In the Blade

Chapter 86 The best place to live


Du Chengfeng, who had finished sharpening the strange sword, was unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

Speaking of Ruan Shantao, his impression of this old man was more of a strong, ridiculously strong one. If he had to say anything wrong, it was that this old man was too talkative, very old-fashioned, and liked to preach. He would criticize for half an hour if he caught a mistake - but it was not until he finished sharpening this strange sword that Du Chengfeng knew that this old troll who liked to preach actually had such a legendary experience.


Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng sighed, and finally hung the sharpened strange sword in his hand back on the wall.

Indeed, this square sword is the best weapon in the Yanzhou arsenal, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a magic weapon, but since the old man Ruan Shantao put down this sword for the peace of the state, he was embarrassed to let it be taken away directly.

Although from his own actual experience in Yanzhou, Yanzhou City is still not so peaceful at night, but at least Yanzhou City can maintain normal order during the day.

So close to the border of Jibei, but there are no people who draw swords and fight in the street, which is enough to show that the teaching of this old man Ruan is still worth talking about - of course, the old man Ruan obviously knows that in such a place close to the border where the folk customs are fierce, it is a bit too idealistic to want people to live in peace and be kind to others, but it is obvious that the old man has done everything he can.

Before, Du Chengfeng was once puzzled. Obviously, the distance is not far, but why is the difference in folk customs between Yanzhou and Jizhou so great.

It turns out that the root is here.

"Thank you for your hard work, then you can continue to stay here."

After bowing to the weapons on the wall, Du Chengfeng got up and left.

Before, he thought that Yanzhou City was full of troubles, as if sitting on a gunpowder barrel that could explode at any time. Whether it was the decay of weapons in the arsenal, the monsters in the city, or the murderers hidden in the night that he had personally experienced, any one of them alone would not be good for Yanzhou, and with all these things stuck together, Yanzhou looked like it was about to end.

But now, he knew that these things that scared him were just trivial matters.

As long as this square sword was still hanging here, there would be no trouble in the arsenal. As long as Old Man Ruan was still in charge of Ziyang Mountain, there would be no trouble in Yanzhou. Although there would definitely be some trivial matters in the details, in general, Yanzhou was actually pretty good?

And compared with the desolate Jibei, Yanzhou was rich in products and had many fertile fields.

It was simply the first choice for living.

"It's you who has decided!"

Du Chengfeng immediately made up his mind and decided to live in Yanzhou permanently.

Thinking carefully, his life in Yanzhou is not bad. He has a stable job, a house assigned to him, and courses for further study. As for work, to put it bluntly, it is just to exchange wine for weapons in the wine jar, and the courses for further study are taught by the famous master of the time, Ruan Laotou, who was once a minister.

Although in Du Chengfeng's opinion, this course is probably just the simplest literacy, but no one can say that it is not a class.

"In the future, we can let the villagers of Yangjiabao go into the mountains to learn."

Yes, this is indeed feasible. At least most of the young children have reached the age of literacy. With the education level of Yangjiabao, at best, they can only teach a few more Yang Sanlang. It is better to let Ruan Laotou take care of them, at least he can teach them like normal people.

In fact, given the reputation of Old Man Ruan, I'm afraid that many adults would be willing to spend some time to learn to read and write.

As for Old Man Ruan, after sharpening the square sword, Du Chengfeng already knew that he was a man of no discrimination. As long as he was willing to learn to read, he could go to the mountains - this was the best thing for the folks in Yangjiabao. After all, compared with the literacy rate in Yanzhou, the level of folk culture in the border of Jibei can only be described as tragic.

"How can you not read?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly. As a Taiping person, he couldn't bear to see this.

In Du Chengfeng's view, as a normal person, at the very least, you should know the most basic daily words, be able to make sentences smoothly, and master the most basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. If you can't even do this, and only know how to draw a knife to chop, what's the difference between you and a monkey?

With this in mind, Du Chengfeng rode out of the city on horseback. On the one hand, he wanted to tell the villagers about this matter and tell them that they didn't have to run away. On the other hand, he also invited Carpenter Li to come over, drink a little after a long time, and celebrate the joy of moving to a new house together.

After hearing Du Chengfeng's proposal, the villagers naturally supported it.

"I knew that you, a strong man, could do great things!"

For a while, the villagers' praises were endless, and even Du Chengfeng's face was a little embarrassed - but it was no wonder. For these villagers in Yangjiabao, it was a great event to let their children get a Situ to help them open their minds, even if it was just a former Situ.

The children had to go to school, and as parents, they naturally couldn't leave, so each family discussed it and prepared to buy land and property in Yanzhou and take root here. As for the site selection and money, it was all the business of old man Yang Xuanyang.

