It has been a week since Angela arrived at Gotham City. They have been together the entire time, not leaving the other for even a single minute.

Thomas was spending his time with Angela but he still took time to train in magics. He has mastered ordinary elemental summoning and elemental magic in the world of ' Sorcerer apprentice'.

After he returned from that world, he started to focus on soul. He has dabbled in the field of necromancy because in Gotham he has a big chance of encountering the undead.

The Court of Owls whom he had offended after he killed their member, Black mask will most likely target him when the limelight on him has faded a little.

The Court of Owls have a secret force of ȧssassins called the Talons who have killed many people who have directly or indirectly stood against their objectives.

These Talons are actually the undead who remain asleep when they are not needed and only come out from their coffins when someone needs to be dealt with.

As such to deal with the undead, light, fire and lightning elements are the best way but if he wants to turn them to his own personal force, then a thorough study of Necromancy is very important.

In the past few days, he has resurrected the undead and turned them into skeletons, zombies and even ghouls.

The strength of these undead creatures have certain limits. Skeleton aren't those bones undead which can be easily knocked down by a single hit.

These skeletons have strength similar to that of a peak human, a soldier of special forces. Their only weakness is they lack the intellect and can only follow simple commands.

If they are given complex instructions, a string of command which are linked to one another, they will go berserk and attack any living creature in vicinity of the caster wasn't paying any attention to it.

Zombies are the undead with decaying flesh. They have strength of five peak humans, and they can follow complex commands but cannot command the undead.

But they also have a big weakness. They are very slow. Unless they are large in number and surround their target, they can easily run away and escape the pursuit of zombies.

They are some of the strongest physical undeads on par with Gargoyles.

There are magical undeads too but with his current strength and lack of in-depth study, it is out of his reach. With time, he may cross this threshold too.

These magical undead are wraith, banshees, spectre, etc.

All of them serve different functions and even the weakest one is as strong as peak human soldier.

With his current strength, he can only turn the undead into ghouls, but after he reach archmage level he can even have Lich under his control.

The Lich are strong and powerful both physically, intellectually and mentally but they are also insidious. If they have the chance, this undead won't hesitate to break free from the control of their creator and revel against him to become completely independent.

As such Archmage level strength is a must before going after a Lich and subduing it.

Along with the study, Thomas also started to gather information about his first goal, Selina Kyle.

While the men under Thomas gathered all the information on her discreetly, he has started to keep track of her through his nanobots. After everything was gathered and the information had been cataloged with the weakness and way of keeping her in check discovered, Thomas decided to meet her face to face.

Thomas didn't use magic but simple usage of fake mask and disguise to leave the hotel with Angela in tow. For sake of safety of Angela, Thomas made sure that at least 10 TX-400 are around and can involve themselves when the situation arise.

They took the cab for the Arkham district of Gotham, the most dangerous place in this chaotic city.

The cab they are currently in is the fifth taxi they hailed so far. When they first said that their destination was Arkham district these cab don't dare.

Some even warned against heading for that dangerous place but neither of them listened to these warning. The long wait for the taxi made Angela lose her calm and they managed to convince a cab driver to take them there with three times the cost.

When they were on the way, Angela decided to reveal her doubts to Thomas.

" This target, Selina, is she trustworthy enough for this task?" Angela asked Thomas. She was skeptic about this woman Selina whom Thomas wished to meet. Their relationship is a year contract but this doesn't mean they don't love and trust each other.

They are frank to each other, yet asks the other not to reveal every part of their plan, for the sake of basic sincerity and trust they need not reveal anything.

Both of them are successor of their family and the secrets of their family cannot be disclosed to people. These secret form the foundation of their rich and powerful background.

As such Thomas doesn't tell her the entire plan he has for Gotham and only said she will be an agent of Allens in the underworld and Gotham at large.

Thomas smiles at her doubts and reassures her, " Don't worry. She won't betray our trust. Although she cannot be considered a good guy she isn't that bad. " he whispered under his breath, " Not that bad when entirety of Arkham is taken to account."

After one hour of traffic and jerks from the rough driving of the cab driver, the duo has managed to arrive at Arkham.

Thomas paid the cab driver and walks towards their destination.

As they were walking quietly for the location, Angela asked, " How are you going to deal with these idiots?" She and Thomas felt that their cab driver isn't a decent guy with the lecherous looks he gave Angela and with the smell of drugs in the cab.

Thomas has a habit of finding information about the people he encountered. With the status of his family, there is always time when someone may attack him when he least expects.

Before Lisa was created, he have Skynet do this but after that Lisa replaced Skynet and let him focus entirely on the main base.

Through her search he found that their driver has been to jail multiple on charges of drug use, drink and drive a long with sėxuȧŀ harassment. There are even words floating around that he us ȧssociated with human trafficking.

Thomas has doubts but when he noticed the stalkers as well as the dodgy eyes of the driver, his doubts are affirmed.

Thomas shrugs his shoulders not caring about them and said, " We shouldn't waste time on them. "

Angela understood what he meant and stopped caring about them. At that time, something sneaked behind them and dealt with them.

These sign show that this building serve as a brothel.

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