In the Blade

Chapter 68: Death of Saburo

Crazy birds flutter their wings and hungry tigers compete.

The crazy giant bird named He Xiqing flapped its wings, and its thirteen scimitars danced into a ball of strong wind. Du Chengfeng's beast also refused to give in. With seventeen sharp knives alternating, he beat the crazy giant bird so hard that it couldn't even land on the ground.

"Give me a bite! Give me a bite!"

He Xiqing flapped his wings and his eyes were scarlet.

"Why don't you give me a bite! You obviously don't eat it yourself! Then why don't you give me a bite! Why do you have to go against me! Why!"


Du Chengfeng just remained silent.

Why? He didn't know it himself, or in other words, he had never thought about this problem.

Is it to protect these people? Is it the moral values ​​of a Taiping man that are causing trouble? Or is it that he looks more like a hero when he fights from the front like this?

I don't know, he never thought about these things.

The evil spirit of swords and weapons surged through his body, and the noisy shouts in his mind gradually converged into the most primitive and simple killing intent.

He just wanted to pounce down on the big bird in mid-air and eat it alive on the spot.

Like all cats do.

"Ho ho ho..."

As the canine teeth further elongated, even the voice of the beast named Du Chengfeng changed. The roar coming out of its throat was more like the growl of some kind of ferocious beast than the roar of a fight.

The evil spirit of the swords and weapons in the body has long been overflowing, and even seeped out from the pores all over the body, turning into fine hairs one after another, fluttering in the wind.

The clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

Under this huge pressure, He Xiqing in mid-air became more and more vicious.

Thirteen arms were eaten into He Xiqing's mouth, which made He Xiqing's figure become closer and closer to some kind of huge bird. The structure of the lower limbs, which originally looked like human legs, gradually turned into two sharp arc-shaped blades. The scarlet blood flashed on the blade, plowing ravines one after another on the earth.

In the life-and-death struggle, both monsters were changing unconsciously, changing in some unknown direction.

They are evenly matched.

They fight to the death.

"...Who can win?"

On the ground, Carpenter Li, who had already collapsed on the ground in fear, was muttering to himself.

Obviously, a battle of this level has nothing to do with ordinary people like him, or it has nothing to do with all the ordinary people present - if it does have anything to do with it, it is who wins and who loses. , determine whether they live or die.

If Du Chengfeng could win, they might still survive.

If that scary big bird wins...

"Can you win?"

Carpenter Li murmured to himself.

"You can definitely win, right?"

"Not necessarily, Uncle Li."

A familiar voice sounded behind Carpenter Li.

"They are indeed evenly matched now, but Du Chengfeng... he can't fly. If the fight continues like this, the strange bird can fly away, can fly far away, can go to Yanzhou, can go to Youzhou. When that time comes, we At once……"


Carpenter Li turned around in shock, only to find that Yang Sanlang, who was supposed to be hiding in the mountains, was standing behind him at some point.

"What are you doing here? Wait, who asked you to take this?"

When Carpenter Li came back to his senses, he saw that behind him, in the hands of Yang Sanlang, was the thick and heavy sword passed down from Yang's family.

"What are you going to do!"

Carpenter Li's heart instantly went cold.

Yang Sanlang has always wanted to take this knife back, and he knew it. After all, he had even seen Yang Sanlang steal the knife several times with his own eyes - but this kind of thing was meaningless, anyway. Yang Sanlang couldn't bear the terror of the sword's evil spirit every time, and he couldn't even touch the handle of the sword.

But now, this big sword has finally returned to Yang Sanlang's hands.

Back in the hands of the true descendants of the Yang family.

"Yang Sanlang! Are you going to run away! Are you going to run away at a time like this!"

Carpenter Li couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Although he also knew that this was the right choice, even the most correct choice, after all, the strange bird was currently fighting fiercely with Du Chengfeng, and now was the opportunity for the Yang family to escape - as long as they took advantage of this opportunity to escape quickly , flee to Yanzhou, or even to the Jiankang capital further south, you will always be safe, and there will always be times when the monster cannot catch up.

But can this really be done?

Is this really a good idea? Carpenter Li didn't know. This may be the best decision. As an ordinary person, he should probably run away. After all, he still has a wife and children, and a family of his own - but he is the only one who inexplicably doesn't want to leave. He doesn't want to Get out of here.

No matter how scared I am, I don’t want to leave, even if I can’t stand up, I don’t want to leave.

After all, his brother Du didn't leave either, right?

The person who was obviously able to flee from the beginning, the person who had always been able to abandon them and escape, didn't leave either, right?

"So if you must leave...take my wife and children away."

