What Thomas did with the souls of the people he killed some time ago is something which can give goosebumps to even the bravest souls in the world. He has made sure that they all know what Hell truly means.

Normally, he doesn't dabble in souls as he feels that the enmity with a person ends with the death of the body. But, he felt that he killed these people too soon and he doesn't have the time to educate the manners of them properly.

As such after returning to his room, he made a decision to make great efforts in making them aware of the importance of manners and ethics in daily life. Hopefully, they will carry this lesson to their next birth.

Thomas is a mage, a great mage to be exact. For a mage, a soul can be of great use. The normally inhumane things which Thomas has never dared to practice on any dead soul for the sake of humanity were done on these unfortunate souls.

He took one soul and tried to use his magic powers to create a symbol on his body. The symbol was etched on the very soul itself making it difficult to remove.

This is a branding symbol. With this Thomas can find the presence of anyone as long as they are within a 100 km radius around him.

After advancing to the grand mage, this tracking radius will increase to about 1000 km.

Normally this branding doesn't hurt the user, but Thomas has no experience in this topic. These souls become important test subjects for his various soul related studies and projects.

Thomas has two main objectives, firstly learning how to brand a soul without causing any harm to the soul itself. Secondly, trying to remove the brand from the soul without any harmful effect or problem in the long run.

Currently, Thomas knows of only one way to remove these symbols, which is to cut off that part of the soul.

This is a very dangerous process. Not only does it cause excruciating pain to the soul, but it also weakens them.

He has only managed to inlay one brand on the soul body, but it is currently writhing in great pain from the effort.

He was going to test different methods of branding a symbol on the soul which may serve as a beacon for him.

One method he thought is like the branding of a tattoo on the horse with a hot rod.

He wants to poke them with a symbol and etch it on the surface.

His experiment was put to halt by the knock on the door.

He was dissatisfied with this interruption but calmed himself. He sealed them in a bottle and put them in his magic pouch, which he got some time ago for easy transport of goods.

He opened the door to see it was Daisy.

" Sir, the manager of the hotel wished to meet with you. He wants your opinion on how he should deal with the garbage." Daisy told Thomas who came to meet him and what reason does he have for this meeting.

Thomas nods and then stated, " So where is he waiting?" He walked out of the room and sat on the couch.

" You sure know how to calm down my nerves. If only there is no trouble up ahead, I could have enjoyed by orange delight. " he heaved a sigh and continued, " In the end, we don't get everything we wish for. "

" I am sure things would have been better if you have endured. We could have dealt with him later in a much discreet and ruthless way.

But, what's done is done, there is no room for remorse anymore. What we have to do now is adapt to the situation and reach our objective while dealing with the trouble on our path." Daisy advised Thomas when he is feeling down about the drastic change in their plans.

Thomas understood the situation he has got involved in. With the death of Black Mask, he has got involved in the affairs of the Underworld of Gotham. He is sure to have ample of troubles awaiting him.

There are rumors that Roman Sionis is involved with even The Court of Owls. They are the group of reclusive rich people running Gotham from the shadows.

They control the Town Hall and can cause much problems for him in the near future.

" Now I am going to be stared by almost every person who can influence the policy of Gotham. This will be a headache. " Thomas muttered feeling the troubles coming.

He has closed his eyes thinking if he would have acted differently when he and his family were threatened. After much thoughts, he felt he would have made the same choice.

Then he starts to walk towards the living room of the penthouse.

Watching the back of Thomas, Daisy has some emotional fluctuations. "It is good that he doesn't doubt his actions or we would have suffered greatly. I thought I would have to contact Mrs. Allens but it is not the case anymore."

Then she thought of the people who may threaten them here, "I hope you don't anger him while he is like this. If they do then the only place which can protect them is the prison. "

After saying that she too walks and follows in the direction Thomas walked away.

With Thomas,

Thomas walked into the living room with Daisy behind him. Before Thomas's arrival, Percy has been entertaining the manager.

But when Thomas walked inside, both of them stood up involuntarily. At this moment, Thomas is giving off a feeling that anyone who disobeys him or crosses him will pay a heavy price.

Thomas sat down though he never motioned for the manager to take the seat.

In this situation, Thomas has to show his superiority or at least show he is in a better position. The dealing with the manager now will be a very important factor in the future dealing with others in Gotham.

The manager thought he would lead the talks and may have some gains for himself. But it doesn't seem to be the case anymore. So he went to the topic directly and spoke out, " Sir, I wish to talk about the incident of the VIP room in which you ate your breakfast."

Thomas arches his brows and spoke, "You wish to speak about the bugs I crushed back there. Is that my fault? I thought your hotel doesn't have bug and does bug infestations to stop them from making a home here.

It seems like you have been lazy in dealing with the affairs of the Hotel. I will talk to your boss later and complain about the bugs.

You shouldn't worry about me. I will make sure that everyone knows you have bugs in your hotel. You should worry about the recursion of this incident. Now leave. " he dismissed the manager and left the living room before the manager can even respond.

After he recovered, he saw that Thomas has already left.

Although he can not reach his objective, he understood what Thomas meant by those words.

He leaves the penthouse and doesn't do anything to hide the incident. He even propagated the incident.

Thomas wishes to let this matter spread and let everyone knows, he will crush anyone who threatens his family.

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