In the Blade

Chapter 98 Part of the practice

Looking at the swordsman with scars on his face and a long sword on his waist, Xiang Rong felt as if he was in another world.

If the other party had not suddenly come to him, he would have almost forgotten that he had such a disciple. After all, compared with the great cause of restoring the country of Da Chu, a mere disciple is too insignificant to mention - but looking at the familiar look of the other party and the familiar sword on his waist, some dusty memories finally came to his mind.

That was when he was still traveling around the world. He came to Jibei by chance and picked up the orphan of this horse thief. At that time, he was planning to stay in Jibei for a while, so he also raised him and taught him some things casually.

As for the content of the teaching, it would naturally not be the secret collection of the royal family of Da Chu. Being able to teach something from the Imperial Academy was already a kind act on his part.

People will be soft-hearted more or less in their lives. The former Great Chu Dynasty also studied this point when they were studying the way to ascend to heaven. After all, even those with extraordinary talents, even the geniuses of the generation, often fall for the seven emotions and six desires, lose their original intentions, fall into madness, and even turn into monsters.

So after the successive generations of the Great Chu Dynasty studied, the conclusion recorded in the royal secret book was that it is better to open than to block.

It is really powerful to restrain yourself, at least it looks powerful, but in fact it will make your reason stretched into a tight string, which will break on the spot at the slightest disturbance. Therefore, in order to stabilize your consciousness in the impact of those swords and weapons, and to make your mind more smooth and free, it is relatively necessary to occasionally do what you want and do something that others cannot understand.

After all, for him at that time, this kid really made him a little emotional. Although he is a descendant of the Great Chu royal family, what is the difference between this life of hiding and showing his tail and the orphan of a horse thief?

Moreover, he had heard that his old friend had been excluded by the court and had come to Yanzhou to live in seclusion and teach students.

"Then raise one."

With a thought, the fate of this child named Cui Yuan was changed.

But for Xiang Rong, this was no different from raising cats and dogs.

In the following years, he finally confirmed that the young emperor of the Southern Chen Dynasty had gradually reduced the military equipment of each state in order to make his family rest assured, which proved that the fate of the Southern Chen Dynasty had indeed ended - but he was alone at that time, and it would be difficult for him to complete the feat of restoring the country by himself. So he set off north to find the Mobei King's Court and became the national teacher of the grassland people.

Even though the grassland people had a war with the Chu people in the past, there is no eternal enemy in this world. Just like the Southern Chen Taizu was willing to accept the remnants of the previous dynasty Dayu in order to attack the remnants of the Chu people, the grassland people and him, the last person of the Great Chu, now have a common enemy.

So, the two sides hit it off.

With the world as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces, such a grand move, he forgot about the leisure entertainment in the past. Anyway, these leisure moves were nothing to him.

Just like Ruan Shantao, who thought that he could make him be cautious by taking his disciples, but he didn't know that this was a trick he put outside, just to give those who wanted to attack him a target to hit.

What's more, in addition to the target, these leisure moves can also play other roles.

Just like now.

"Good disciple, you have grown up."

Facing the former disciple, Xiang Rong first went up and hugged the other party hard, letting the other party feel the enthusiasm of the Chu people, and he also felt the other party's physical fitness.

Not bad, worthy of being the disciple he chose. Just looking at this strong back, I'm afraid that in the more than ten years since he left, this kid has never abandoned his swordsmanship.

Very good, really very good.

With such good swordsmanship, this disciple is of some value.

"Come on! Come in first!"

Since it was not a place to talk outside, Xiang Rong brought Cui Yuan into the big tent. Cui Yuan was a little excited when facing this former master. However, besides being excited, he was more confused. The master in front of him made him feel a little strange.

The master in those days was melancholy, dull, and serious, with a scholarly spirit, but the master today was flamboyant, enthusiastic, and high-spirited. His gestures were full of domineering power.

Although this should be his master, they talked about some past events during the conversation. However, no matter how he tried to get closer, it seemed as if there was a thick barrier between them.

At this moment, they were sitting closer than before.

"So, you have some reputation in Jizhou and Yanzhou later."

After a moment of chatting, Xiang Rong couldn't help but sigh.

"You should know the masters in these two states, right? How good are they?"

"...very strong."

Cui Yuan was silent for a moment, but his mind recalled the several fights between him and Du Chengfeng.

"Really strong, can't be underestimated."

"Is that how you evaluate them..."

Xiang Rong nodded slowly, and then continued to ask.

"Do you know if there are any masters in these two states who are good at using fire blades?"

" blades?"

Cui Yuan was stunned.

Thinking of the so-called battles between himself and those masters, it seems that no one has used such strange things as fire blades. Even the several fights between him and Du Chengfeng... The first time, Du Chengfeng fought with bare hands and short blades, the second time, he used a broadsword to cut off his sword, and the third time, he used Liu Qingyun's long sword to break the horse and defeated him, the original winner.

In the three fights, Du Chengfeng did not use anything that could be considered a fire blade.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

"I haven't heard of it?"

Xiang Rong's brows immediately frowned.

His disciples are more stubborn and should not tell any lies, which means that the master who uses the fire blade almost appeared out of thin air in Jibei.

Things are getting weird. God knows where Ruan Shantao, this disciple, came from, and he must be cautious.

"So you should go back to the city first, which can be regarded as a help to the teacher."

Thinking of this, Xiang Rong spoke.

"Also, if you see a master who is good at using fire blades, go up and give him a sword."

"Give him a sword?"

Cui Yuan couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"But I have no grudges against that person, and I don't even know who that person is..."

"But he is stronger than you, isn't he?"

Xiang Rong raised his hand and patted Cui Yuan on the shoulder.

"Good disciple, I have seen how you practiced all this time. Challenging the strong is itself a part of practice, isn't it?"

"Part of practice?"

Cui Yuan's heart suddenly jumped.

If it was before, he might really think that challenging the strong is indeed a part of practice.

But now, after hearing this, Cui Yuan instinctively felt that this master was trying to trick him to death.

The first update is here, it's a bit late, I will try to update the second update before two o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you Huo Bei for the reward, thank you for your love, it's really a waste of money.

Thank you all for your support and love, I will continue writing.

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