As for Carpenter Li, he followed Du Chengfeng back to the city. The two of them cooked some snacks and got drunk in the mansion.

Even Du Chengfeng himself was drunk and unconscious because of drinking too much.

It had been a long time, a long, long time. Since he came to this world, this was the first time he relaxed his tense nerves.

So when the sun was high in the sky and he sobered up, it was normal for the table with only two people to become three people.

"Where did you come from?"

Du Chengfeng kicked Liu Bolun, who was drunk on the ground, with a dark face.

"Is this my home? Where did you get in from? Get out."

"Hey! You can't say that. Before you came, this was my home."

Liu Bolun, who was half drunk, just opened his mouth, but found that Du Chengfeng had clenched his fists. He quickly shrank his neck and stood up.

"No, what I mean is that you drank my private brew, how could you not call me?"

"What did I call you for? Did I call you back to the government office to work?"

Looking at the remaining wine in the glass, Du Chengfeng didn't punch Liu Bolun in the face after all.

Someone suddenly came into the house for no reason. This was too scary. In addition, he was drunk just now. If it was not Liu Bolun but some criminal who came in, he and Carpenter Li would probably be beheaded at this moment. Fortunately, he used wine to deceive the sparrow hawk before. Who would have thought that he would lose his guard.

Drink less wine, know more about things, and drink less, otherwise it is easy to get into trouble.

"But how dare you sneak in? Do you know that no one will work after you resign? If you are caught by the government, can you still leave Yanzhou City?"

"Hey, I just came here to drink... Oh, by the way, I do have something important to do."

Halfway through his words, Liu Bolun slapped his head.

"The headmaster was afraid that you would run away, so he asked me to come here to remind you to remember to go into the mountains to attend classes, otherwise it will not be me who comes next time."

"Ah, this..."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

He never thought that even though he already had a proper job, he would still dream of returning to his student days and being arrested by his teacher.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

After taking a shower and changing his clothes to get rid of the alcohol on his body, Du Chengfeng got on his horse and headed all the way to Ziyang Mountain.

Outside the mountain gate, the two gatekeepers were still guarding the gate, but this time Du Chengfeng was experienced.

Before he got close to the mountain gate, Du Chengfeng had already collected the seal and purse and got off his horse. When the two gatekeepers stretched out their hands for money, Du Chengfeng remembered what Liu Bolun had taught him before he left, so he simply spread his hands.

"I'm a student, I don't have money."


The two gatekeepers looked at each other and let him go.

It turned out that these two gatekeepers, like that old man Ruan, only cheated the rich.

"Oh, right."

As if he remembered something, Du Chengfeng, who had just entered the mountain gate, turned his head again.

"I'm a student, I don't have money, and I haven't had breakfast yet."

"Well, at this time, there shouldn't be much food left in the cafeteria."

One of the gatekeepers thought about it, took out a bag of buns from his arms, took out two and handed them over.

"Take them to fill your stomach first, and we'll talk about other things in the evening."

"Thank you, both of you."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but admire in his heart after taking the two buns.

It turns out that Liu Bolun can be reliable sometimes, and he can actually get breakfast in this way.

But just when Du Chengfeng had just taken a bite of a bun, someone else came to the two gatekeepers.

"I'm a student too, and I don't have money either."


Looking at the middle-aged man in a wide robe and big sleeves outside the mountain gate, the two gatekeepers just sneered.

"You are still a student at this age, do you think we are blind?"

"Well... Well, I actually came here to communicate."

Seeing that he failed to scare the two mountain guards, the middle-aged man had to take out his purse obediently.

Then, he came to Du Chengfeng.

"I am indeed not a student, but I haven't had breakfast either. I wonder if you can give me one of the buns in your hand?"


Du Chengfeng looked at the two gatekeepers and laughed.

"I am really a student."

"I know you are a student... Well, I won't eat your buns for nothing."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, shook his head and laughed.

"As long as you are willing to give me one of the buns in your hand, I will tell you a secret."


Du Chengfeng didn't want to continue chatting. What he hated most was this kind of riddler who spoke halfway.

But just when Du Chengfeng was about to lead the horse away, the middle-aged man raised his hand and pointed at the saddle bag on the horse's back.

"There is a dead weapon in your bag, right?"

The middle-aged man smiled warmly.

"The secret I want to tell you can bring this weapon back to life."

The second update is here. Everyone, go to bed early. I'm going to swing the hammer.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation and monthly tickets. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to book friends 20230731175202823 and Lu Zezi for their rewards. Thank you for your kindness. It's really a waste of money.

Finally, I'm asking for votes at the beginning of the month!

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