Next, this glade became a one-sided beating!

No matter how much this mosquito swimmer struggled, the shelling ninja flew over slowly, and then a shadow claw flew directly.

And the mosquito swimmer did not know what the reason was, fell into a violent state, which made it not flinch, nor did it change the target, that is, it was hard to carry with the shelling ninja.

Even if you can’t fight, you still fight, and then you can only be pumped out again and again. Finally, after the mosquito swimmer was pumped out for the seventh time, it did not stand up again, and fell to the ground with its eyes circled.

And at the same time that it fell, in Qi En’s gaze, the shelling ninja also flashed four times in a row, directly rising from level 27 to level 31.

Learned a new skill, Shadow Sneak Attack.

Then Qi En walked to the side of this mosquito swimmer, and then saw that its fist sleeve was still stuck with a crown-like thing, looking at this thing, Qi En’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, this play should be known to him, the proof of the king, this thing can not only make all the attack moves that do not cause cringe, but also have a 10% chance of making the other party fall into a state of cringe.

It is also an evolutionary prop that can make the mosquito coil group evolve into the mosquito coil frog king (bullfrog king), and can also make the dumb beast evolve into the dumb king (hippo king).

This is a fun response, I want to come to this king of the mosquito coil tadpole family in Water Mirror Lake, originally he could choose to evolve into a mosquito coil swimmer or a mosquito coil frog king.

As a result, it chose to evolve into a mosquito swimmer, and then carry this crown to increase the attack BUFF, this choice is actually not wrong, because even if it evolves into the mosquito coil frog king, its remaining water stone is useless.

But if it were the Mosquito Frog Emperor today, the outcome might be different, because the Mosquito Frog Emperor has a move to bounce, which is a skill of the flying attribute, and it will pose a threat to the shell ninja, but this move is easy to hide, so there is only a threat!

He immediately untied the thing.

Speaking of which, Qi En has played so many elves in the game, picked so many treasures, and he has encountered many elves carrying equipment.

Like Pyras or something, they will carry small mushrooms and the like, which is very common.

And the equipment he picked is basically what kind of defense enhancement and other temporary equipment to increase combat effectiveness, such as this kind of equipment that will continue to increase combat effectiveness, he really has not seen.

“The certificate of the king? It seems that this should be the treasure of the mosquito coil tadpole family here for generations, congratulations, you have harvested a good prop, and you have harvested a lord-level elf. At this time, Feng Xuejia also came over and said to Qi En with a look of emotion.

“Huh? I’m not ready to catch it, the lord-level elf, the inner thinking has long been solidified, after catching it, there will be no too good practice effect, not to mention that I already have the main force of the water attribute, it just stays, this king certificate I am useless. ”

Listening to Feng Xuejia’s words, Qi En shook his head.

He already has a water arrow turtle with water attributes, if it is a quasi-god, a second-level god, a first-level god or something, maybe he really can’t help it, but a fast swimming frog (the original name of a mosquito swimmer), he really doesn’t put it in his eyes.

After hearing Qi En’s words, Feng Xuejia’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, she was wondering if she could get this mosquito coil swimmer from Qi En’s hand.

But as soon as this thought came up, she gave up, just like Qi En said, this mosquito swimmer is the king of the mosquito coil tadpole family here, even if it is subdued, it will be worried about its own group, and will not follow the trainer with peace of mind.

What’s more, it was Qi En who defeated it, and it has nothing to do with himself.

Even if she forcibly accepts it, when the time comes, if she wants to make it obedient, it is difficult to estimate that it will be difficult without a seven or eight years, she is very confident, when seven or eight years later, she will have at least a few lord-level elves of her own, and this elf does not want it.

But this royal certificate, she is very interested.

“If you don’t want this royal certificate of yours, can you sell it to me, of course, if you have an item you want to exchange, I can also help you find it.” Hearing Qi En’s words, Feng Xuejia also looked at Qi En and asked.

“You want? You don’t have mosquito coils, tadpoles and dumb beasts, what do you want this game for? ”

“I have a cousin, she is a master of the water system, and her elf has a mosquito coil frog emperor in it, and she also promised me to give me an egg of it, so I want to prepare this first.”

It has to be said that all roads lead to Rome, but the problem is that some people were born in Rome.

Obviously, compared with Qi En, Feng Xuejia is indeed too good for the family.

“This, okay, but the money is all right, I want to change the props, you find me dust-proof goggles, imposing drapes, pay attention to scarves these three.” After thinking about it for a while, Qi En mentioned four things that could be exchanged.

Dust goggles and imposing shawls, this is all for shelling ninjas.

The shelling ninja is not really invincible, in addition to the skills of flight, rocks, ghosts, fire and evil systems, which will damage it, many continuous damage will also damage it, such as sandstorms, hail and other weather that will shed blood, it will also fall.

And it only has 1 drop of blood, and it will be finished when it falls.

Therefore, dust goggles are needed, and the effect of this goggles is to ignore the effects of sandstorms, hail and other weather, while ignoring dust attacks.

This seals the three threatening injuries of poison powder, hypnotic powder, and paralysis powder, of course, the skills of other poison systems will still cause damage to it, but it can reduce the damage as much as possible, which is also very important.

The momentum belt also has a prop that is somewhat similar to his effect, called the qi momentum belt, why Qi En should wear the belt instead of a headband, because the effect of the qi momentum belt is that there is a 10% chance that it can block the opponent’s blow, and at least 1 point of blood will remain.

The effect of the momentum is that when it is full of blood, it can block the opponent’s blow and cause less than 1 drop of blood left.

That is to say, the belt has two lives with certainty, and the headband has only a 10% chance of having two lives, and Qi En must wear it!

And the effect of the scarf is to increase the speed by 50%, which is prepared by Qi En for the iron-masked ninja, who is ready to create an invincible existence in speed!

Iron-masked ninjas and shell ninjas will inevitably not be among the iron main forces of Qi En, and their existence is to have absolute strength on one side.

The shell ninja is an invincible existence of pushing the map and specializing in it, and the iron-masked ninja, Qi En is ready to make it an absolute speed king, whether it is used for sneak attacks, spying on news, and opening the map, it will be the best candidate!

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