Chapter 0070 – Big Hit!!

“Lean, 735? Go home, go home, this year’s Regional Youth Trainer Competition is over! ”

“Depend, is there a mistake, could it be that the elite trainers of the Taoist Hall came to participate in the competition?”

“It’s not fair, do you still bring foreign aid?”

“Don’t pull it, foreign aid is impossible, each elf has its own mark, and it is impossible to pass the test of the conference.”

“I’ll just hehe, you don’t know how dark this world is!”

“How dark is it, tell me about it? Is someone so exaggerated and blatant cheating? You think Yanhuang belongs to his family! ”

“That’s not possible, or how would you explain it?”

“I can’t actually explain it!”

“Who is this Qin? Do you know him? ”

“I’m a middle school, and there seems to be a guy named Qi En in our school, but it’s unlikely, I heard that he scored more than 300 points in the college entrance examination.”

“This Qi En won’t be stuffing money, right!”

“Actually, if he is the son of a champion, I feel more credible.”

“But the champion of our country is not surnamed Qi!”

“Can’t you have an illegitimate child?”

After repeatedly confirming that Qin’s results were no problem, the referee of the tournament also hit Qin’s numbers on the big screen outside.

This big screen has been scrolling, and it is listed with this year’s top 128, and before Qi En was on the list, the first place was a man named Jiang Junwei.

He hit 237 points, throwing away the third place a full 41 points, but now, he was directly thrown away by Qi En for nearly five hundred points, 498 points to be exact.

It can be seen that as soon as this data appeared, the entire game scene went crazy in an instant

Thanks to this, these people are not here to compete for the title, otherwise, it is estimated that they all want to withdraw from the competition, and Qi En also mixed in the crowd and quietly left the competition scene.

When he went out, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh, and at the same time a little embarrassed, he really didn’t know this value.

According to the staff over there just now, this machine, if it is not a child, that is, more than 10 levels, the number typed is less than ten, that is, the number of direct elimination.

Above ten, 10-100 is the combat power of junior elves (level 11-20), 101-300 is the combat power of intermediate elves (21-30), 301-500 is the combat power of advanced elves (31-40), and 501-1000 is the combat power of elite elves (41-50).

At present, the highest combat effectiveness that this machine can test is 999, that is, the elite head.

This is also thanks to the fact that Qi En uses an iron-masked ninja, if you use the Gosanjia, then it will be a fart, although the current iron-masked ninja is not an elite, but it is full of personal value and hard work, it is very easy to hit elite-level data.

Even if you stack the speed and use the god speed, it is no problem that its attack power can break the limit of the elite level.

And Qi En also asked curiously about the data behind.

If the combat power value exceeds one thousand, 1001-10,000 is the combat power of the lord-level elves (51-60), and 10,01 to 1 million is the combat power of the king-level elves (61-70).

1 million and 10 million is the combat power of master elves (level 71-80).

10 million and 100 million to 100 million, which is the combat power of the royal level, that is, the head of the elves (81-90).

The last one hundred and one to one billion is god-level combat effectiveness.

That is to say, the combat power of the fast dragon, if calculated according to the data, is infinitely close to one billion, I have to say that Qi En could rely on a sneak attack, it was really not an easy thing to take it down, and at the same time, I had to sigh that the span of this combat power is indeed large!

“If you have the opportunity in the future, you can try, where to get a machine to get into the game world, so that you can also test the maximum combat power without idleness.”

While thinking, Qi En muttered softly.

“What are you going to get?”

Just as Qi En was whispering here, suddenly there was a voice next to him, Qi En looked back and found that the person who came was not someone else, it was Feng Xuejia, at this time she should have finished fighting, and the results should be good, because she was still smiling at this time.

“Oh, congratulations, ninth, it looks stable.”

When he turned back to see Feng Xuejia, Qi En naturally couldn’t say that he wanted to get a combat effectiveness tester, so he could only change the topic, fortunately, his eyes were not bad, and with a glance, he saw Feng Xuejia’s data on the big screen in the distance.


Fresh flowers.

She should not have used her full strength and hit a data of 169, currently ranking ninth in the big list.

At this time, the test is almost one-third, and it is still relatively stable to rank ninth at this time, so Qi En also congratulated her.

“Same joy and joy, but you are also too unstinting, a blockbuster, more than seven hundred, elite, it’s really exaggerated.”

Listening to Qi En’s words, Feng Xuejia here also said with a smile, listening to Feng Xuejia say this, Qi En also shrugged his shoulders, it’s not that he doesn’t want to be low-key, it’s really that he didn’t calculate ah!

In this way, Qi En and Feng Xuejia also chatted here without a word, and then when Luo Wensen, and Feng Xuejia’s two friends, Shi Jia Qi and Cai Meimei, came out, everyone went to eat together.

I have to say that Qi En and these people still have the potential, not counting Qi En and Feng Xuejia, the other three are not badly ranked.

The highest ranking is Shi Jiaqi, ranked twenty-seventh, and behind her, is Luo Vincent, it seems that the exercise in the water mirror lake, and the effect of recently he followed his sister-in-law to exercise is really good, the supersonic spoke 122 points of combat effectiveness, ranking thirty-third.

You must know that when Qi En gave Luo Vincent elf, the supersonic bat was only level eight, although the potential was good, but Qi En had not been adjusted after all, so at most, it could only play a level nine or about ten combat power is not bad.

And these days, it seems that Locke Vincent has raised this elf by at least two or three levels.

This is not counting whether he has hidden strength, so I have to say that Luo Vincent’s potential is actually okay, but whether he wants to be a doctor or a trainer, this is up to him to decide.

On the contrary, it is Cai Meimei, she only typed 103 data, you must know that she has chrysanthemum leaves, the existence of the royal three families, although the chrysanthemum leaves are relatively weak, but no matter how weak it is impossible to only play such a miserable data, it seems that although Cai Meimei said that the conditions in the family are good, but she is indeed not very suitable to be a trainer.

At this time, it was barely in seventy-first place.

is the only somewhat dangerous existence.

At this time, she can only pray that there are not many strong people behind, let her enter tomorrow’s game, but even so, tomorrow’s game, she is very sad to go!

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