In the Blade

Chapter 93 Qi Jinshan

Ruan Shantao's death was no less than a full-scale earthquake for Yanzhou City.

The towering trees that once stood in Ziyang Mountain and covered the entire Yanzhou finally fell down. Those weeds that did not dare to show their heads also poked their heads out and began to grow wildly.

The first were the knife sellers wearing old cloth robes. They were the first to get the news. After confirming that the strongest man in Yanzhou had died in an assassination, these spies who had been hiding in the dark took to the streets in broad daylight. Many passers-by had not yet come to their senses, but they already had a short blade in their hands, and then the fierce evil spirit rushed into their minds, making their eyes bloodshot.

Revenge for revenge, grievance for grievance, chaos is about to start, it is a good time for people to kill each other.

The reaction of Yanzhou City was actually quite quick. The arresters in charge of public security started to arrest people at the first moment. It was at this time that the knife sellers who were surrounded simply took out their blades and cut their necks.

The hawks made of twisted flesh and blood spread their wings, and they screamed hoarsely, killing everything around them indiscriminately, pecking at any flesh and blood that could be devoured.

This made them grow bigger and bigger, and more courageous.

"What a group of good falcons."

In the Yanzhou Governor's Mansion, a grassland man wearing a fur coat heard the eagle cry in the distance and couldn't help but applaud.

"So, Governor, you should prepare to open the city and surrender."

"Open the city and surrender?"

On the main seat, Yanzhou Governor Qi Jinshan's face was as gloomy as water.

"Do you think that this governor will open the city and surrender, let you grassland people in, and poison the people?"

"You can't say that, Governor, we will only bring a new order."

The grassland man shook his head and sighed.

"You should have known that the strongest man in your Yanzhou, that poor old man, eventually turned into a monster. If it weren't for the intervention of the State Master, Yanzhou would have become a ruin... and now, Yanzhou City has become chaotic again. Apart from the State Master, who else can help you Yanzhou people to quell this chaos? Count on those southerners?"

As he said this, the grassland man raised his hand and pointed to the south.

"Don't be silly, Lord Governor, just like you couldn't send troops to Jizhou at the beginning, they can't help you either. After all, your southern court has been reducing the armed forces of the border states in the past few years. What do you think they can do to help you? Will they fill it with their lives?"


Yanzhou Governor Qi Jinshan's eyes were wide open.

But he couldn't say anything to refute.

The truth is the sharpest blade. Every word the envoy from the grassland said hit the key points of Yanzhou City and Dachen at the moment. Indeed, as the envoy from the grassland said, Yanzhou is indeed unlikely to receive any reinforcements in a short time, and he, the governor of Yanzhou, is far from being as powerful as Ruan Shantao, who can suppress a state by himself.

Let alone himself, even if you look at the entire Yanzhou, you may not find such a person.

With only this little fighting power in his hands, he can hardly maintain the order of Yanzhou City, and the vanguard of the grassland army has arrived in Jizhou. However, this time, it is not just the Qingyang tribe, but the real elite who came from the Mobei Royal Court.

In just less than a day, Yanzhou City is already in danger.

Surrender seems to have really become the most rational decision.

This is the last way left for him by the enemy, the safest way.

I don't know when the whole set of arrangements had been made. The sudden attack caused chaos in the city within a day. Facing such an enemy, Yanzhou Governor Qi Jinshan could not see any chance of winning.

"My national teacher said that the governor is a smart man and should know how to choose."

After that, the grassland envoy took out a copper whistle and blew it hard.

The hounds as big as horses ran to the street. These dogs with bloodshot eyes have become ferocious monsters. They bite every living person within their sight. Their sharp teeth can easily chew hard bones.

Only heads are not eaten, so among the heads rolling on the ground, there are painful wails everywhere.

"Sorry, I blew the wrong whistle."

Listening to the wails coming from outside and the roars of the hounds, the grassland envoy took out another bone whistle.

"It should be this..."


Seeing that the human-faced giant eagle had already flown over the Governor's Mansion, with half of a broken corpse in its claws, Yanzhou Governor Qi Jinshan finally gritted his teeth.



The blazing flames illuminated the sky.

The human-faced giant eagle flying in the air was completely split in the middle. It was just pecking at half of the corpse, but now it was broken into two halves.

Then, accompanied by a buzzing sound, the blazing flame drew an arc on the spot.

A moment later, half of the wall at the gate of the Governor's Mansion collapsed, taking with it the upper bodies of more than ten hunting dogs.


In the Governor's Mansion, Qi Jinshan and the grassland envoy looked at each other.

"Whose general is that?"

Taking a deep breath, Qi Jinshan called his soldiers.

"Such a brave man, why have I never heard of him before?"

"That's our ordnance chief."

The summoned soldier reported in a low voice.

"It should be him, after all, that horse and that knife are very conspicuous."

"...Wait a minute?"

Qi Jinshan was confused.

He knew the chief of ordnance, but in his impression, the drunkard named Liu Bolun had nothing to do except drinking every day. But now...that drunkard is so brave?

"Uh, it's not Chief Liu."

Hearing Qi Jinshan's doubts, the soldiers who were called were a little embarrassed.

"Hasn't Chief Liu already sealed his gold seal and ran into the mountains? This is Chief Du from Jizhou. He was not originally from our side. They persuaded him to come down..."

"Good! Good persuasion! Good persuasion!"

Qi Jinshan immediately clapped his hands and laughed.

Then he turned his head to look at the grassland envoy on the side.

"You barbarian, what did you want to say just now?"

"...Just one person, can't change anything."

The grassland envoy clenched the knife in his hand.

"Sir, don't forget that Ruan Shantao..."

Before he finished speaking, the grassland envoy's hand holding the knife had already flown up.

After cutting off the grassland envoy's arm with one sword, Qi Jinshan's second sword directly cut through the grassland envoy's throat.

"Want to become a monster like those men in black? Ha."

With a sneer, Qi Jinshan just raised his bloody sword and stepped over the corpse of the grassland envoy.

"Pass the order! Let everyone move! Eliminate the thieves in the city!"

With a sword in hand, Qi Jinshan was full of vigor and vitality.

Yes, in the past, there was a famous person like Ruan Shantao sitting in Yanzhou, and he, the governor of Yanzhou, had almost no sense of existence.

But now that Ruan Shantao is gone, he naturally has to do what Ruan Shantao couldn't do.

Even better than Ruan Shantao.

After all, he is the real person in charge of Yanzhou.

The leader's extra chapter is here, good morning everyone.

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