In the Blade

Chapter 602 Another Self

When Du Chengfeng and his party walked out of the passage, what appeared before their eyes was a world that had hardly changed.

At least from the sky, the world under their feet had not changed much. The land was still the same land, the mountains and rivers were still the same mountains and rivers, there was the sea in the east, and the mountains in the west. Everything seemed to have not changed.

Even the atmosphere in the air was roughly the same.

But, it was only roughly the same.

"It seems... a little different."

The closer they got to the land, the more the great powers frowned.

"This place... does Senior Baizu have such great power?"

Obviously, these great powers regarded this world as the work of Baizu Xingjun, and even regarded it as part of Baizu Xingjun's cave - being able to restore the original world one-to-one with such fineness and such earth-shaking power by their own will was beyond their cognition.

As for Baizu Xingjun, or Du Chengfeng and Wu Zhao, they didn't think about explaining anything at the moment. Anyway, if these great powers thought so, it would not be a bad thing for them.

What's more, Du Chengfeng and Wu Zhao are still discussing it.

"Looking for another self in another world, are you sure this method is really feasible?"

Although Du Chengfeng thought this method was quite reliable when he came in before, it was not until he entered this familiar yet strange world that Du Chengfeng realized that he might have thought the problem too simply.

In this huge world, in this vast sea of ​​people, how easy is it to find another self?

God knows how much time is wasted on this kind of thing, not to mention that people are not fixed in one place and can't move. People will run, go out, travel, flee, move, and choose to change places for various reasons.

This greatly increases the difficulty of finding, even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

"This... you should not have experienced it."

After noticing Du Chengfeng's doubts, Wu Zhao gave his own explanation.

"You also know that there was a period of time before, I became three selves, all three of them have my memories, and all three of them are myself... Although due to different subsequent experiences, the status of the three selves is different, but even so, am I not myself?"

"You mean..."

Du Chengfeng immediately understood what Wu Zhao wanted to express.

To put it bluntly, there must be a subtle connection between oneself and oneself. Even if the circumstances on both sides are different, as long as one has enough understanding of oneself, one can definitely find where the other self is.

If it is about understanding oneself, then Du Chengfeng still has some understanding of himself. After all, in the continuous practice, he has also reflected and examined himself several times, which means that if he really asks him to find it, he may really have some clues.

"But... what about them?"

Du Chengfeng glanced at the other powerful ones.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng had the leisure to count the number of these powerful ones. There were a total of five powerful ones who came to join him. Although they all looked inconspicuous, being able to become powerful means that they must all have unique skills.

"Why don't you just ask them to find it?"

Speaking of this, Wu Zhao took over the control of the body of the Centipede Star Lord and looked at the other great powers.

"Now on this land, I have set up five training targets. They have all transformed into your appearance. Your goal is to find them out... What? This kind of thing has nothing to do with fighting? How can it have nothing to do with fighting? If the extraterritorial demon hides in the crowd and launches a sneak attack on you, will you still be alive?"


The five great powers who were still a little confused were stunned by the question, and for a moment they actually felt that this statement seemed to make some sense.

Since it makes some sense, just do it. After all, practicing anywhere is practicing, not to mention that they are now in a state of relying on others, so how can they not listen to the words of this senior Centipede?


Watching those great powers fly away, Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

"You...did you use a similar method when you deceived your tribesmen?"

"What is deception? The strong don't need to deceive."

Hearing Du Chengfeng sigh like this, Wu Zhao couldn't help shaking his head.

"The words of the strong are the truth. If you can't find the truth, it's the weak's own problem...It seems that you are still not used to the identity of a strong man, but you have always been like this."

"Are you saying that this can be used as a way to find another me?"

Du Chengfeng immediately noticed the hidden meaning in Wu Zhao's words.

"Can I follow this line of thought and look for it?"

"That's about it."

Wu Zhao confirmed Du Chengfeng's judgment.

"But you have to remember to be careful, the great powers in the sky will watch you."


Du Chengfeng was silent.

In fact, this is also the most troublesome part. Although he has changed the world under Wu Zhao's operation, it does not mean that the sky above his head has really changed.

The same sky covers different lands. This strange world structure is crazy just thinking about it.

So Du Chengfeng chose not to think about it, he chose to work first.

Since Baizu Xingjun's identity is likely to be noticed, at this moment, Du Chengfeng decided to separate from Wu Zhao - Wu Zhao could also control Baizu Xingjun's body, which could be used as a cover-up.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Du Chengfeng even left the Demon Weapon Regret Sword to Wu Zhao, so that Wu Zhao would at least be able to fight when faced with danger.

"This was done with your body? That's great... Do you actually have such ability?"

This is what Wu Zhao said about the Demon Soldier's Repenting Sword, especially the last question, and Du Chengfeng especially had a toothache.

After all, he himself, the original source of the material, didn't even know that he had this level of ability.

However, in addition to the Demon Soldier's Repenting Sword, Du Chengfeng took away the other two Demon Soldiers. They were the Chaotic Heart Fork made from his tongue, and the Air-Taking Boots made from his feet. Although these two things were in At the combat level, it may not be as useful as the Demon Soldier's Repenting Sword, but it can allow him to retreat immediately when something goes wrong.

Before winning, consider defeat first. Du Chengfeng can confirm that once he is exposed, the one who comes to encircle and suppress him must be the most powerful Wenqu Xingjun. At the moment, his strength is not enough, so it is not a good idea to fight head-on. In other words, it was because he had found a way out that he was able to fight without any distractions.

"Come on, don't die."

