Eighteen This is great! You actually let go of the beautiful star pigeon who has a crush on you!

“Mom! It’s the first day I met Le Yi! There’s nothing to say!” Di Lieba’s face suddenly turned red, and her eyes were dodged.

Seeing her daughter’s appearance at this time, Reba’s mother, who was a visitor, didn’t understand why she smiled kindly, and saw that she touched her daughter’s head and started talking about her own affairs.

“I saw your father for the first time back then! Your father’s Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe was not well-known at that time”

“I’m just a little girl grazing, and it was your aunt Yaguli who sneaked me into the tent where your dad was performing! At that time, he was playing the dab (Xinjiang hand drum), dancing Xinjiang dance and singing our folk songs! ”

As she talked, Reba’s mother seemed to miss her more and more: “I saw your father the first time I saw him and realized that I had fallen in love with him! I feel that his eyes are more charming than Bosten Lake. The Hemu grassland is still wide.”

Listening to her mother’s description, she had to admit that Di Lieba thought of what happened to Leyi just now, and she found that her mood at the moment seemed to be exactly the same as what her mother described.

“If you find yourself in love with him! Go after him bravely, child! Your dad and I will support you no matter what you do!”

“You decide the path in the future. If you want to continue filming, your parents will support you! Even if you don’t want to film anymore! There is a ranch at home, and your dad’s song and dance troupe!”

Hearing her mother’s words, Reba nodded and smiled. She couldn’t even think of what it would be like when Le Yi went back to herd with her.

After that, when the time entered 23:30, and the scenes that were supposed to be shot in the Chinese restaurant were over, Director Wang Tian announced the end of work. At the same time, she contacted Dili Reba and wanted to ask her if she would like to be a guest at the Chinese restaurant tomorrow.

Originally, “Chinese Restaurant” didn’t invite Di Lieba, and she felt regretful. It happened that Di Lieba came to travel here. What she meant was that Reba would be a guest of the sky and be responsible for sweeping the floor and serving dishes.

Anyway, Reba understands the format of variety shows, so let’s briefly talk about how she knows how to liven up the atmosphere. Regarding the Dili Reba artist company, Wang Tian has already communicated, and Reba’s agent received the above instructions to respect Reba’s decision.

And now that Reba received an invitation from Wang Tian, ​​Dili Reba was actually a little hesitant. After all, she was here to take her parents on a trip this time, so she didn’t want to talk about work.

Telling this to his mother, Di Lieba’s mother readily agreed, but the request was that Di Lieba’s parents would also follow.

After all, Di Lieba’s mother knew from her daughter that Leyi was near the Chinese restaurant. If nothing else happened, he might join the Chinese restaurant.

Reba’s mother wanted to get in touch with Leyi. She didn’t like to show her face, but in order to understand Leyi, she also gave it up.

Hearing her mother’s thoughts, Reba nodded moved, so the two ran to Reba’s father’s room to wake up the poor Reba’s father.

After Reba’s father woke up, Reba’s mother didn’t say to see her future son-in-law, but just said that Reba suddenly came to a filming job, and she was only busy for one day tomorrow, so Reba’s father, who loved her daughter, naturally had no opinion on this matter.

After finalizing the plan for tomorrow, Di Lieba hurriedly called Wang Tian, ​​saying that she had no problem with being an airborne guest, but she had to bring her parents. At the same time, she said that her parents were very talented in acting and would never disappoint the director.

Gradually, the two sides discussed the matter for tomorrow and slowly ended the phone call. Reba was too embarrassed to ask Wang Tian about Leyi in the middle. She probably thought that Leyi would definitely go to the Chinese restaurant tomorrow!

Leyi is here…

Today, after Leyi handed over all the money she earned to Natasha, she did not expect that Natasha only charged Leyi 10,000 baht, and she confiscates the fuel, water and electricity bills consumed by the pancakes.

After that, Leyi checked into a hotel in Natasha, and now he looked at the 4,300 baht left in his hand and shouted to the system in his head speechlessly.

“Hey! System, can you explain what the hell is Zone?”

[Ding~ The Zone opened by the host today is the weakest Zone, with a level of A-. This ability is the innate talent of the entertainment king of the host.The ability to drive the atmosphere, the strongest Zone-level SSS, the power exceeds the host’s imagination]

“Who asked this!” Le Yi was very helpless when he heard the system’s words: “Ah~~ I just want to be a salted fish! It’s not like you don’t understand my system! As long as I get attention, my legs will become weak. , I have a disease that will kill me as soon as I get attention!”

[Please don’t be a serious fool! 】

The sudden stop of the system made Leyi speechless for a moment. Later, Leyi learned that as long as he used the salted fish turning skill in the crowd, more people who were followed would trigger the Zone.

“Well~ I’ll be a salted fish in the future! Eat and drink well, and only ghosts will trigger the Zone!” Thinking of Leyi here, he fell asleep beautifully, but his luck had already been changed by the system. Obviously, Leyi’s salted fish The road is not smooth.

The next day, Le Yi, who was supposed to wake up naturally, was woken up by Xiao Apple’s knock on the door.

Because today is the last day for Little Apple to rest, and tomorrow Little Apple will go to kindergarten, so of course Little Apple wants Leyi to take him to play.

The hotel where Leyi lives is Natessa’s house, so it’s too easy for Little Apple to know which room Leyi lives in.

Helpless, Le Yi got up from the chuang, put on clothes and washed. After everything was cleaned up, Le Yi looked at Little Apple with a wry smile and said, “This sister Natasha has a big heart, so don’t worry, I will take her baby girl to play. I’m not afraid that I will sell it to her!”

In fact, if it were someone else, Natessa would never be so relieved, but after she had been in contact with Leyi for a day, she was completely relieved of Leyi, and Little Apple also liked Leyi very much, so she naturally asked Leyi to help her lead the way. There’s nothing better than a child.

Today, Leyi didn’t want to go to the Chinese restaurant either, so after saying hello to Natasha on the phone, Leyi ran to rent a motorcycle for 200 baht, and after bringing a lot of snacks, the two set off with laughter and laughter all the way. La!

This time, Leyi is not going to return to Huaxia so soon. Although he doesn’t have much money in his pocket, he rarely comes to Thailand and feels that he hasn’t played it before. I feel so sorry for myself because of the addiction. Now he just brought a small apple on the way to play, it doesn’t hurt… …

Today, Leyi’s goal is to take Little Apple to ride the Big Elephant around the forest, and then go to see the fireflies at night. When the two were laughing and playing, they obviously didn’t expect the confusion on the faces of the Chinese restaurant and others.

Originally, Reba was coming today, and the Chinese restaurant and others were still very excited. When Reba brought her parents, everyone was full of joy.

But after Wang Tian announced that Leyi had rejected the invitation from the Chinese restaurant, everyone was stunned, especially Dili Reba and Reba’s mother. They were quite disappointed. Only Reba’s father was dumbfounded and didn’t know what was going on. , who is Leyi?

…. ….

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