The attacker was the goal, Thomas stood up and looked at the attackers face. The ȧssailant is wearing a cat mask but for those who know the Catwoman know that it was Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman.

Selina was dressed in her sėxy Catwoman attire with the upper part of her dress unbuttoned which showed her ample cleavage.

Her long silvery white hair cascade through her front giving her a very alluring and seductive look even though she is unconscious.

{ I gave her silvery white hair for she looks much hotter in that attire and makes one yearn for her.}

Thomas eyes run through this area making him confused whether this manner of dressing was make people lose their control and seduce them or is it so she could breathe properly and not choke under the tight outfit.

Angela noticed the direction of Thomas's gaze. Although she noticed that their ȧssailant was sėxier than her and have a much stronger sėx appeal, she doesn't like the look on her boyfriend's face.

She made sure that he knows her thoughts and elbowed him on his stomach.

The blow isn't strong enough to injure Thomas but the sudden blow disoriented his footing making him fall over the dazed form of Selina.

Fortunately she wasn't waking up or some accident might have happened, for he stopped just over her face.

This situation may look like Thomas is forcing himself on the unconscious girl in the hot skin-tight leather clothes.

At least this is what the little girl thought Thomas was going and she came forward to protect her guardian angel.

The little girl swept a metallic rod on Thomas back and made him roll over Selina's body and move away from her.

The little girl thought Thomas was out for the count and warned Angela while standing guard over Selina, "Leave with your friend, or I will hit you too." She spoke in her baby voice.

Thomas laid there on the ground not letting the girl have any doubts about his state of unconsciousness. He wants to see how Angela faced this situation.

There is a high chance that Angela will marry him in the future, therefore some of the not so ethical things he has done would be revealed to her. This is a test for her.

His mother knows about the things his father do to the people who offend or fight against him. His mother often says that his father has mellowed a lot since marrying.

She even warned him it is alright for him to choice his girlfriend without much thought, but if he wants someone to be his better half and accompany him then he must test them.

This situation is nothing compared to that. If she cannot deal with her then she can no longer be a wife candidate for him.

This made Thomas and Angela take note of the young girl protecting Selina's unconscious form. She was bȧrėly five around the same age as his brother and sister.

She was dressed in a worn-out dull yellow frock that was torn from multiple places.

She was a cute girl with big brown eyes and a round face. She has short brown long hair. Some of her hair covered the part of her face, and the two are observant enough to notice the bruise on her face.

The bruise was fresh and it made Angela livid that someone could hit a child so hard to leave a bruise.

She herself was beaten by her parents when she did great mischief but that was when she did too much. She knows that her parents hit her not because they hated her but because they wish that the lesson they wish to teach her sink.

They hit her while holding back their true strength so she wasn't injured or have bruise.

She didn't think anyone can be so ruthless to do that with a young girl like her.

The bruise on her face meant that someone was beating her without holding back. The reason why both of them think it was her parent or her guardian who hit her is that the holes on her trick showed multiple old bruise marks.

While Angela was affected by her appearance and have pity for the young girl, Thomas just sighed.

He knows there are many children who suffer like this girl and they can do nothing about it.

Angela tried to calm the girl down, "Calm down, we can talk about this. You don't have to be so violent. We are not here to hurt you, we just want to meet someone.

How about you lower that rod and we can talk? We will not harm anyone. Look she needs help." She points at Selina's unconscious form.

She tried to be as sweet as possible and make her lower her weapon( the metal rod). These words may cause ordinary kids to calm down or at least hesitate but not Gotham kids.

They become even more vigilant when someone sweet talks them.

She attacked Angela thinking that she is a child trafficker, but how can an adventure junky like Angela not have fast reflexes, she dodged the blow and hit her on the hand, making the rod fall on the ground.

She grabbed hold of the young girl and make her immobile and calm her down.

But the girl isn't having any of that, her frantic shouts as well as biting attempts annoyed Angela.

" Leave me."

" let me go."

" I will kill you."

She walked up to the window, pulled the window curtain and tied her up while stuffing a piece of cloth on her mouth, turning her mute.

When it seemed like the situation is under control Selina started to regain her conscience.

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