In The DC World With A System

Chapter 70 - 44 Thomas's hunting session

The Opening of Gateway to Hell has alarmed a number of Supernatural Groups in the world but only two of them have decided to act on this. Others are busy or doesn't think this level of threat warrant their special attention.

These two organisations who decided to act also believed that Thomas will play a crucial role in the destruction of this gateway, hence his presence was paramount in their plan of action.

They never felt that Thomas will refuse to help or provide any support. He has erected a strong barrier which prevented the stronger demons from entering into the material plane. This gave everyone the illusion that even if he is a criminal or something, he won't turn his back on humanity if the need arose.

As soon as they arrive at the Hotel, he started to act. Thomas has used a spell ' Mirror Magic' discretely to create a clone of himself which headed into the restricted zone.

Meanwhile Thomas himself is very busy in another matter.

**Flashback begins**

Thomas and Angela had returned back to their Hotel room. Angela surprisingly decided that they will cook their lunch themselves for a change.

" Why do you have to do this? We can order our food or go out for lunch?" Thomas asked her not sure why she was like this. Since their last encounter with Selina he felt something has happened to Angela.

He didn't pry in that matter earlier but it seem like he has to now. Angela is a lot of things, but a cook she is not.

" So do you think I cannot cook? " she angrily asked him, but when he gave her no reply, she turned around and left after she challenged him, "Just you wait, you will eat the dishes I cook and you will find them delicious. "

She stomped her way to the kitchen while ordering Daisy to procure the ingredients.

Daisy gave Thomas a look which says, 'You are an idiot' and left to fulfil her orders.

Thomas wasn't sure what he did but he has more important things at hands. He didn't care of Angela's change and used this opportunity to secure himself. He returned to his room and used a spell' Mirror Body'.

After the spell was completed, an identical form of Thomas was created which has similar strength as Thomas but can disperse in a single hit.

It was a special spell he discovered from the Book Of Arcane. Earlier, he couldn't utilise it but after he become a Grand Mage, it becomes easier.

The two nods at each other, imparting what he needs to do, while Thomas main body was busy, preparing a cell for the captives.

The Mirror form teleported away to the center of restricted zone where the gateway is created.

While in his room he thought to himself, ' Where can I store these monsters and demons after catching them? I can not let ordinary people see them or there might be some problems later.'

[ The Host can use Camelot as prison for these captive. It has very strong defensive ability. ]the system replied as his points are deducted.

" Camelot? What is Camelot?" He asked another question which took another chunk of his reputation points.

[ Camelot is a sentient castle rewarded to you by Merlin as your mission reward. It can summon warriors of the past to serve your purpose. Unlike the system which only stores none living things,The castle is large enough to hold anything living.] The system replied back.

" Why wasn't I made aware of it previously?" He asked angrily thinking the system was hiding things from him.

System was unperturbed by this and continued, [It was always in the inventory. Camelot is a completely sentient castle unlike the semi sentient Ring of summons.

For it's ownership, you must pass some test and only after that can you become the ruler of Camelot. ] it explained.

Thomas saw that Camelot has a lot of uses. With it he has a storehouse and an army at his beck and call. He can even use it as a secret which will always remain hidden and with him.

" What are the features available before and after getting it's ownership?" He asked.

[ Before you get it's ownership, you can only store things and enter the castle. You can use various room of it for whatever purpose you like. This castle can only be used when you are in your original world.

But after you get it's ownership, along with these features you can call forth former knights, mages and King of Camelot for ȧssistance in any world you are in. Even if you are going for world exploration or a test this castle will tag along with your soul to provide ȧssistance. ] the features System explained made his eyes shine.

In the influence if his greed, Thomas decided to start the test of Camelot while the mirror Thomas was on a mission.

**Flashback ends **

So far, he had captured a hell hound, banshee, Ghoul and a weak suċċubus.

He even captured a demon which has originally passed through the gateway.

There are multiple ways mentioned in many books and fictions on how to deal with them, and Thomas wants to see the effects of those items on them. For that Camelot is very important.

Mirror Thomas was keeping record of the changes in the surrounding as well as the number of monsters and demons who have passed the gates.

He also saw Batman has entered the prohibited area.

Batman ignoring the request of Thomas has decided to enter the area without enough preparation. From his hidden location, he saw Batman facing a manticore.

Manticore is a monster which has the head of a human, body of a lion and a tail of a scorpion.

He was facing not only it's claws but also the bites abd tails. In order to evade other attacks he has to give up evading the claws, leading to his current position.

Thomas was enjoying the arrogant Bruce Wayne getting his ȧss handed over to him. If not for the importance of Batman in the DC world had wouldn't even interfere in this situation.

But out of mercy, he splashed some holy water on Manticore face while it was kept busy by Bruce.

It roared out in pain. Taking the opportunity he grabbed Bruce and run to the hideout where he has been keeping his captives.

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