In The DC World With A System

Chapter 51 - 25 Meeting Merlin again

When Thomas opened his eyes, he isn't at Battery Park of New York City, at hospital or with his friend, Dave anymore.

Instead he once again finds himself in the medieval styles hall where Thomas has the privilege of meeting Merlin.

Thomas doesn't seem to care much about the place he is in. His mind was going through the battle in which he was completely dominated by Morgana.

None of his attacks, no matter what level they were at, worked on Morgana. Even before she opened the Field of Archmage, she had the upper hand.

The only attack which affected her was the final lightning convergence attack.

It work because lightning and thunder based attacks were harmful for souls. They get purified completely and enter the underworld or get destroyed completely.

In that absent minded state, he muttered, " Did I pass or fail?"

" You passed, young man. And quite exceptionally too. " the familiar voice which he hasn't heard for nearly two decades came. It turned out to be Merlin and he complimented him.

His words brought Thomas out of his dream like state. He stood up hastily and looked around frantically for Merlin.

Yet, he couldn't see him. He can hear the sound of laughter which resembled that of Merlin as he research for the legendary Sorcerer.

" Merlin, where are you?" He shouted out in the hall as he cannot see him anywhere.

" I am everywhere and no where. You are in my creation which is completely under my control. Since, you have passed the test, as a reward I give you this castle.

This castle will stay in your soul and can act as a storage place. It can store anything.

But, be careful should castle is sentient. Should any living creature stronger than you enter this place then there might be a big chance that it might change it's loyalty. " With those words the entire hall began to crack down and Thomas was expelled completely.

He is thrown into a wormhole and arrived in front of a castle with nothing around it. Everything around is white, that is, there is nothing at all, with only a large castle in front.

Thomas didn't know what to do and walks towards the castle whoch Merlin spoke about.

He walks up to the castle gate and placed his hands on it.

The gate glowed and a tattoo is formed on the upper side of his hand.

All the things about this castle, it's uses, abilities and defects are transmitted to Thomas through the connection they have established his tattoo.

Thomas mind cannot withstand the amount of information whoch is being transmitted at such a high speed.

For safety measures, Thomas decoded to put himself to sleep and let continue with the inflow of information.

" Sleep" he muttered and his body crashed in front of the castle gates.

Even though he has turned himself unconscious his mind is still working.

" This is the new master you selected for me, Supreme Mage Merlin." The unknown person asked the legendary mage.

He was disdainful of Thomas and continued, " He is very weak. He cannot even withstand the amount of information I passed onto him. It

barely say anything about my abilities.

That package only has my basic information, and he fainted. What would happen if he gets the entire package?

His brain may burst out." He complain all this to Merlin.

Merlin just laughs at his words but didn't make any effort to interrupt him. He only started speaking when the unknown person was done speaking, " Don't worry, Camelot. You don't know anything about him, yet.

With time you will understand the greatness he possess. It is up to you to guide this young man towards his destiny. I don't know what the Creator has planned for him, but with your help he may succeed and his presence will be helpful to the humankind in the multiverse." He looks up into the void. No one but only he himself knows what was running through his mind.

" You have helped train my heroes who protected mankind. Please believe in me and raise him well." Merlin pleaded the man named, Camelot.

Camelot looked at the legendary mage for some time and then at Thomas. He finally signed which made Merlin happy for it meant Camelot agreed to him.

He grumbled, " I will help him but he has to earn this right. If he isn't able to pass my test, I will not involve in his affairs, no matter what happens. " he warned Merlin.

With that Merlin figure slowly fades away, leaving Camelot to take care of Thomas.

Camelot walks up to Thomas and points at his forehead. This not only helped calm down the brain nerves but also increased his absorption capacity.

He grumbled unhappily, " Let it be a gift for being my new master. I hope Camelot can gain it's former glory under your command."

After that Camelot too faded away.

After an unknown amount of time has passed, Thomas finds himself at his room in Hotel Zeus.

He is very confused with everything that happened so far. He even felt everything was an illusion but this belief shattered when he looked at the dragon-shaped ring in his hand and his increased strength, aka, Grand mage level strength.

Thomas wished to confirm everything was true so he added his magic into the ring. The eyes kf the dragon shone and then a light enveloped the ring completely.

At that time, the dragon ring has transformed into an ordinary platinum ring with multiple etching and images of beats on the surface.

Thomas felt these images aren't just images but the portal to that specific animal with the ring as a control setting.

Then an information arrived in his head, " This ring is now the ring of Summons. Along with it's basic functions, now you can use it to summon mythical beings as long as you have conquered them. "

It was the reclusive system who informed him about the ring.

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