I am the one who wants to be salted fish!

“Wow! What’s going on?” Huang Xiaoming looked at the whole situation in the restaurant and said dumbfounded.

And Leyi, who happened to be walking out of the kitchen at this time, saw the three foolishly there, and immediately asked them with a smile, “You guys are here! Have you had lunch?”

Hearing Le Yi’s words, the three of them shook their heads, and after seeing that the three of them didn’t eat, Le Yi immediately asked the people who were cooking: “The trouble is three servings of braised chicken and rice!”

The foreign woman in the “OK” who was cooking replied with a smile. After that, they went to cook according to Le Yi’s instructions.

At the same time, the antelope smiled and started rushing for the lemonade, and Leyi pointed to the bar and said to the three of Zhao Wei: “Now there is still space at the bar, you can sit at the bar and eat your lunch here!”

When the three of them were sitting on the bar, Zhou Dongyu and Jin Mengjia had already had enough to eat. After the two entered the kitchen to help clean up the tableware, they came to Zhao Wei and the three excitedly and talked about what happened just now.

When the two talked about Leyi, they were very excited, it was as if they were talking about the person they liked in front of their mother.

The two praised Leyi like a flower, as if the gods descended to the earth. When they heard the praise of the two of them, Leyi coughed again and again, indicating that he was not so brave.

The antelope beauty at the bar was curious about who Zhao Wei and others were. Le Yi smiled and introduced that Zhao Wei was the real store manager, and he was just the acting store manager.

Knowing Zhao Wei’s identity, Antelope greeted them generously, and at the same time Rabbit sang a song for Zhao Wei and others.

Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming, and Zhang Xiao expressed their gratitude to those foreigners who helped, and the foreigners said that they were also very happy to experience these things. Besides, they were very happy chatting with Leyi.

Seeing the situation in front of them, Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming, and Zhang Xiaore all know that Dongyu and Mengjia’s praise for Leyi is not an exaggeration at all. Now in the eyes of Zhao Wei and others, Le Yi is like a god descended from the earth.

Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming and Zhang Xiaoren stole their mouths after eating the braised chicken rice made by foreigners.

“Wow! The stewed chicken is so delicious, so tender and smooth, I almost swallowed my tongue!” Zhao Wei looked at Le Yi with admiration while eating.

“Oh! I bit my tongue!” Huang Xiaoming, who was excited to eat, suddenly covered his mouth and said in pain. The meat was so fragrant that he was eating too hard.

“Master is worthy of being a master! Today’s situation is the same as yesterday, but the ending is completely different!”

Thinking that the three of them were tired like dogs yesterday, the repeat customers were not satisfied with the food. Today, it’s different when Leyi is there. Uncle’s… When people are tired, the guests help to wash the dishes, the guests help to serve the dishes, and the guests play music for you, just like living in a dream.

It’s really human to be damned, and goods to be thrown away…

Due to the active atmosphere of Leyi in the store, many customers from all over the world dare to eat together. Everyone opens up their hearts to tell each other interesting things, for a whileThe atmosphere in the store is fun and happy, making people feel that they will not be tired from doing anything.

Natessa hasn’t left since she finished eating. She has been drinking drinks at the door and watching the situation in the store. Now she simply can’t admire Le Yi.

If there is not enough manpower anywhere, she will make up for it. Think about the big boss of the restaurant next door, who went to Leyi’s side to work as a handyman at this time, and no one would believe him when he said it.

Guests came and went, the Chinese restaurant was open until 6 pm, and the laughter in the restaurant never stopped. In the middle, Leyi also played “Five. Hundred. Miles (Five Hundred. Miles)” and “The Brightest in the Night Sky”. star”.

Listening to Leyi’s songs, the guests were all satisfied and left. Before leaving, they were still joking that a manager of this restaurant was such a jerk that he even asked the guests to wash the dishes. But this restaurant is definitely what made them the most memorable and happiest.

The guests who helped to wash the dishes never stopped, and Zhao Wei and others rewarded them with Leyi’s songs and free yellow stewed chicken rice.

To be honest, in one afternoon, Zhao Wei did nothing but count money, and just laughed and chatted with the guests who helped wash the dishes.

Thinking of Zhou Dongyu’s wild remarks yesterday that she would just come to count the money tomorrow, but I didn’t expect this to come true! ! !

The closing time is the same as yesterday. Yesterday’s early closing was because of the blow, and today’s early opening is because the yellow braised chicken was sold out.

After seeing off the last guest, Zhang Xiaoqiu, Zhao Wei and others personally cooked and cooked a table of meals to entertain the waiters who had not left.

The two blond beauties, Rabbit and Antelope, were also included, and Natasha was also left behind, but they helped all afternoon.

When eating lunch, Rabbit and Antelope saw what it was like when Leyi let go of eating. He was so angry when he was eating.

At the end of the meal, the host and guests enjoyed themselves and sent away those foreigners who were eager to help. Le Yi and others sincerely thanked them.

“Goodbye Sister Natasha, goodbye antelope and rabbit!” Le Yi smiled and bid them farewell one by one.

Now that they had enough to eat and drink, and everyone was sitting on the doorstep like yesterday, the mood was so different from yesterday.

“My God! Since the opening of our restaurant, I have never experienced such a comfortable day!” Zhang Xiao took off half a bottle of beer and drank it as he pleased.

Drinking yesterday was considered to be drinking to relieve anxiety, and drinking today is simply refreshing to the core.

“Aiya~~ There are so many salted fish in this store that there are so many cash cows!!” Zhao Wei put down the beer and sorted out the money at this time. This thick stack of money made people feel happy.

Zhao Wei now can’t wait to hug Le Yi and kiss her for two, but in the end, considering the bad influence, it’s okay.

“Miss Wei, let’s count the money, let’s see how much our turnover is today?” Zhou Dongyu looked at Zhao Wei and couldn’t wait to say it, and Jin Mengjia also looked at the money in Zhao Wei’s hand and looked forward to it.

Finally, Zhao Wei excitedly said yes, and immediately counted today’s turnover one by one. When she counted 20,000 baht, she excitedly announced that the battle of revenge was successful.

And the remaining money still has a lot of thickness, and Zhao Wei immediately counted the money with joyful eyes.

“Today we have overfulfilled the task!” Huang Xiaoming exclaimed while watching Zhao Wei keep counting money.

Thinking about when Leyi was away, the five of them had a daily turnover of 10,000 yuan. With Leyi there…the turnover was easily over 20,000 yuan. It is said that following Leyi can not only make money, but also don’t even need to brush the dishes. It’s crazy to lie down and win easily.

Le Yi’s mind has not turned around yet, if he turns around, he will probably shout:

“Hey! In the end, I am a salted fish! Or are you salted fish! How can I lead you to lie down and win in the end! It should be me who is lying there and shouting 666! I am the one who wants to be a salted fish!! hello~”

…. ….

“Wow 31,000, our turnover today is 31,000!!”

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