In The DC World With A System

Chapter 33 - 7 Aftermath

Bruce looks at the retreating form of Thomas with an interested look in his eyes. He knows how most people see him as but not many dared to say things like that to his face.

Most will think it is just a kid acting childish and getting back at him for his remarks, but he saw he is very intelligent.

He was egging him to a fight deliberately and has certain reasons for this. He has a hunch on what it might be, but it still needs confirmation.

He runs his cheek where Thomas has punched him. ' He is strong, stronger than most people are.'

He also departed away with his female companion.

The reporters also parted ways swiftly after this matter ended. This incident will be the headlines for tomorrow and nothing can stop it.

The quicker they pass this news the better their future prospects will be.

Quincy Sharp and Hugo Strange also left together for they have much to discuss.

" Professor, it seems you thought too highly of Thomas Allens. He is but a headstrong kid. He dared to start with Bruce when almost all the Gotham is against his entry in the City.

Now, all of them will take shots on his ruthlessly. He has targeted one of the founders of Gotham City. They will not let him get away with it. " Sharp said with mirth in his voice. He too was against the entry of the Allens group in Gotham.

Hugo shook his head when he heard Quincy say something like that.

Quincy noticed the look, his advisor gave him and asked, " Is there a problem Professor?"

" You are too small to see Thomas. He is too sharp." He said while thinking about the young man. 'That young man is almost as interesting as Batman himself. ' he thought.

Sharp asked professor, " What do you mean by that? " then it clicked him, " Was there a hidden meaning in that act?"

Hugo looks out from the window to see the bustling city of Gotham. He spoke out, " He knows that he cannot take on the entire Gotham City on his own, so he decided to even the odds.

This action of Bruce Wayne must be compensated. What better way than to use the power of Wayne to withstand the pressure.

" There may be some people who will target him. With his smarts, he can tackle them." He said with absolute confidence.

Sharp then asked, " So are the Allens are going to enter the market of Gotham?" He is worried about the turmoil which is about to come in the future.

Hugo can read Quincy's thoughts just by looking at his face.

He explained the situation to his chess piece, " If not for the turmoil caused by the fall of Falcone, it gave him a chance to enter here.

If not for that, even with the support of Wayne, they have no chance of entry.

He is grasping the chance he has in to enter here. But, I am curious why he has decided to enter Gotham when he can easily enter any city in the United States of America.

What is it that attracts the attention of this genius?" He asked himself the last question.

He has grasped much about the young man but there is many mysteries to him. He wants to solve this puzzle. If Thomas stays in Gotham then he will be one of the most delighted of all people in Gotham.

With Thomas,

He laid on his soft bed alone while his guards and ȧssistants are either outside the room for safety or in their room to rest.

" I have become a high profile too early. Originally I wanted to gain some local support from the lower levels and then act.

But he changed everything I have planned before. " he mumbled to himself.

Then his thoughts went for Sharp, Hugo and that secret observer.

" Sharp will try to curry favours for me and he will smooth much of the things in the future since, Hugo may have already grasped the situation altogether.

He will know the entry of Allens is inevitable unless the City Council don't use those hidden forces to push me back.

But now isn't the time to reveal that hand. It is too soon and I haven't touched their core interests yet. " Thomas spoke out about those two.

And then that mysterious observer.

'I guess I should rest now. I will be very busy from now onwards. I hope he likes my gift. 'Thomas smirked and slept.

A few hours later,

In the Bat cave of the Wayne Estate,

" I didn't think you would start a fight with someone so young Master Wayne." Alfred, the most loyal of the Wayne commented.

" That brat was getting on my nerves. He doesn't respect me, his elderly or the dead. He must be taught a lesson. Since his parents haven't taught him, so I decided to teach him on their behalf." He snorted.

Instead of answering, he placed a letter in front of him.

" This is something that the Allens have sent to us. They wished to know how we are going to deal with this situation." Alfred asked his master, without any tension or stress.

Bruce was quiet and looked at the letter, along with that there was a message written on the letter.

He mumbles to his most trusted person, " He is most likely going to suck our blood. "

Then he walked up to the computer in front of him and inserted a flash drive.

" This is all the things I can find about Mr. Allens. I have to say he is quite something." Alfred compliments Thomas.

" How so?" Bruce is curious for his butler almost never praises anyone.

" He has attracted the attention of Ra al Ghul, your mentor. "Alfred's reply made Bruce serious. He knows his master well. Although the things about Thomas is brilliant it isnt enough to make his mentor look at him.

It meant he has some other things which are still hidden. It seems he will have to make a visit.

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