In the Blade

Chapter 606: Homogeneous Mapping

Carpenter Li has been extremely unlucky recently.

The incident started a month ago. Obviously, nothing should happen in a place like Wangyou Township. In this paradise that everyone has finally arrived at, everyone can live their lives in peace. How could there be any problems?

But the facts prove that as long as people are unlucky enough, they may really have problems.

At first, it was just some small things like bleeding when brushing teeth or tripping when going out. At that time, Carpenter Li did not realize that there was something wrong, but soon, this bad luck became more and more serious-only on the seventh day, Carpenter Li's bad luck had developed to the point where he tripped when going out and was knocked unconscious.

You know, Carpenter Li is now a wooden man. It is incredible that a wooden man can be knocked unconscious.

Such a strange sight also made the people in Wangyou Township feel outrageous, so everyone began to give ideas.

"Did he offend something dirty?"

This was everyone's first reaction. After all, Carpenter Li's bad luck was inexplicable. It was like he was possessed by an evil spirit. God knew what had happened. So after thinking about it, everyone used some forbidden items for the first time in a long time.

That is, the ashes of old man Ruan.

It turned out that Master Ruan's ashes were still very effective. After the wooden man Carpenter Li was covered with ashes, the bad luck seemed to have been stopped. But the following things made everyone realize that this was probably only a temporary stop.

Just because, half a month later, that is, on the seventh day after the bad luck was stopped, new bad luck came again.

This time the bad luck was even more terrifying, just because the stove in Carpenter Li's home was the cause of the accident. At that time, Carpenter Li's wife was not feeling well, so she asked Carpenter Li to make some hot meals for the two children. This kind of thing was nothing to Carpenter Li, after all, he did this kind of thing a lot on weekdays.

But this time, the stove that had never had any problems before suddenly caught fire.

The blazing flames almost burned down Carpenter Li's house. Carpenter Li, who was a wooden man, was naturally not spared. Although Carpenter Li had run out with his wife and children as quickly as possible, half of his wooden body was still burned to charcoal.

"It's not... unusable?"

Although Carpenter Li comforted himself in this way, the half of his body that was burned to charcoal had begun to fall apart.

And this tragedy made others more worried.

"It seems that the last method was not enough."

Liu Bolun sighed.

"Can't Master Ruan's ashes do it? What happened to Brother Li is really..."

"Master Ruan's ashes are not really omnipotent."

Hearing what Liu Bolun said, the two mountain guards shook their heads.

The two of them were originally responsible for guarding the gate of Ziyang Mountain, and now they are mainly responsible for guarding the warehouse of Wangyou Township. Ruan Shantao's ashes are also within their guard range - so they know better that those ashes are really not omnipotent. Although Wangyou Township did achieve great material abundance with the power of these ashes, this does not mean that these ashes can really do everything.

Just like now, the matter of Li Mujiang belongs to the category that ashes can't help.


It was at this time that the swordsman Cui Yuan pointed to the sky.

Just this one action, everyone present understood what he meant.

Obviously, everyone can only do this now. After all, the things they are facing now are already at a level that they can't handle - so instead of them thinking about it here, it's better to find someone who can handle it as soon as possible.

And the person who can handle this matter is naturally Du Chengfeng who has ascended to the sky.

Whether Du Chengfeng can really handle this matter, everyone has not really thought about it. After all, in the eyes of everyone in Wangyou Township, Du Chengfeng is almost synonymous with omnipotence. The man who led them all the way here and even built this Wangyou Township with his own hands can do almost nothing.

So this matter is probably the same, right?

"If it's him... he can definitely do it."

Even the wooden man Li Mujiang is so sure. They all believe that if Du Chengfeng comes back, everything will be fine.

So, the problem lies here.

How should they find Du Chengfeng back?

Although they said it was good when they said goodbye, everyone has their own lives, and at most they can come to visit more often when they are free - but if Du Chengfeng doesn't show up now, they really don't know how to contact Du Chengfeng himself.

"Anyway... he said he went to heaven, right?"

After thinking about it for a long time, a villager from Wangyou Township finally put forward his own idea.

"If the ground can see the sky, then the sky can definitely see the ground, right? We can light torches in Wangyou Township and use the flames to form words. He should be able to see them, right?"

"This... seems to work?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

In fact, this method sounds unreliable, but no matter how unreliable the method is, it is still a method after all, not to mention that Wangyou Township is not short of supplies at the moment, and some torches can still be lit - so on the next day At night, the people of Wangyou Township put torches all over Wangyou Township, forming a huge word "Gui". They only hope that Du Chengfeng Nengang in the sky can see this.

But it turns out that this method of communication is indeed ineffective. At least Du Chengfeng did not show up that night.

"This... is understandable. What if he is busy with his own affairs?"

The people in Wangyou Township comfort themselves like this.

It is useless to light a torch during the day, as the light cannot shine very far - so the only time people in Wangyou Township can light torches is at night. But the subtle thing is that the problem lies here. What if Du Chengfeng needs to sleep at night?

It can only be said that this communication method is somewhat unreliable, and it is natural that it cannot be effective at the moment.

But just when everyone in Wangyou Township thought that this method of communication was really meaningless, an accident happened.

That night, when everyone was dejected, a middle-aged scribe with white hair and beard actually fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards...

"He said, he said he is Wenquxingjun."

Liu Bolun, who barely escaped from the melee, said this to Du Chengfeng, who rushed back.

"He first asked us if we knew you, we said we did, and then he suddenly took action..."

