After five minutes, Thomas arrived with his entourage of cars at the Gotham City Airport. His arrival is too high profiled as such not only his rivals, enemies and those who wish to join hands with him, but the police are also keeping track of his actions.

With his close relationship with Jim Gordon, ( his private talk and willingness to speak with Gordon was seen as they are friend ) as such he lead the team here to prevent any disaster from happening and if it happened, he can try to reduce the impact or sweep the matter under the carpet.

When it was conformed that hos destination was the airport, he took a helicopter to reach here faster than Thomas while calling the forces around the airport as a backup.

In the eyes of the passengers like

Agatha, their action seem like there is a possibility of attack on the airport and the police is trying to secure the area and prevent the incident from happening.

She was in the restaurant of the Airport waiting for her boyfriend to come and pick her up.

Even though the actions of the Gotham police seem a little odd to her, she has a feeling that Thomas has something to do with it.

Then she shook her head in denial, thinking that not even he can cause trouble so fast.

Angela is a very beautiful girl as such she has been always been a center of attraction. Normally it will be troublesome and make some feel uncomfortable, but she is also a noble.

Her family is a hereditary noble and she has received the same teaching every noble do. She has also learned it as she is the eldest daughter of her parents.

This has created an aura of intellect and one of absolute confidence which made her stand out in the crowd.

So this level of attention isn't something which can make her nervous.

Some boys who saw her and were gathering their courage to approach her. One of them was faster and decided to start a conversation with her and try his luck.

" Hello, can I sit here?" A young man in his early twenties approached her.

Angela looked above her coffee cup to see the person who approached her. He wore an expensive blue coloured suit with a broach on the ċhėst.

He was a handsome man with facial hair and a confident smile on his face. The look he have given her is enough to make any average girl sworn to him.

But, Unfortunately, she wasn't one of them.

Angela saw the looks he was giving her and rejected his offer directly. " I am sorry but this seat is taken. My boyfriend is coming soon."

The boy didn't seem to take tge hint and thought she was employing a trick to escape his pursuit.

He took the seat in front of her forcefully completely ignoring the unwelcoming look on her face. She was livid at him but the education as a noble prevented her from acting like that in public.

Of course should he try to be forceful she will not hesitate to teach him a lesson.

" I am Denis Grove. My family owns the biggest theatre in Gotham City. When I looked at you, I saw tge future of entertainment.

I wish to hire you abd cast you on our latest play." He gave her the olive branch which has been the pick up like he used to trap many girls in tge past.

The girls who are around Angela's age are very interested in the field of entertainment and wanted to gain fame and admiration of people. This has made it easy for this experienced playboy to trick them.

Angela isn't wearing anything which can show off her rich background or her noble heritage. She is wearing normal teenage clothes, a pair of black slim jeans with white care short which is a size bigger than her but showed off her curves and figure brilliantly.

So he considered her to be a simple girl who is so engrossed in her acting that she has this aura around her. He felt his chance to score this girl is good.

At that moment, Angela noticed someone and her irritated eyes turned to one of amusement. He wiggled her brows at someone.

" How about we both have dinner together? I have special passes for the..." He tried to invite her to dinner this evening.

But someone doesn't like his plans and interrupted them, " I am sorry to burst the bubble but she has plans this evening. And, she won't be joining you today or any other evening for dinner. " he declared.

One look at the face of the newly arrived person, one can see anger and helplessness in his face.

Of course, the man named Denis doesn't like the interruption and stood up angrily to face the one who interrupted him.

The newly arrived person is Thomas Allens who has finally arrived to receive his girlfriend.

" just who do you think you are to interrupt us? You better run along or I will.." He left the threat hanging and his angry face turn to a friendly one when he looks at Angela.

Angela was enjoying the play taking place in front of her. This type of this is normal in their time together. It was a rich source of entertainment for her.

He placed his hands on Denis's shoulders and introduced himself, " I am her boyfriend. So I can interrupt your attempt to have a date with my girlfriend. As for your threat, you should you it on someone who will actually feel threatened by it. "

He then looks at Angela, " You take too much joy from these situations. Why does it happen all the time?"

Angela replies back with amused and angry look at the same time, " Its not my fault, you are always late for our date or any gathering we plan. "

Thomas took the seat which Denis has taken previously meanwhile both of them ignored the man who was trying to get Angela to a date.

Denis was angered by the attempts of Thomas to sully him in front of Angela and the public as well as their act if ignoring him or not caring about his existence.

In his rage he punched towards Thomas. If it was a normal man he can not face such a surprise attack, but Thomas isn't normal.

In retaliation to his attack he flung the fork on the table to his shoulder stopping the attack and used the knife and put it on his neck.

Angela didn't even bat an eye at the actions of Thomas. Everything was normal for her.

The previous situation changed in the blink of an eye.

" You.. You what are trying to do? You will pay for it. I am..." He tried to use his contacts to threaten Thomas, but not many force in Gotham can make him back down. None of those forces have any connection with Drnis.

Fortunately for Denis, someone arrived and saved him.

" Mr Allens, we can take things from here. He will be persecuted by law for being forceful to a woman, starting a fight, attacking you and giving threats. He will pay for today action and those he did in the past. You don't need to dirty your hands. " It was Jim Gordon who came to his rescue.

This way the situation won't escalate.

In this encounter, everyone was fine but Denis doomed his future when he approached Angela and attacked Thomas.

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