Salted Fish Satellite Launch!

People all over the world were moved by this song. Many people listened to the song and shed tears while not forgetting to comment on the lethality of Yi Ge’s song.

He Jiong, Zhang Jie, Xiena… They all shed tears after listening to this song. While they admired Leyi’s talent, they kept calling for peace on Weibo.

Finally, Jiamidi lost his combat effectiveness with each soldier, and this incident forced several high-level officials to make compromises. But who does this country belong to? They know they can’t save the country, but the country doesn’t want to be handed over to the other.

This country is already in ruins, and they need to seek the protection of a big country, even if they make countless sacrifices in front of that big country, because this country is really worthless.

Many people in this country are thinking about this issue. No one thought that Little Della would return to this country with Melanie. Melanie said that she was willing to donate her oil mine. Of course, she was only willing to donate this mine. Donate to Huaxia, where Leyi is located, to pray for Huaxia to protect the country.

For this decision, the whole country unanimously agrees, not only because China is a country of joy, everyone knows that China is a country that advocates peace.

It is the God of Songs who wrote the song of peace, and Huaxia is the country where the God of Song 517 is located. That’s enough.

After Jiamidi sent messengers to communicate with Mi Ruishu, Mi Ruishu was of course willing to accept Jiamidi as a country. Of course, Mi Ruishu is not a vegetarian. He will definitely make some compromises in the country of Jiamidi. If a country forms an association with China, there will only be advantages and disadvantages.

In the blink of an eye, October 1st, on this special day for China, is also a special day for the country of Jamidi, because today is the day when the new leader of Jamidi takes office.

On the day when the new leader took office, Leyi personally went to Jiamidi to lay flowers for the new leader.

The newly appointed King Jamidi is none other than Leyi’s newly recognized goddaughter, Little Della. Yes, the king of a country is actually a 6-year-old girl, which surprised many people.

Of course, everyone knows that Jiamidi has long been a vassal of China. The real leader of Jiamidi is Mi Ruishu. Little Della is just a nominal king. She is the peace ambassador of Jiamidi. When dealing with the affairs of this country, she should still go to school and go shopping.

As for why Leyi’s goddaughter was made a nominal king, Wan Cha smiled and thought that “he” wanted to give Leyi a little more prestige!

Leyi is the spiritual sail of Huaxia, and his power as an idol can make people more cohesive.

Now people all over the world know…the world’s smallest king, her father is Leyi. Leyi’s daughter is the king of a country, although only in name.

Although Gamidi has become a vassal of China, the benefits to the entire country are really not a little bit. With the establishment of many factories in Jiamidi in China, and the entry of Chinese businessmen including Salted Fish Company into Jiamidi, Jiamidi’s economy has grown rapidly like a rocket.

Jiamidi has cheap labor, and Huaxia provides Jiamidi with the economy, and the two sides have formed a wonderful relationship of mutual benefit and complementarity.

When the country of Kamidi was officially united with China, a lot of changes took place in the United States.

America’s old No. 1 quiltKicked off the stage, the new No. 1 took office, and this new No. 1 was the father of Antelope Avril.

Thinking of how well Antelope and White Rabbit Jiasmin played, even though her father might have been a small politician before, with the help of two big American families, it’s hard to imagine that she couldn’t take off.

Of course, the newly appointed No. 1 in the United States knows that he can’t get to where he is today without the help of the world’s richest man. It is true that a certain world’s richest man is too well-connected, and his words are so eloquent that everyone in the world worships the world’s richest man. of.

That’s right, on November 11, 2018, the e-commerce festival, Le Yi, CEO of Salted Fish Company, officially became the richest man in the world (bbfc) with a worth of US$120 billion.

At the same time, with the development of more and more projects by Salted Fish Company, there are no more poor people in Huaxia. Salted Fish Company has driven the entire economy of Huaxia, making Huaxia’s economy already surpassed that of the United States.

Salted fish navigation, salted fish WIFI, salted fish mobile phone, salted fish communication due to the wide signal, strong signal, technology leading other brands for too many years and a short period of time leading the world too much.

Of course, Leyi didn’t want to have such a wide coverage of his company at first. At first, Ding Xiaoyu just handed Leyi a project and asked Leyi to apply for it when he went to dinner with Mi Ruishu one day.

As a result, Leyi felt that the plan was quite good, so he really told Mi Ruishu about the plan. When Mi Ruishu listened to Leyi’s plan, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

“What? You want to use Huaxia’s rocket to apply for the launch of a personal satellite, just to set off fireworks?”

It doesn’t matter what Mi Ruishu is about Leyi borrowing Huaxia’s rockets. It’s okay to launch a private satellite into the universe. The key point is that you’re going all out to set off fireworks. You can’t bear it. Can your dream be in the salted fish? point?

“I’m not for fireworks, mine is man-made meteors that purify the air”

“I have developed solid particles that can purify smog. If these particles are launched to the earth through satellites, not only will there be a spectacle that is more beautiful than meteors at night, but it can also purify the smog in the air. It will dissipate in the air and will not cause any pollution to the earth. It is not only harmless to humans and animals to eat, but it can also make the land more fertile as fertilizer when it falls into the soil.”

That’s right, this little-sounding thing is researched by Xiaoyu. It feels good to have a spectacle that is more beautiful than a meteor in the sky.

However, Mi Ruishu gave Leyi a white look and said that such a salted fish would not agree to launch Leyi into the sky unless Leyi could develop a more useful satellite.

At present, the technology is so advanced, Mi Ruishu knows that other countries have already allowed private satellites to go to the sky. Many businessmen smell business opportunities and are currently spending a lot of money on navigation, global WIFI, communications and so on.

It’s good that Leyi has such a strong R&D team to set off fireworks, what kind of woolen artificial meteor, isn’t this high-level fireworks?

Seeing that Mi Ruishu rejected his proposal, Leyi had no choice but to tell Ding Xiaoyu the result.

And Ding Xiaoyu is still full of fighting spirit for this result. With the help of the two high-level artificial intelligences of 2233, Xianyu Satellite 2.0 was successfully developed very quickly.

I am obviously very satisfied with the Xianyu Satellite 2.0m Ruishu, and the satellite function of Xianyu Satellite 1.0 is really much more than 2.0.

As the Xianyu satellite flew into the universe with a rocket developed by Huaxia, the whole world was shocked again.

…… …….

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