"He is a robot created to protect me, and is powered by nuclear fuels. If needed he will even explode to ensure I am safe." Then he run his eyes through all of them and said, " I don't think you a wish to die with nuclear radiation."

When Terrence said all this, all of them shudder.

They shuddered for two reasons. Firstly, they really don't wish to die that way. And secondly, their young boss is a madman to use nuclear energy like that.

Nuclear energy is still widely accepted at this time, even fifty years after the two nuclear attacks from " Little Boy" and " Fat Man".

The two bombs are the only two nuclear weapons ever used in a war, even if many nations now possess the nuclear bomb technology.

The uranium bomb "Little Boy" and the plutonium bomb" Fat Man" can be very outdated as compared to the power of the current nuclear arsenal yet they have killed thousands of people and affected the lives of millions.

This has put innate fear in humans for this uncontrolled power. Many people leave their home if there is a nuclear power plant around their house because of this fear.

They don't dare to take the risk even if they are given high salary. Of course there are some exceptions. The fact that the robot in front of them is powered by a similar scary power, brought that fear on their face.

" Is it alright to use that power, Terrence?", James, the head of security asked his old friend and boss.

Terrence wave his hands and ȧssured him not to worry about it. " The energy is much stable than the current tech used in nuclear power plants and the range of affect is also reduced.

It will only affect a few metre radius area and it will only explode if it is unstable."

Michael interrupted their talks about the safety of using nuclear energy and other things. He ȧsserted , "This is not something we should worry about now. Now we need to deal with all their forces.

We know they will attack at a point to penetrate the defense. But we have no idea where they might be. So we have to spread throughout the perimeter."

Everyone's attention is on him. Although not a genius strategist or battle planner, he is the only one with a plan right now.

So his words attracted everyone's attention.

" We are at a disadvantage now.

There are many ways the enemy can launch the ȧssault. They can press us but because of time they will not do it for long.

The most probable scenario is blitzing. They will attack us at lightning speed. "

He continued to explain until he is interrupted, "So this time not one of us will be leading the defense. It will be done by our ȧssistants. They will mobilise the men."

One of them, who happen to be Clark have some doubts about this plan, "But how can you be so sure they will target at a single point with full force, instead of testing the strength of the forces at that area. "

His words has everyone's attention and he continued, " They can even sent small forces to test our defenses or even fake the attack at that area to attract the men there.

When they have the chance they will nail us. All our effort will be for naught. Can we take this risk?"

They were silent because this is a very valid and reasonable thing. There might be a good chance that they will really do something like this.

There was no way they can be sure what may be the trap or what is their actual plan. They don't have any spy or enough intelligence about the other side to make the best possible plan.

This is something which is common for both sides.

Terrence seeing them so quiet mutters, " It seems we will have to invest more on getting intelligence and espionage. If we don't then maybe this shortcoming of ours may prove very deadly for us. "

Although he said it softly, some of them have heard what he said just now.

Others who heard him nods in agreement. The intelligence is a very important thing, especially in times of war. The intelligence about the battle, which have reports about the understanding of the enemy, their tactics as well as preference can do a great deal in times like this when they are trying to create counter strategies.

While they are thinking of what to do, The TX robot joined the discussion, "Master Thomas has sent me a profile of their leaders." His eyes shone and a holographic image of the information about the different leaders are placed in front of them.

He asked the robot which is coated by malleable, crystalline, ceramic armor interlaced with nano-fibers of carbon and titanium for its self protection.

" Where did you get it?" James is shocked as this report will help them greatly in this battle.

TX explained the procedure to all of them, " Master Thomas has been keeping track of each and every person who have entered and exit New York City in the past one month.

Since the day of battle was coming closer, he made certain preparation. After today's battle so far, these people have matched the people who attacked today.

There are certain characteristic behaviors of every member here which may help you all in dealing with them.

As for when I got this, it is from Master Thomas. Master Thomas has been keeping a lookout for things going out there, and after specific people are confirmed passed on this data to me, so it can be of use in the future. " after saying that he froze and didn't sway anything.

This amazed everyone.

All of them knows Thomas is sleeping now, so all this plan must have been created much earlier. This shows that he is far-sighted and has a plan for almost every situation he might encounter.

Terrence is proud at the moment, as he saw the look of awe on everyone's face. He felt even more proud because his son did not alone without using his personal prestige.

All this is done by the personal effort of Alex himself. Which father won't be proud when their son can walk on their own feet without their help and even surpass them.

Others didn't bother to question TX robot and made a plan.

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