When the police van arrived at the area, it was hell. The explosion has demolished a number of buildings, abd many have died under the attack. Most of the people who survived to tell the tale are still under the debris of the building.

The police officer who lead the rescue operation was Lieutenant Jim Gordon. As soon as he arrived at the site, he started to issue orders and look that everyone is heading for rescue.

He too was heading forward to join the rescue forces but a call came which made him put everything to halt.

" Hello, who is speaking?" This call isn't the average call but someone invaded the frequency kf the mobile and contacted him.

" Good morning, lieutenant Gordon. If I am not wrong you are at the explosion site. " a familiar voice from the other side. This voice belonged to the person he met a couple days ago, it was Thomas Allens.

" What do you know of this explosion, Mr. Allen's? Are you perhaps the cause of this?" He asked with an accusing tone. The anger and resentment he has isn't hidden from Thomas.

Thomas laughed at the words of Gordon. " I am sorry to disappoint you, but no I have no hands in this. But, I have an idea on what may have caused this event. " he replied back cryptically.

Gordon knows from his interactions with Thomas that if he really did something like that he won't try to hide it. He will make it public that he is the one behind it, but at the same time he will destroy every single clue which may lead the event to him.

" Why do you know what happened here? What do you want in return?" He asked him directly?

" I want you to contact the Town Council and have them sign some documents for me. After that is taken care of everything I know about this event will be revealed. " he revealed what he wants and not giving Gordon any chance to make a counter offer.

" But it will take a lot of time, you know how efficient they are in their works. If you tell me now, I will try to help you as much as I can as long as it doesn't go against the Law." Gordon tried to reason with him.

Thomas seem to ignore those words and continued, " This incident may affect Gotham and put everyone life in danger. Tell the Town Hall, this incident is similar to the Owls. They will act much quicker than they ever did. That I can ȧssure you."

Gordon was quiet. He understood this may be something which can make the Town Hall act on Thomas whims. Since, that young man is so helpful today, he decided to ask for some advice, " Is there any advice you can give us then?"

Thomas tone held a serious note, "Don't head for the center of the explosion area. Set up a parameter and only act on the periphery. If you get inside, you will die. " he warned him.

" But I can't just stand here and do nothing. " Gordon thundered when Thomas asked him to do nothing.

" You have no idea what's in there. If you know then you won't act like that. This thing is much above your pay grade. Let Batman and capable people handle this threat. " Thomas replied back.

" Oh, and tell Batman he owes me two now. " after saying that he turned off the call.

Gordon has no idea he meant. But he decided to do as he was asked. Even if Thomas hasnt warned him, his gut screamed something big was happening in there.

This instinct have saved his life many times. With Thomas, adding his own warning he didn't want to cause unwanted casualties and acted like he was told by Thomas, but he still need their consent. If nothing happened, then they can slowly converge to the epicenter and look at it later.

He even called the Town Hall and revealed everything that Thomas has spoken. They turned quiet upon hearing it. He can hear some fierce murmurs going on the other side. It seems like Thomas really touched their soft spot.

Soon the reply came, " We agree to your actions. We will contact Mr. Allens directly and make a deal with him. You should make sure nothing from the inside break the perimeter and escape. We want that area in complete lock down. "

After saying that the phone was disconnected.

Gordon thought, ' This Allens heir is a puppeteer. He can even make these stubborn bastards dance to his tunes.' After that he started to act as he was directed.

Even though he wished to enter inside, he remembers the men around him. He can put his own life on the line but not theirs.

When he was at the corner now and a shadow has arrived.

" I guess you too came to see the circus. " He muttered.

A hoarse voice came from the shadows, " With such a loud explosion, that super powered Superman may be on alert and ready to act if the need arises. "

This person was Batman. He has equipped his gears and was ready to act. He was here to know the fundamental information that Gordon have about the situation.

" What do you know about this explosion so far? How serious is the causality? What is the situation at the epicenter?" He inquired.

" I don't know anything. As soon as I arrived at the scene, that Allens called. He asked me to pass on the message to the Town Hall who later ordered sealing the parameter and prohibiting anyone from trespassing." He revealed it to Batman.

" So he knows something, which made them stop you from acting. Did he say anything else?" He inquired feeling that brat would have left a message for himself too.

" yes, he did leave behind a message. " he paused thinking how to say it but he finally did, " You will know what hell looks like and how weak you are in front of some threats. Better be prepared and act or I will be forced to act.

In that case, you can say goodbye to a few thousand residents of Gotham who are affected by this.' " Gordon looks at Batman to see how he react.

He saw no change in him as if he doesn't care but as his old acquaintance he felt a change in him.

Batman was angry at his words. He knows from his last encounter, should he fail to stop the event taking place here that Allens will really do it.

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