: Salted Fish Drawing Spear!

“Ah~ Yishen!” There is a fairly high-end convenience store opposite the noble school. Now the convenience store is closed due to the war. Others think that there is no one in the convenience store. Woolen cloth.

After the clerk inside heard the gunfire outside, fortunately the convenience store had a camera installed, through the camera, the clerk immediately saw that Leyi was gradually surrounded by 9 rebels.

The clerk, Leyi’s name, knows it. Now, while he is worried about Leyi’s safety, the cowardice in his heart also prevents him from daring to rush out.

And Wancha now wants to use her eyes to signal Leyi to run away. She will not hurt Leyi if she is desperate now, but what makes Wancha speechless is that Leyi uses her eyes to signal that she can deal with 8 people by herself. , the remaining one needs a bowl of tea with a gun.

If there is only one person in front of them, of course Wancha can easily solve it. She has a gun in her hand. She has a hundred ways to solve one person, but the key is that there are 9 rebels with assault rifles in front of them.

The gun in the opponent’s hand, Leyi, recognized at a glance that it was an ak series assault rifle, a modified version of the ak47. This kind of gun is cheap to manufacture and is still used by ordinary soldiers in wars in some small countries.

It is because the AK series guns are cheap and durable, and the bullets of this gun are cheap and easy to find, making it a common weapon in individual wars. As a matter of fact, many foreign gun workshops can even imitate this kind of gun, which also makes the price of the gun cheaper, and the durability of the imitation AK series assault rifle is not bad.

Even though the rate of fire of this gun may not be top-notch among guns, anyway, no matter how slow the rate of fire of this gun is, it still doesn’t have the ability to dodge bullets lightly. Do you think those martial arts scenes in an anti-Japanese drama are so good Demonstrated?

As the other 9 people gradually approached, it was obvious that they were not good people, and if they were wrong, the 9 of them would really want to kill the two of them.

Now, Leyi has used a very small voice to signal to the bowl of tea to count down 3…..2…..

However, when Leyi and Wancha were about to start, a civilian suddenly panicked and ran out not far behind Leyi. He was running away in a panic as if something was chasing him.

Seeing the fleeing civilian, one of the rebels raised his gun and aimed to shoot the civilian. Seeing this, Leyi suddenly moved.

Papapa~~~ Wancha only heard a series of gunshots, whether it was 3 or 4 because the gunshots were too fast, she couldn’t hear them clearly. In fact, there were 6 gunshots in total, but it was because So fast that some gunshots sounded like one.

Out of the corner of Wancha’s light, he just quickly captured that Le Yi took out the revolver with his right hand, and his left hand slapped the hammer behind the revolver like an afterimage.

Anyone who knows how to see Leyi’s actions will surely exclaim: “Drawing a gun!!”Think about the principle of an ordinary revolver. Under normal circumstances, when you shoot a revolver, the trigger will be pulled, and the trigger will drive the hammer behind the revolver. The hammer hits the bottom of the bullet and the gunpowder is fired.

When firing the first shot, it is not so complicated and can be done very quickly. The key is to solve multiple people at the same time within 1 second. If you rely on ordinary shooting alone, it will be too slow.

Because each time the revolver pulls the trigger, it will only fire one bullet. To fire the second bullet, you need the revolver’s trigger to rebound and a series of mechanical operations.

After these mechanical operations are over, you may need 0.7-0.8 seconds to fire the second shot at the fastest time. This time sounds very fast, but for war, this time is too slow. The rebels subconsciously shake their hands, and your life will be ruined.

When Le Yi fired, he directly omits many of the previous steps. He slaps the hammer directly, and the hammer hits the bullet to fire. It is so simple to quickly pull the hammer to fire.

Regarding the rotation of the 6 rounds of the revolver when you fire it, it has been automatically carried out when Leyi pulls the hammer. This 1873 in Leyi’s hand runs very smoothly.

In less than a second, 6 bullets were fired, and the bullets were very accurate into the wrists of the 6 rebels who were about to shoot. The bullets penetrated from the wrists and went down the arms to tear each other until the elbows, and the muscles were abolished by the bullets. .

Even if Le Yi was a killer in his previous life, he had never killed anyone, and in this world, he would never even think about killing anyone.

In Leyi’s opinion, abolishing the arm is enough. In a short period of time, Leyi abolished the arms of 6 people, and the bowl of tea followed with a gun to kill one person in one second.

・ ・For flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・

The remaining two, Le Yi, took advantage of the fact that the other party hadn’t reacted with a punch, and knocked them unconscious. Don’t take these actions too quickly. The battle will be resolved in 1 second. When all the rebels are knocked out, the gunpowder fills the air. The grayness has not been dissipated, so don’t be too handsome to set off the figure in Leyi Gunpowder.

The employee in the convenience store looked at the footage from the camera and shouted and was dumbfounded.

Afterwards, he also posted this scene to the circle of friends by the way, and Le Yi was speechless when he knew about it: “This is too real!”

When Leyi and Wancha arrived at the school, the school’s teachers and students, including some nearby civilians, huddled in a corner of the school. There was war everywhere, and there was no army to control where you let them go.

…. .. 0

Among the many foreign children, Leyi did not find Xiao Della for a while, which made Leyi stunned for a while?

A report came from 2233. A group of mercenaries came over with tanks from outside, and they still had a large number of people. People’s equipment is much better than Leyi and others, and Leyi only has a few captured ak47s in his hand!

To this group of people outside, 2233 smiled and said that the owner does not need to worry, there must be some secret weapons in the country of Jamidi, such as some missiles that may be eliminated by other countries.

These weapons are really outdated in the eyes of a big country, but for this small country, they are really more guarantees when they buy them.

These weapons may not even be able to break the defense of some big countries, but if a big country really wants to sanction this small country, the people of this small country don’t have to worry too much, they can’t beat it anyway, just wait to die.

At present, 2233 has hacked into Jamidi’s military, and they learned that the Jamidi military has prepared to use these secret weapons in order to fight the rebels.

In this case, 2233 doesn’t mind hacking into their broken satellites, and let these secret weapons change their course. Anyway, these weapons are not flying, and they can be used to solve 10 tanks and 2 tanks.

….. ……

From the novel group 9&8;02,0’5.85’6
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