When they doubted him, he started to give them the explanation and different parts of the light tank he designed, build and showed to them in working.

He started explaining, " The wheels are just like those link road wheels of a tank, but for the sake of free movement and make quick turns the link chain is made of an artificially created flexible metal with high tensile strength.

The guns at the side are the mini machine guns. I thought of using Uzi but they weren't durable and cannot be used for a long time before turning hot.

So I changed then with these new miniguns which can shoot at the rate equal to a machine gun, around 400 shots per minute. " The fact that a small gun can fire at such rate was very shocking.

" Can the gun handle the restrain and heating from such fire. Normally such small guns cannot sustain the load for long. " Samuel asked, focused on the gun. Even if the people don't like the unmanned vehicle for fear of the machine taking over the world or those movie tricks which influence many in the military, the weapons used in this light tank is enough to attract the appetite of the military.

" Normally, they cannot sustain the load, but the bullets are specifically made. They aren't your normal bullets but the hydrogen bullets.

The caliber of the bullets is very small.

Every bullet has a drop of liquid hydrogen. The bullet explodes on contact with anything. So the target not only suffers from burn but also from the scraps of metal bursting. "

" So what are the defects of this gun and bullet?" He asked.

" The bullets must be specifically made for this gun and the bullets they cannot exceed a certain temperature level. If they are heated to over 50° C, then the bullet may explode like a bomb." Thomas said not afraid that they will reject the offer.

This deficiency isn't that much of a deficiency. The places where ammunition of the military are cold storage. There are many weapons which can lose their efficiency after stored in hot places.

" Carrying on the explosive shells fired are the miniature missile. Unlike the drop of liquid hydrogen, these possess about twenty drops. They need to run through a rough surface to create frictions which start a spark and the liquid is ignited.

The explosion this formed can destroy everything in a few meter radius. " He explained the explosive shots which he used.

The weapons that this light tank uses are small in size, making their transportation easier. If the soldiers are equipped with them, then they can carry more supplies with them because of their less weight.

Andrew asked the important question. " So these weapons can be mass-produced. And what does their production cost?"

Thomas was quiet on this matter.

Samuel understands what Andrew was onto and tried to reason with Thomas, " Although your unmanned light tank is good, there are many who don't like the weapons which are unmanned or out of our direct control.

But these two weapons are what which can really improve the strength of our forces so name the price, we can negotiate the deal now."

Thomas who was quiet finally said, "With our current setup and the factory that father has established at California half a year ago, we can produce around 3000 guns every month and around 100,000 bullets.

But the material cost, the cost of labor and finally the production will be a bit costly. "

" Don't worry about the cost, tell us how much do they cost?" Samuel said without worrying about the cost.

" Every gun will cost you around 25$, as for the bullets, it is specifically made liquid hydrogen bullets.

They will be costly. To reduce some load I can sell them to you at the bulk of at least around 10,000. It will cost 5 million dollars in total.

These small explosive shells need its own launcher which can hold the load.

The launcher will be cheaper around 1000 $ per launcher.

As for the explosive shots, they will be 5 kg, 100 mm long containing 5.4 percent by weight liquid hydrogen. The container is separated by a non-conducting medium which can sustain temperature up to 50° C without heating.

I originally thought that you will buy a few light tanks along with the ammunition but if you focus on it alone then it will be costly. "

The ȧduŀts looked at Thomas as if he was a monster. His father was a very staunch businessman and it seems his son too inherited the trait from his father.

The business deal he speaks about will be around a few million dollars in his first shot.

They will at least procure a thousand guns and a hundred bullets for each gun would also be in the package.

This alone costs them


Then the artillery shot.

They will buy 10 launchers with 100 shell meaning.


Andrew remembered there is still the anti-ballistic missile system to be tested.

" And what will be the cost of this missile system, Thomas?" Since he is already ripping them off in things which aren't that important to security than just how much would he rip off from the anti-ballistic missile system?

" The anti-ballistic system comprises of a powerful radar which needs energy as well as quick sensing and scanning mechanism to check if it is an indigenous or foreign missile.

Similarly, the missiles are fast so the retaliation missile must be faster too. This means a fast and powerful missile to counter. Some fast missile needs multiple counter missile too.

Some even..." As Thomas was telling them about the system they can feel he will really rip them off.

So Samuel finally said, " Name the price?"

" 250 million dollars per strategic missile intercepting the anti ballistic missile and 150 million dollars per tactical missile intercepting missile system.

Every system must have at least ten missiles with them at all times. The short-range missiles of 200 to 500km will cost 1million $.

I am sure you think you can use a different missile, but the ones in the military are old fashioned and cannot be compatible with it unless those missiles within a decade ago are used to swap.

So in total, it will be around 460 million dollar deal in the anti-ballistic missile system. "

No one uttered a word after he spoke the cost.

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