Name: Wonderful Frog Flower

Level: 34

Attributes: grass, poison

Gender: Male

Characteristics: Chlorophyll (on sunny days or in large sunshine, the speed increases by 2 times. )

Personality: Serious (no attribute addition or subtraction).

Height: 2.3 meters

Weight: 115 kg

Individual values: Stamina 31, Attack 31, Defense 31, Special Attack 31, Special Defense 31, Speed 31.

Effort: Stamina 255, Attack 255, Defense 255, Special Attack 255, Special Defense 255, Speed 255.

Potential: Imperial level

Skills: Falling, Petal Dance, Impact, Call, Vine Whip, Growth, Parasitic Seed, Flying Leaf Knife, Hypnotic Powder, Poison Powder, Seed Bomb, Slam, Sweet Aroma, Lock (additional skill), Absolute Zero (additional skill), Hold (additional skill).

Name: Iron Masked Ninja

Level: 27

Attributes: Bug, Flight

Gender: Male

Features: Acceleration (entering battle, increasing speed by 1 level (50%) every five minutes.) )

Personality: Irritable (+speed – defense).

Height: 0.85 m

Weight: 14 kg

Individual values: Stamina 31, Attack 31, Defense 31, Special Attack 31, Special Defense 31, Speed 31.

Effort: Stamina 255, Attack 255, Defense 255, Special Attack 255, Special Defense 255, Speed 255.

Potential: Lord

Skills: Shadow Doppelganger, Screeching, Slashing, Slashing, Hardening, Metal Claw, Throwing Mud, Grab, Catching, Digging, Swallowing, Point to End, Absorbing, Locking (Additional Skill), Absolute Zero (Additional Skill), Hold (Additional Skill).

Name: Shell Ninja

Level: 27

Attributes: Bug, Ghost

Gender: Male

Characteristic: Magical Guardian (if the move does not have a great effect on the sprite, the move does no harm to the sprite with that characteristic).

Personality: Irritable (+speed – defense).

Height: 0.85 m

Weight: 1.3 kg

Individual values: Stamina 31, Attack 31, Defense 31, Special Attack 31, Special Defense 31, Speed 31.

Effort: Stamina 255, Attack 255, Defense 255, Special Attack 255, Special Defense 255, Speed 255.

Potential: Lord

Skills: Hole Drilling, Metal Claw, Sand Dumping, Grab, Throwing Mud, Hardening, Grudge, Point to Point, Shadow Claw, Strange Light, Absorb, Lock (additional skill), Absolute Zero (additional skill), Hold (additional skill).

Looking at the attributes of the new three elves in front of him, Qi En couldn’t help laughing, I have to say that it is very powerful, especially the shell ninja, which belongs to the existence of restraint and invincibility.

“Whew, it’s time to solve the problem of this fast dragon!” After reading the attributes of these three elves, Qi En also set his sights on the body of the giant fast dragon.

Just now patronized the battle, did not pay attention, at this time the state of this fast dragon, really very poor, after all, twelve absolute zero degree attack, if replaced by an ordinary elf, one will already hang, not to mention the fast dragon is still four times weaker ice.

At this time, the fast dragon in front of Qi En, full of ice ballast, frostbite, it can be seen that these injuries are very big for it, maybe this is also a weakness of wild elves.

In the absence of the command of the trainer, they really don’t know how to fight such a battle, if Qi En commanded, maybe it is the fire dinosaur who has fallen now, and now is not the time to think about this, Qi En will also accept it!

Such a big fast dragon naturally can’t be subdued with ordinary Poké Balls or Super Balls, but fortunately, the friend store in this world can basically be regarded as a store of all items.

So Qin En also bought high-grade balls.

He still has five high-grade balls in his school bag in case of emergency, like it will come in handy now!

“The high-level ball is specially used to catch Mewtwo, you shouldn’t have a big problem!”

Laughing and taking out a high-level ball from his backpack, Qi En threw it on the body of the huge fast dragon, only to see the body of the huge fast dragon flash, and the next second he directly entered the high-level ball.

Because the damage taken by the giant fast dragon is really great, the high-level ball shaking does not shake to indicate that the acceptance is successful, and then Qi En also withdraws from the game world at this time, because he needs to treat the giant fast dragon first.

The average elf uses Qi En’s healing machine, that is, Dengdeng Dengdeng and wait for Deng, in a few seconds, it will be treated, but after the huge fast dragon is put on, it begins to climb endlessly, but it is also understandable that after eating twelve absolute zero degrees, it is unlikely that it will not be able to log for a while.

And Qi En also took advantage of this opportunity to take a look at the attributes of the giant fast dragon.

Name: Kuailong

Level: 98

Attributes: Dragon, Flight

Gender: Male

Characteristics: Ultra-Multi Scales (Ultra-Ancient Elves have a unique enhancement trait, which protects against 50% of attacks in any state).

Personality: Stubborn (+attack-special attack).

Height: 37 meters

Weight: 22,365 kg

Individual values: Stamina 31, Attack 31, Defense 31, Special Attack 31, Special Defense 31, Speed 31.

Effort: Stamina 6, Attack 252, Defense 0, Special Attack 252, Special Defense 0, Speed 0.

Potential: God

Skills: Storm, Wing Attack, Hasu, God Speed, Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, Tight Bundle, Glaring, Tornado, Electromagnetic Wave, Dragon Tail, High Speed Movement, Crash, Water Flow Tail, Dragon Swoop, Mystic Guardian, Pray for Rain, Dragon Dance, Reverse Scale, Destroy Light, Million Ton Punch, Million Ton Kick, Frozen Fist, Fly, Ultimate Impact, Flame Vortex, Wall of Light, Sleep, Rockfall, Snoring, Hold, Frozen Wind, Steel Wings, Enchanting, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Hail, Tide Cyclone, Hard Brace, High Speed Star, Split, Diving, Rock blockade, throwing, singing, heavy pedaling, air chopping, wild swinging, wide area destruction, Tarzan topping, jet flame, water cannon, surfing, ice beam, blizzard, 100,000 volts, thunder, earthquake, big character explosion, waterfall climbing, stand-in, hold on, dream talk, iron tail, hot wind, brute force, dragon claw, dragon fluctuation, true gas bomb, iron head, sharp stone attack, flapping, broken rock…

To be honest, when Qi En saw the skill introduction of nearly three hundred words, Qi En was a little confused, not his water letter, it was really because of this fast dragon, too exaggerated.

Level 98….

If Qi En is not mistaken, the limit level of quasi-god, second-level god, and phantom god is level 100, and only first-level god has the opportunity to break through level 100, it can be said that it is now the limit of the normalization of an elf.

“It’s too exaggerated, but it’s also luck, the first four calculations absolutely zero made it confused, otherwise,


Shaking his head, Qi En also said with a smile.

But now there is another question, that is, since Qi En already has a fast dragon, does he need to go to Rainbow City to get a mini dragon? That’s a question ha!

“Denden, dengden, wait!” And just as Qi En was thinking about this happy trouble, suddenly the sound of the healing machine also stopped, representing this huge fast dragon, the treatment is over!

Thinking of this, Qi En also grabbed the giant fast dragon’s Spirit Ball at the first time and returned to the game world.

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