Holding the ancient battle ax that had become ordinary in his hand, Carpenter Li forced himself to stand up.

"Sanlang, I have watched you grow up, and I understand that you are doing it for the Yang family... Then I will leave my wife and children to you."

The more he stood up, the more Carpenter Li relaxed, until the moment he stood up straight, his legs no longer even trembled.

Turning his head, Carpenter Li patted Yang Sanlang lightly on the shoulder.

"When the children grow up, I will tell them my story and tell them that their father at least died like a man... huh?"

The hand on Yang Sanlang's shoulder was slapped away.

"Uncle Li, do you look down on me so much?"

There was still a smile on his face, but Yang Sanlang was already in tears.

"I know, I'm greedy for life, I'm afraid of death, I'm not that ruthless, and I'm not that crazy... I'm not as good as Du Chengfeng, my life is even considered to be given to me by him on credit, I've always known that."

Yes, he always knew it, he just didn't want to admit it. No one is willing to admit that he is weak and unbearable, let alone a leader of the younger generation of the Yang family - he has prominent ancestors and a good life. Even if the Yang family is now considered to be in decline, at least in the Yang family On the Jiabao side, he is still able to speak for himself.

That's why he would do anything for the Yang family.

As long as the Yang family can continue, this may be the fate of every generation of the Yang family. Perhaps it is precisely because the ancestor in the genealogy has no relatives, so every generation of the Yang family regards the family as the first priority - at least in Yang Sanlang's view, whether it is to make an old face like Yang Xuan, or to be like Yang Xuan, It doesn't matter if he kills people like he did before.

"So, as long as you kill people, you can become stronger, right..."

Saying this, Yang Sanlang raised his sword.

Seeing the dazzling sword raised, Carpenter Li couldn't help but subconsciously lift the battle axe.

But just when Li Carpenter thought that the crazy Yang Sanlang was going to cut him down with the big knife.

Yang Sanlang put the sword across his neck.

"In order for the Yang family to continue, I will do whatever it takes."

With tears streaming down his face and his legs shaking, Yang Sanlang gave an ugly smile.

"We are all fellow villagers, and my uncle has broken both legs. From now on, the Yang family will have to ask Uncle Li to take care of him..."


Realizing something was wrong, Carpenter Li quickly wanted to put down his ax and stop Yang Sanlang.

But the heavy sword had already cut Yang Sanlang's neck.

"Du! Cheng! Feng!"

Using the last bit of strength, the thick sword came out of Yang Sanlang's headless body.

Just like the spear thrown under the moon.


Seeing a big knife suddenly flying from a distance and nailing it to his feet, the beast named Du Chengfeng, who was fighting for life and death, couldn't help being frightened.

Fortunately, this big knife was too familiar to him, which made him subconsciously hold the handle of the knife.

"Can you respect me now?"

The moment he grasped the handle of the knife, there was a familiar voice, suppressing the countless noises in his mind shouting to kill.


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but stand stunned on the spot.

The tiger-like claws and hair on his body disappeared in an instant, and even the dragon-shaped scales on his skin gradually disappeared.

Instead, the blazing fire bloomed again on the blade.

The fire shrouded his body, and at this moment, Du Chengfeng seemed to be covered in an invisible armor of flames.


He Xiqing let out a hoarse cry in mid-air.

"Don't you want to eat? Why..."

"Only animals eat people."

With a swing of the broadsword, a five-foot-long blazing blade swept across.

Feeling the sword in his hand recover and even become more powerful, Du Chengfeng looked up at the strange flesh-and-blood bird in the sky.

This time, he is not fighting alone.

The first update has been delivered, and I will continue to code, aiming for the next chapter around 12:30.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes, and thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to King Yechen, book friend 20190314134816656, and Bart Laha for the reward. I’m sincerely afraid that it’s really a waste of money.

Thanks for the disintegration of will, Fleeting Time, ETLSY, Starry Fantasy World, Dui Ligen, Book Friends 20221117151641044, Just let it happen r King, God, Sett, Book Friends 20221128000543709, Social Harm, I am a student at the age of twenty-four, Ether Suzhi Four, Electronic Sheep, Xunyin Jiang, Giant Mountain Super Power_, Longbow Archer, Book Friends 20170712110640899, Book Friends 20220630083534404, Book Friends 20170329005644444, Death-seeking Immortal, Silly Lu, Fear of Promise, Humble Fool, Fan Ping, Sleeping Dog, Han Zizong, There is a trick to ride the wind in one day, Five Blessings, Book Friends 20190809152036094, Asura Hidden Wings, Monthly Ticket for the Fantasy God.

Thanks to everyone's love, it would be best if everyone can read it comfortably. I will continue to code.

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