It has been a week time in the outside world, since Thomas was given the choice. If he didn't know that in a decade time, things will go all the way to hell, with super villains arising one by one followed by global catastrophe and even planet destruction level incidents, then Thomas wouldn't have accepted that deal which put his life in danger.

Dieing once has out the fear of death and loneliness in Thomas heart. Although it can be removed with time, but for the current Thomas it was a difficult one.

Fortunately, his decision was good. what the system never mentioned was that because of his intelligence and his mental strength, he can easily become a mage in a year time.

From the Book of Arcane, he gained the basic information about the mages.

As for why he can do that, all of this is depended on his intelligence attribute and the mental strength.

Mage is a knowledge based area. The smarter a person is and more knowledge he grasp, the stronger his strength is.

Intelligence helps them gain more more knowledge at a quicker rate. With Alan high intelligence of a super genius, he can grasp these easily. The calculations, analysis and grasping ability needed for becoming a strong mage is something Thomas has in full.

The classification of mage of different orders and classes is based on Mental power a mage possessed.

The mental strength of a mage determine their strength and the power they can wield.

The tier of mages and their respective mental strength constitution are as follows:

Mage apprentice - 100- 1000

Mage - 1000- 5000

Great Mage 5000- 20000

These are the early levels of a mage. To average person reaching a great mage tier strength will take their entire life and with this level of strength, a person can destroy an entire city.

With these strength he can protect himself and his family by creating a sanctuary around their house to protect themselves from danger.

Thomas has been put in artificial coma for a week to speed up his healing. But it didn't mean, Thomas was idle. In this time, he has been reading the Book of Arcane.

The chakra is an Indian and Buddhist mythological belief. In the Buddhist belief, about five chakra points but Indian mythology believed in seven chakra points.

The seven chakra points are the seven stages of the mages. When a person becomes a mage, he has officially opened his first chakra points. Similarly, the other points he opened, the higher his strength. As a great mage he must open two chakra points.

When all the seven points are opened them the strength of the mage will be able to contend with the Gods.

The seven chakra points are opened in a sequence. There are six chakra points are in the body as for the last "Sahasrara" is the last one the crown chakra or thousand petaled.

It is the topmost chakra in the subtle body, located in the crown of the head. It is generally considered to be the highest spiritual center and the state of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject.

When the person opened this crown chakra , then he is no longer a mortal but an immortal demigod who can only be killed in battle.

At this level there is no sense of requirements for food or air necessary to survive. The very world itself provide the nourishment to that Demigod.

These things excited Thomas. To think many gods and deity have a Halo behind their head, which was often seen as the symbol of Divinity, but after seeing this information he understand that it was the crown chakra which means the first step of ascendance of mortal to the Godhood.

After reaching this level can A true God be born.

There's also mention of different God levels, but because they are too high level for him, no mention of it was done in the Book of Arcane.

With the continuous practice and meditation, Thomas mental strength has increased by a half.

His mental strength reached 75, within a month he will become a mage apprentice without any problem.

Because he isn't accustomed to the practice, he cannot use meditation to increase his mental strength to the fullest.

After a full week rest, Thomas has finally gained his conscience. When he first opened his eyes to look at the dangerous world with his own years,

He looked his eyes slowly to see a beautiful blonde woman sitting by his bed side in the hospital. He isn't attracted towards her beauty but something within him told him that she will keep him safe.

When he opened his eyes completely and Daphne noticed that he is awake she held onto him tightly and cried on his shoulder, " Thomas, you are alright. Thank God. I was so worried. Don't worry son, no one will ever harm you."

Thomas who was hugged fiercely by his mother, Daphne managed to pat her back using his free hand. This managed to make her cry even more.

" You can be a crybaby at times, Daph dear." Came the voice of man who was standing there. Although he didn't act like he was very relieved to see Thomas was fine, but he was just as relieved as Daphne.

He was Terrence, Thomas's father.

This joke made by Terrence wasn't much liked by Daphne. She released her son and walked towards the her laughing husband.

" You don't act all cool with me, mister. Don't think I don't know just how much of a baby you are. Last time when Thomas has a slight cut you called an entire battalion if doctors, for a good damm cut.

And when you saw him bleed, you remember what you did." Daphne have him a challenging look if he dared to tease her then he will get it.

Terrence stopped laughing and looked at Daphne as if she broke a sacred pact and betrayed him completely.

Thomas was curious what happened. He remembered after calling the doctors and letting mom take care of his injury, he left him and didn't stay a second longer. This was something very confusing, for he knows his father loved him very much. That was very uncharacteristic of him. So he asked, " What did he do that day after leaving me, mom?"

Daphne didn't continue what he did but after Thomas asked about it, she started laughing and Terrence has a look of defeat. He felt every reverence his son has got for him will be list today.

He used a trick to leave them be, "I will go get the doctor. You be careful, Thomas." And he left hastily not wishing to remember the embarrassing event of the past.

"What happened mom?" He asked her.

Daphne smiled softly and started explaining, " You father loves you and I a lot, Thomas. He cannot see us hurt or injured. He loses his cool and can be very fierce on seeing us injured. When he saw you hurt and bleeding, he controlled himself but after leaving the room he fainted.

He loves you very much. To act all strong, he never once entered your room, except for the visit on first day. He is very emotional, he cannot see his family hurt. " She told about the past.

Thomas himself didn't feel anything bad about it. He knows he himself is weak in his heart. He like this world father of his, cannot see his family hurt.

He remembered fainting when his sister had an accident and he saw her resting and surrounded by the medical machines.

Thomas was talking to his mother and listening to her in talk. These talks were a way for her to release the pent up emotions of the past.

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