In The DC World With A System

Chapter 7 - 7 Timeskip

After a complete whole months of retreat and resting because of the bullet injury in his ċhėst, he was finally allowed to walk out of his house arrest which he suffered under his mother's instruction.

The only good thing that he experienced so far was that his strength has officially reached Mage Apprentice level. His mental strength has spiked to 150 in just a month, almost twice in this time.

The original protection time that the system have him was two years and now he still have around 22 months before the deadline. He needs to possess a mental strength of 1000, and even if he only increased his mental strength at a rate of 75 points per month he can the made level threshold in 11 months.

And, as the system predicted he will have reached mage level in about an year time.

He also started to train his magic spells but only in his mindscape. He doesn't dare to use it out in the open even in his room for the fear of attracting anything supernatural which may put him and his family in danger.

This way Thomas has been focusing on his studies in the morning and he goes to speak early so he has enough time to focus on the magic studies.

[ Timeskip :: Five years]

Location:: New York

A white mouse was bind on a small surgery table with two people one male teenage and another female older woman looked down at their target.

There is also a camera recording their action.

The room they were in was filled with different chemicals, some test animals as well as computer and observation table which can be used to record the data they need for their work.

This is the public lab in the Allen Mansion which has large glass window on the side. It was only a one way window. The person from the other side can look through it to see inside, but the person inside cannot see outside.

From the other side, five people looked inside and were observing everything that the two did.

After strapping it, the teenager took a scalpel and put a cut right through the stomach of the mouse. The cut was deep enough to soak the white fur of the mouse red but not enough to kill the mouse in a single hit.

After that, the older woman who only acted as the teenager's ȧssistant passed him the biochemical agent that they were currently testing.

He took the bottle with the agent. The bottle has a sprayed on top of it. He then sprayed the agent over the wound. After some time the wound seem to be healed, or to be more precise sealed, preventing any bleeding.

Seeing the test was success, the older woman ȧssistant and another man in the Observation room were the most relieved. As for others they were amazed by this.

In the observation room, there are five people. For the sake of confidentiality, there only these people.

One was Thomas father, Terrence Allen and his faithful and obedient secretary, Arnold Terry.

The two military men are the ones whom Terrence brought for this test are the two people with whom he is most familiar with.

Terrence has raised the Allen Corporation to this level on his own effort. Before his takeover of his family's Arm industry, it was only a little one with no orders extending over a few hundred thousand dollars at most.

And, these two people are the ones who have helped him in this ordeal. They are Samuel Reid and Andrew Thrust.

Samuel is an African American medium physique of the Lieutenant Colonel rank who also happen to have some friendship and relation with the Major General Parson who is the head of Logistics for the Middle East US forces.

Along with him is a second generation American whose father was a Englishman while mother was an American. He is a handsome rugged faced man of Colonel rank and also Terrence childhood friend.

He is Colonel Andrew Thrust.

As for other he is thepolitician who was an old aquaintance of Terrence.

The politician is Gerald Hart. He is currently the senator of California and has been an old friend and accomplish of Terrence in various actions.

Politicians are people who can never be trusted, for they can change the colour faster than a chameleon. Yet, Terrence brought it in the secret test, doesn't mean he trust him, but Terrence still has ways to deal with him if necessary.

Gerald himself doesn't trust Terrence but still came because he too has confidence. They bith have enough dirt on each other to destroy the other's career and so they are compatible.

Gerald was the first one to praise Thomas who has just completed the test, " Your son is impressive. He can create a medical agent which can heal a wound so soon. He will be a medical genius. So are you entering the pharmaceutical field too. " He inquires his frenemy, a person whose support he cannot give up just yet.

And if he did involve in this field them they must be together or bound together much closer in the future. Gerald understood upon seeing Thomas now that he can be someone who can change the complex connected network established by the capitalists soon.

And he needs to the himself to this chariot soon, or he will not be able to gain benefits from this connection.

" I do have hopes of entering the pharmaceutical company " he said without hesitation.

Samuel who is another business partner of Terrence said, " it is indeed impressive. With this agent, we can reduce our casualties drastically. I can already see the US government issuing the deal. But..." He hesistates whether to continue what the outcomes can be.

Samuel who knows Terrence better than anyone except for Daphne, so he asked, " You know that a medium sized ammunition production industry like you cannot hold something like this which the military will surely covet for itself, so tell me why did you call us?"

On hearing him say something like this reminded them, Terrence is someone who knows the cruel world of the capitalists and the competition in the military, so they looked at him wishing to know why he called them here.

They are smart enough to understand there are things which need their help and looked at him to explain.

It was Arnold who spoke up, "Thomas is someone who wish to follow his parents on both of their occupation. So he has dabbled in the field of medical professions and in the Arms field.

So he has designed a weapon and created it at the same time as this healing one.

With Gareth help, it can prevent many attempts. After all not many can challenge the might of military in USA and those who can do it, won't go against you for just a boy "

They understood that he did all this to create a protective shield around his son.

" So what is this weapon he created?" Andrew asked.

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