The Salted Fish Me

“Hello! System! Are you there? Please don’t make trouble! So many people are watching!”

In a high-end seafood restaurant on Koh Chang, Thailand, there is a 19-year-old Chinese boy with a bitter expression on his face. At present, there are many restaurant waiters around him. The reason is that the boy said he lost his wallet after eating.

The boy’s name is Leyi. Originally, it was not difficult for him at all. You must know that Leyi is a transmigrator, and he also carries the legendary golden finger: the system.

With such a heaven-defying thing, Le Yi thinks that he can easily break this deadlock by exchanging something in the system.

But when Leyi was about to ask the system, the system only left a sentence for Leyi, and then unbound.

[Since the host has traveled through this parallel world for a year, this system has observed that the host has no dream of being equal to a salted fish. This system is undoubtedly overkill with the host. Therefore, this system has decided to abandon the host and hope that the host can do it for itself. 】

This is the funniest joke Leyi has heard since time travel…

There are really useless people in the world who even despise their golden fingers.

It feels like if the system left behind before leaving… When it means, pig-like teammates are always pig-like teammates, even if they have god-like golden fingers, they can’t bring them up.

The question now is, what do I do when you leave! !

At the moment, Le Yi’s heart was broken. After the system finished talking about unbinding, he really couldn’t sense the existence of the system. No matter how much he called the system, there was no response.

When Le Yi was in a very embarrassing situation in the restaurant, he suddenly saw a Thai waiter and brought a woman in a red dress over. The woman’s skin was slightly darker and she was in her 30s. From the outside, she should be the same Thai.

I saw the woman put her hands together on the tip of her nose when she came to Leyi, and then she nodded to Leyi and said, “Sawadika!”

“Ah ah~~ Sawadika, Sawadika!!” Seeing the woman greeting him, Le Yi quickly followed suit and said hello. Although his Thai is not very good, he still knows Sawadika. of.

And after Leyi finished speaking, the woman in the red dress laughed on the spot, and immediately she said to Leyi in fluent Chinese: “In our Thailand, only women say hello and say sawadhika! Men’s [you] Good] The pronunciation is a little different!”

“Uh.” Hearing the woman’s words, Le Yi was embarrassed on the spot, but fortunately he was wise enough, and immediately praised the woman in front of him:

“You speak Chinese so well! I didn’t expect you to be beautiful and smart, but your skin is so good, you should only be 18 years old!”

Hearing Leyi’s sweet words, the woman in the red dress laughed again, and then she introduced to Leyi:

“My name is Natasha. Natasha Jia, 35 years old this year, is the boss here. My little guest, your mouth is very sweet. It must be very popular with girls in your China.”

Hearing Natessa’s words, Leyi laughed dryly, but then Natessa’s words suddenly changed, and the topic was suddenly shifted to Leyi’s Overlord’s meal.

“Guest, you spent a total of 5,030 baht for seafood with us, and you can calculate your 5,000 baht after erasing the fraction! Now, have you encountered any special circumstances, guest?”

“Uh~ my wallet is gone! I really didn’t mean to eat the Overlord’s meal!” Le Yi looked at Natessa with a wry smile, and at the same time he kept calling the system in his heart, but the bloody realityTell him that you have lost your powerful golden finger.

“Hey! System, there is a limit to joking! Do you have the heart to leave me here alone?” At this moment, Le Yi was about to cry without tears, but in the next second, a voice like the sound of heaven suddenly sounded in his head.

[Ding Dong, check your desire for the system, the salted fish system starts to bind you 1%…30%…70%…100%, the salted fish system is successfully bound. 】

[Host: Leyi, Salted Fish System is happy to serve you. When it is detected that the host comes with a god-level skill: painting, the system automatically lists it as a salted fish turning skill, and when it is detected that the host comes with a god-level skill: music, this system automatically lists it as a salted fish turning skill]

[Because the host is bound to this system for the first time, this system specially presents the host a lottery draw and a salted fish value of 600. Now the system automatically opens the attribute panel, please check the host’s physical attributes]

Host: Leyi

Binding system: salted fish system

Salted fish value: 600 points

Possess salted fish turning skills: god-level painting, god-level music (skills are given by the former system)

The salted fish system has its own passive skills: go with the flow, the price of salted fish turning over

Hearing a series of information in his head, and looking at the slightly modified attribute panel in front of him, Le Yi suddenly changed his uneasiness to joy, and then he excitedly hurriedly said to the system secretly:

“Ha! I knew you wouldn’t give up on me! Although I was a salted fish for the year we were bound together! But you didn’t punish me either!”

[This system does not know what the host is talking about, this system binds the host for the first time today! ] The system in his mind can answer Le Yi’s words, telling that he is not the system you think.

And Le Yi was not surprised after listening to the system’s words. Immediately, he snickered inwardly and said, “Entertainment system, open my favorite anime!” The voice just fell.

“Swipe~” A display screen suddenly appeared in front of Leyi.

Only Leyi can see this display screen, and an amazing anime is playing on the display screen. The heroine of the anime is named Ellie. At this time, she is talking about philosophy with her stepfather. The name of the anime is Leyi. The famous H-manga “Ghost. Father”.

“Hey! He also said that you are not in the entertainment king system. If you thought you changed your name to the salted fish system, I won’t recognize you!” N got up.


The salted fish system was speechless for a moment, feeling that he was crying stupidly by himself…

In his last life, Le Yi was a killer in another world, a killer who had never killed anyone. In his last life, he was an orphan, and he has undergone rigorous killer training since he was sensible. The darkness is like a cage, and he cannot go to the outside world. Many children can’t stand and choose to commit suicide…

Leyi has a tough personality, so he has endured all kinds of training. When Leyi was 18 years old, the killer organization finally prepared to order Leyi to carry out the mission, but the base of the killer organization was discovered by the enemy, so the two sides fought and the killer organization was destroyed…

Le Yi was also sacrificed in the war, and he didn’t kill anyone until his death. He was considered the most aggrieved killer, but he was open-hearted, because in the last life he felt that death was a relief.

In his last life, he had no name but only a code name. Although he was still an orphan in this life, at least he had a name since he was born. Since then, he has been called Le Yi, and it has been a year since he came to this world in the blink of an eye.

In this life, because Leyi fell in love with animation, he just wanted to be a salted fish with no dreams and experience life comfortably…

The entertainment king system is the previous name of Leyi’s golden finger. Usually the black-bellied person will die, but he wants to make Leyi the entertainment king. Every time he gets black-bellied, Leyi screams in fear.

Now, Le Yi also knows that he is not in front of the system, after all, the waiter and the boss in front of him are waiting for his reply…

…. ….

PS: The new book is released, the bug has completed three books, and the credibility is guaranteed. I ask everyone to support [weak and weak for collection]…

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