this, Baizu Xingjun coughed, and his body was obviously emitting a strong sense of death, and even had a bit of corpse odor.

"I was injured so badly when I came to the mortal world before... I'm really sorry. In my current state, I'm afraid I can only be a drag on everyone."

"That... that's fine."

Jiulong Xingjun thought about it and finally sighed.

As a powerful old-fashioned powerful man, Baizu Xingjun's ferocity and decisiveness were once the object of Jiulong Xingjun's learning, but who would have thought that the person who was once so powerful in his eyes would actually fall to this point - although the Baizu Xingjun in front of him concealed it well, Jiulong Xingjun could already see that the other party was probably only one breath away from real death.

Even the real strong can't avoid the fate of being eliminated, which makes Jiulong Xingjun a little sigh.

"So, you must become a dragon."

Thinking of this, Jiulong Xingjun determined his mind.

Dragons can be big or small, can rise or hide, which means that dragons have strong adaptability in any environment. No matter how the environment changes, dragons will not be eliminated. Not only that, dragons can even actively change the external environment to make the outside world adapt to themselves.

This is Jiulong Xingjun's understanding of dragons, and it is also the most determined source of strength in Jiulong Xingjun's heart.

"You go."

Thinking of this, Jiulong Xingjun no longer has any worries in his heart, just waved his hand, signaling the Baizu Xingjun to leave.

Jiulong Xingjun doesn't know what Baizu Xingjun thinks, and he doesn't care. Baizu Xingjun, or Du Chengfeng, actually doesn't care what Jiulong Xingjun thinks, and he doesn't care.

Du Chengfeng at the moment has more important things to do.

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

After returning to the cave of the Centipede Star Lord, Du Chengfeng immediately sealed the cave to prevent outsiders from entering and to continue to maintain the illusion of recuperation. Then, he took out a hairpin made of fine steel from his sleeve.

Yes, this is the purpose of his recent participation in the search and the reason why he has been busy recently.

In this situation, although he can handle it by himself, he still thinks that good things should be shared with more people.

For example...

"What are you going to do?"

Du Chengfeng, or half of the face of the Centipede Star Lord, suddenly began to make another sound.

"Didn't I say that this world is no longer interesting, don't wake me up again and again... Wait, where are you?"

As he said this, half of the body of the Centipede Star Lord was already uncontrollably touching the surrounding environment.

"This kind of place... have you found a new secret place similar to Taoyuan Township?"

"It's a long story."

Controlling the other half of his body, Du Chengfeng sat down slowly.

Then, he told the other half of his body, Wu Zhao, everything that had happened in the recent period.

"After hearing these things, do you still want to continue to die?"

"... Wait a minute, I'm a little confused."

Wu Zhao, who was controlling the other half of his body, began to scratch his head. He was still a little confused after just being resurrected.

And the news brought by Du Chengfeng made Wu Zhao even more confused.

"But at least you don't want to die anymore."

Du Chengfeng laughed happily. At present, he and Wu Zhao were controlling the corpse of the Centipede Star Lord together, and naturally he could feel Wu Zhao's thoughts to a certain extent-unlike the previous situation where no matter how many times he was resurrected, he still had to go into long sleep. This time, Wu Zhao actually ignited some hope of life.

Obviously, his current experience made Wu Zhao very interested.

"But this kind of thing..."

The Centipede Star Lord frowned on his half face.

"What ascension, what great power, if they really exist, then why don't I know anything about it?"

"In fact, it is still possible that I don't know."

Du Chengfeng thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

"Well, you are too weak, and you don't meet the standard of becoming a great power, so no one will pick you up, so you naturally don't know..."

"No, no."

Listening to Du Chengfeng's words, Wu Zhao shook his head repeatedly.

"You said I was too weak, which doesn't matter. After all, there will be stronger among the strong, and there is no end to this kind of thing. But you said no one came to pick me up... Haven't you ever thought that this kind of thing is a bit strange?"

"What's strange?"

Du Chengfeng was a little puzzled.

"Just being weak, isn't it already..."

"No, still not right."

Wu Zhao, who controlled half of the body of the Centipede Star Lord, continued to shake his head.

"According to what you said, if we continue to calculate... there are many mortals in this world, but few masters. A very small number of masters have ascended to the sky. Over time, their number has become very large..."

"Probably... is that so?"

Listening to Wu Zhao's description, Du Chengfeng also nodded slowly.

There are many mortals, this is true. After all, there are so many evil masters fighting for life and death in this world, but the population in various places is still abundant, and they can even maintain the most basic production and life - although this is almost not felt on weekdays, but after thinking about it carefully, it is indeed necessary to admit that the vitality of mortals in this world seems to be a little too strong.

As for the scarcity of masters, it is normal. After all, masters are compared. Even if they are not one in ten thousand, they must be one in a thousand or one in a hundred. This comparison method is destined to make masters rare, and masters among masters are even rarer.

Among these masters, only masters among masters, heroes among heroes, can ascend to the sky and become powerful.

With the accumulation of time, these powerful people who transcend life and death naturally become more and more. They have unparalleled strength and the ability to pick stars and embrace the moon. They can even be called real immortals. They can do everything.

"But the problem is here."

On the face of the Centipede Star Lord, the half of his face that belongs to Wu Zhao frowned.

"In your description, although the powerful people have disputes, they still don't really fight after all?"

"It seems... it's true."

Du Chengfeng nodded slowly.

"But what does this mean? Or, what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say... You should know my experience, right?"

At this point, Wu Zhao suddenly recalled his past.

"In my era, the land was vast and the population was sparse. If you just want to survive, you can just not fight at all, and each city-state can live on its own... But we still fight everywhere, and we still fight everywhere. Why do you think it's because of it?"

"Because... the desire for power?"

Du Chengfeng continued to talk along with Wu Zhao's memories.

Yes, he knew something about Wu Zhao, so he knew more clearly that Wu Zhao, or the Yin people back then, killed people for the purpose of gaining power - they would use blood and life to sacrifice to the so-called ghosts and gods in the dark, so as to obtain all kinds of incredible abilities.

"This is only one aspect."

Wu Zhao shook his head.

"On the other hand, if you don't occupy the living space, others will occupy it."


Du Chengfeng also frowned.

If he thought Wu Zhao was just reminiscing about the past, now he felt that Wu Zhao was talking about something else.

Another thing related to these powerful people.

"But the caves of these powerful people were originally theirs..."

"Not enough, not enough at all."

Wu Zhao shook his head again.

"The demand for living space will expand infinitely. After getting it, people will always want more... But these powerful people violate human nature. There must be something wrong here."

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