Liu Bolun didn't want to recall the next scene.

After all, looking at the entire Wangyou Township, he is the only one left alive.

At that time, Liu Bolun jumped directly into the wine vat out of panic and pretended to have drowned in the wine. This was how he escaped the killing. Otherwise, he might have been left dead like the people in Wangyou Township. Wu Cun - As for Li Carpenter, he has disappeared and was obviously taken away by Na Wenqu Xingjun.

"You, you are..."

After listening to Liu Bolun's narration, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but slap his head.

One thing to say, strictly speaking, this matter is really his problem. It was because he did not give these people in Wangyou Township a precise contact information, which caused them to start making random moves when they needed to contact him—— The idea of ​​attracting people with fire seemed good, but the problem was that he was not in this world at that time.

At that time, the person who really saw this fire was Wen Quxingjun.

Wenquxingjun, who was attracted by the fire, killed everyone present.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Although Liu Bolun was comforted by his words, murderous intent was already welling up in Du Chengfeng's heart.

According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, no harm is done to the family, they are just a group of mortals, but Na Wenqu Xingjun actually wants to commit such a vicious attack, with such a style and such methods, Na Wenqu Xingjun can no longer even be called a human being.

But Du Chengfeng's reason reminded him that now was not the best time to attack. The reason why Wenquxingjun attacked here was simply because he felt that this was his secret - in other words, Wenquxingjun had to destroy it. The biggest purpose here is to force him out of the darkness.

Being willing to take the initiative to force him out means that Wenqu Xingjun already feels that he will definitely be able to defeat him.

Taking the initiative at this time is undoubtedly the most stupid thing.

"It's okay, actually it's not that big of a deal..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but take a deep breath and began to calm down his mentality.

"Yes, if it had been in the past, it would have been a big deal if so many people died. After all, people cannot be resurrected, and if they are gone, they are gone. But now..."

Thinking of the things he had researched before, Du Chengfeng felt a little more relaxed.

After all, in this world where ghosts have been seen, there has never been anyone who cannot be resurrected after death. Instead, people must be resurrected after death. It just depends on whether the person is willing to be resurrected.

Death is no longer the end, it can only be regarded as a beginning.

So dead or not dead, it doesn't really matter.

"No problem, that's it."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but relax a little and prepared to continue resurrecting Carpenter Li.

Fortunately, although Nawen Quxingjun razed Wangyou Township to the ground, he did not burn everything to the ground after all - or in other words, some things were burned to begin with, such as Ruan Shantao's ashes, which had been burned to begin with. Once, it is impossible to be burned a second time.

"As long as Master Ruan's ashes are used, everything will be fine!"

Du Chengfeng thought this for a while.

But just as he continued the actual operation, the entire process was stuck from the beginning.

No matter how many times he called, the new wooden man in front of him didn't give him any response. It was as if Carpenter Li's soul had disappeared out of thin air - this kind of thing was completely unreasonable. You must know Ruan Shantao's ashes and his firm belief. , this power is too powerful. In the past, Li Mujian Ganshenzhi was resurrected once because of this kind of thing, and now he should naturally be able to do it a second time.

But now...

There was no sound, still no sound. The wooden man Li Carpenter now had no sound at all.

"It doesn't make sense..."

Du Chengfeng was puzzled. He really didn't know what went wrong.

You can’t say that Carpenter Li is actually not dead yet, right?

"It's really possible."

Du Chengfeng's face turned gloomy when he thought of this.

That is indeed possible. After all, Wenqu Xingjun is not actually murderous. What's more, in the current situation, the living Carpenter Li is far more useful than the dead Carpenter Li - let alone anything else, let's just say that he found the man. When Wen Quxingjun was there, what could he do if the other party just pushed Carpenter Li out like this?

There was nothing he could do. If the other party took this good brother as a hostage, he might really be unable to do anything.

"It's really... insidious."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but cursed when he thought of this. It was obvious that Wen Quxingjun's actions had touched his bottom line.

"This old dog must be killed, and it must be done as soon as possible..."

Du Chengfeng began to think about it. He didn't want to see anything wrong with his old brother at this time.

Carpenter Li in another world obviously just got up, but something happened to Carpenter Li in this world. What kind of thing is this?

"Really...forget it, let me help you settle in first."

Seeing Liu Bolun's lost look, Du Chengfeng thought for a while and finally decided to find a place to arrange for this former friend.

As for Carpenter Li...he couldn't be anxious about this, or in other words, it was useless even if he was anxious.

Since everyone has fallen into Wenquxingjun's hands, and the other party has not killed him immediately, it means that the other party thinks that Li Carpenter at least still has some necessary value - and this also means that as long as he does this If Bian can cause enough trouble without being caught, as a trump card against him, Carpenter Li will be safe.

"That's all I can think of."

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng tried to calm down his emotions.

However, what Du Chengfeng didn't know was that high in the sky, in the huge and magnificent hall of the Ten Thousand Stars Alliance, dozens of Wenqu Xingjun were curiously looking at the wooden man in front of them, half of which was burnt black.

"You seem to have our feelings..."

The Wenquxingjuns looked at the wooden man in front of them, their faces filled with disbelief.

"Why do you feel like us? Could it be that you spent too much time with the extraterrestrial demon, so you were tainted with the aura of the demon soldier?"

"What magic soldiers? What are you talking about?"

Carpenter Li's wooden face was filled with confusion.

"What extraterrestrial demon? I don't even know what you are talking about! Who are you! Why did you bring me to this place!"

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