In the Blade

Chapter 73: The Demonic Shadow of Yanzhou City

Du Chengfeng remembered clearly that the relationship between him and the Jizhou military governor Liu Yanran could only be regarded as a cooperative relationship.

Liu Yanran opened the Jizhou arsenal to him so that he could sharpen his sword and increase his strength, and he was also temporarily filling the vacancy of Wang Gaocheng, the general manager of Jizhou's military equipment, to provide assistance for Jizhou's preparations for war - and this filling was only temporary. He did not agree to Liu Yanran's recruitment, and this job could only be regarded as outsourcing at best.

But he thought so, but Liu Yanran had another idea.

"In other words, Governor Liu recommended me to the court in his name?"

After arriving at the government office, Du Chengfeng was speechless after learning all the reasons for the matter.

It turned out that Governor Liu had never given up the idea of ​​recruiting him, but was thinking of getting on the bus first and buying the ticket later.

Let him do the work first, and send a letter of recommendation to the court at the same time. According to his understanding of Liu Yanran, Liu Yanran might start fighting with the north before he can get a reply to the letter of recommendation. When the border is in danger, the court of Dachen can only accept the letter of recommendation.

As for Du Chengfeng, when the war really breaks out, he will be ordered to take the responsibility. Naturally, he will not be able to find any excuse to shirk responsibility, and can only follow Liu Dudu to the end.

Well, the idea is very rich. At least in Du Chengfeng's opinion, this operation may really trap him.

The only problem is that Liu Yanran died too early.

According to the time, Liu Yanran might have been killed by He Xiqing not long after the letter of recommendation was sent out because of his strength decline due to staying up late every day.

And this recruitment plan naturally failed.

Or in other words, only part of it was completed.

"Why don't you ask for help from someone else?"

Du Chengfeng wanted to run away immediately. He didn't want to accept Liu Yanran's favor. Not to mention that he didn't want to have much contact with mental illness, he didn't want to take the position of Jizhou Military Equipment Manager.

Although he didn't understand the art of power and tactics, he could taste something from the two guys in Jizhou.

Liu Yanran had some mental problems. Wang Gaocheng was just a bastard. How could the court of Dachen be good if they could think of placing these two guys in the border area?

"I have something else to do. Let's not talk about it. There's still water boiling on the stove at home."

"Hey, hey, hey! Sir, don't leave in a hurry! Besides, you're new here, where is your home?"

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was about to leave, a group of petty officials hurriedly grabbed him and tried to persuade him to leave.

"No need to resign! The treatment of the chief of military equipment is so good! Not only can you get a salary every month, but you can also live in a special place in Yanzhou City..."

"Huh? And a separate room?"

Du Chengfeng was no longer sleepy.

After these clerks explained, Du Chengfeng also knew that the treatment of the chief of military equipment in Yanzhou was really good. Not only did he get a salary every month, but he could also get a two-entry courtyard in the city for free - the so-called "not going out of the main door, not stepping out of the second door" refers to these two courtyards. Not to mention living alone, even if a whole family lives in it, it is more than enough.

With a salary and a good place to live, this job seems to be okay?

Of course, the most important thing is that he can also sharpen knives.

The experience in Jibei has made Du Chengfeng understand that compared with external things like money, one's own strength is the most important - if it is the other way around, he will be like the Yang family, who have a huge fortune but still have to leave their hometown in the end, and even almost die in the war.

For Du Chengfeng, the fastest way to improve his strength is to sharpen his knife.

Although killing is another way to quickly improve strength, that route is not safe after all. If he kills too much, his own state will also be affected, and he will gradually lose his mind and turn into an inhuman monster like He Xiqing. What's more, if he really kills like this, it is likely to lead to more troublesome things.

After all, he still remembers that there are terrifying monsters in this world that are three meters tall and can even catch evil weapons with bare hands.

"What's more, before He Xiqing, no one had discovered that killing people could make you stronger?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head secretly. This kind of thing that can be experienced by killing a few people and then strengthening your will under the invasion of evil spirits has no reason to become He Xiqing's exclusive secret.

Then the question is, since many people know that killing people can make you stronger, why has he never heard of so many people doing such a simple way?

Is it just because they don't like it?


Due to too little information, Du Chengfeng couldn't guess the result, but his intuition told him that this was a dangerous direction.

In contrast, improving strength by sharpening knives is a sure-win business.

"So I have one last question for you."

After confirming that this job is quite suitable for him, Du Chengfeng expressed his last doubts.

"I am the general manager of Jizhou's military equipment. Why would Yanzhou give me a room?"


Several clerks looked at each other and were speechless for a long time.

It was not until Du Chengfeng clenched his fist and prepared to hit them that these petty officials told the truth.

It turned out that before he came, there was also an ordnance chief in Yanzhou, but not long ago, the news of the fall of Jizhen City came, and the ordnance chief simply resigned and ran away.

"Originally, there was also a grinding craftsman on the side of the plunderers, and he was going to take over, but he ran faster..."


Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

Good guy, it's okay that two capable people ran away, no wonder he was treated so well, so he was going to take the blame?

However... this is not a bad thing for him.

If it were someone else, these two jobs might mean huge pressure, but for him, this turned the opportunity to sharpen the knife from one to two.

Why should he refuse to increase his strength?

"That's great!"

The clerks couldn't help but bow to Du Chengfeng again and again.

"Then let's start with the damage to the ordnance in the arsenal!"

"...Will you wait a moment?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Is this also my job scope?"

After asking these clerks, Du Chengfeng realized that this was indeed the job scope of his military equipment manager. Or, it was the most troublesome mess left by his predecessor. In short, because the Yanzhou military equipment manager ran away too early, some changes began to appear in the Yanzhou arsenal, but unlike Jizhou, the Yanzhou arsenal was not caused by any war flags.

In the Yanzhou arsenal, from time to time, the weapons in the entire warehouse would become broken scrap iron, and the evil spirits on those weapons would disappear.

According to the description of the clerks, the traces left on those broken weapons were like being gnawed by something.


Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

No wonder Jizhou was almost fighting with its brains out, but Yanzhou next door did not make any movement. It turned out that it was not necessarily that they did not want to send troops, but that the arsenal was directly rotten.

And there are more things happening in Yanzhou City.

"If you want to live in the city, you'd better not go out at night."

A clerk came over and lowered his voice.

"There are monsters in the city recently. More than a dozen people have been eaten. The monsters eat meat without spitting out bones. Such a big living person was gnawed to only a head..."

"... There are monsters?"

Du Chengfeng inexplicably thought of He Xiqing and the posture of the other party's flesh and blood monster bird.

He suddenly understood why the brains in Jizhou had been beaten out, but there was no movement in Yanzhou.

It's probably a miracle that Yanzhou City can survive until now.

I didn't fall asleep, so I added another chapter.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your support and love.

Thank you for the reward from the irritable black hole. Thank you for your love, it's really a waste of money.

Thanks to Shugu, PassiveBot, the book-starved borer, the crosstalk cat, the miserable bookworm, and the poor martial arts fan for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support. I'm going to take a break.

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