Before leaving, Du Chengfeng gave Wu Zhao instructions.

"But don't be too dazzling, remember what our purpose is."

"Don't worry, I know the priorities and there won't be any problems on my side."

Wu Zhao said this, looking like he would definitely not cause trouble.

If it were in the past, Du Chengfeng might have thought that Wu Zhao would definitely cause some trouble, but this time, Du Chengfeng could feel that Wu Zhao was really cooperating with him seriously - after all, the two of them were really single. If you take it out, no one can beat Na Wenquxingjun at the moment. Blindly fighting head-on is simply asking for death.

Therefore, in this situation, helping each other has become inevitable.

"Anyway, I'll withdraw first."

Just when Baizu Xingjun's body fell to the ground, the broken sword inserted in Baizu Xingjun's neck turned into another identical one in an instant - and the original broken sword, That is, Du Chengfeng's true body has landed on a pedestrian on the roadside together with the other two magic soldiers.


The pedestrian who looked like a swordsman had obviously not yet reacted, but the sword hilt hitting the back of his head had already knocked him unconscious.

Immediately afterwards, the broken sword fell into the pedestrian's arms.

"I'm sorry."

The dagger was hidden in his arms, the dagger-like short fork pressed against his spine, and a pair of iron boots were worn on his feet. This pedestrian who looked like a swordsman was completely controlled by Du Chengfeng in just an instant.

"I'll give you some compensation later."

Du Chengfeng said this, the matter was urgent for him now, and he didn't care about so much - anyway, this time, he was not manipulating this stranger to put himself in danger, he was just looking for someone in this world, Another self.

When he finds his other self, the stranger can leave with his reward.

"So...what will the other me probably do?"

After regaining his mobility, Du Chengfeng began to think.

In fact, this kind of thing is not complicated, or in other words, his own thoughts are actually easy to guess - after all, if he were not forced by the crisis of life and death to this road where he must fight, there is a high probability that he would still want to be an ordinary person. An ordinary rich man can live his whole life with peace of mind.

The number of rich people has never been large.

As long as we investigate one by one, we will have a clue.

"Anyway, look for it first!"

Du Chengfeng has always done what he said. After knocking out the swordsman who was about to wake up again, Du Chengfeng started his action - first, he based on the place he wanted to settle before. , roughly drew a range, and then searched for the names of those wealthy people in this range that was biased towards the south of the Yangtze River.

The search process took him about seven days. Du Chengfeng originally thought that he would continue the search, but who would have thought that in just seven days, he actually found some clues.

"You mean, Du Chengfeng's son was named on the gold medal list and returned home in glory?"

Du Chengfeng heard the news in Yangzhou. Hearing another version of himself from other people always made him feel a strange sense of dislocation - not to mention that there was a son in it. How could he have a son?


Facing the sudden kinship, Du Chengfeng was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

But the excitement in Yangzhou city is not fake at the moment. It is obvious that everyone is happy that a champion has come out of the city - but this makes Du Chengfeng more and more confused. He remembers that Nan Chen did not take the imperial examination at all, and there is no such thing as the number one scholar.

But immediately, Du Chengfeng realized that this was not Nanchen.

Different from his impression of Da Chen, who founded the country with force, the land is now ruled by a dynasty named Lu. The Lu people testify with poems and books. Simply put, they follow the line of mental strength, and their fighting methods It is more similar to Ruan Shantao and Old Ruan, who relies on firm will to increase his strength.

"But the evil spirit still exists, it's just suppressed by the power of the mind..."

Recalling the information he had learned in the past few days, Du Chengfeng tried to understand the environment of this world.

He knew about the three turbidities. The three sources of power all had their own corresponding negative effects. Just like there is no free lunch in the world, if you want to get something, you must pay a price. But the three turbidities can suppress each other. Du Chengfeng really didn't expect this.

Although he didn't expect it, he had experienced it. The simplest example was when he relied on his firm will to suppress the influence of the evil spirit entering his body. This was the most basic and classic case of mental power suppressing the evil spirit.

"And now in this world, the mental power suppresses the evil spirit too much..."

When Du Chengfeng was about to continue thinking, a burst of firecrackers came from a distance.

It turned out that the newly promoted champion was back. He had to be a high official and ride a horse. Now he was wearing a red robe and was surrounded by people. He looked so romantic.

But Du Chengfeng in the crowd suddenly frowned.

It was because this newly promoted champion, this young man who returned home in glory, this son of Du Chengfeng in the mouth of the people, clearly didn't look like him at all.


Du Chengfeng was stunned. He thought of ten thousand possibilities, but he could never imagine that it would be like this - he was actually cheated in this world? How is this possible?

But immediately, Du Chengfeng saw that the young man in a red robe knelt down in front of the two old people not far away.

"Dad! Mom! The child is back!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately began to praise the filial piety of the top scholar, but Du Chengfeng in the distance frowned more and more - if he was just shocked just now, then now he has completely realized that something is wrong.

Just because the so-called son of Du Chengfeng, the father and mother he worshipped, he knew.

The father and mother that Du Chengfeng's son worshipped were not Du Chengfeng.

He was too familiar with those two people, they were clearly Carpenter Li and his wife!


Du Chengfeng was stunned for a long time. The scene in front of him was really a bit too much information. How could Li Mujiang, the good brother who helped him in the past, become the father of Du Chengfeng's son?

What happened in the middle? How could such a scene happen?


Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng walked out of the crowd and walked towards Li Mujiang and his wife.

He must ask about this matter clearly. He can't sleep if he doesn't ask clearly.

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