In the end of the world, I become an immortal alone
#81 - Preacher
The dozen or so men and women in the tavern were dumbfounded.
The Upper City? The Enforcement Team?
Although the Fortress Purification Troops were stationed on the 49th floor, the sudden appearance of an Upper City Enforcement Team, shouting about routine inspections, was a bit too outrageous, wasn't it?
In the corner, among the circular sofas, several members of the Wanli Gold Gang stared at Wang Jixuan, gripping the handles of the guns in their arms.
Daoist Wang was not afraid at all.
He had enough Vajra Talismans on him, the newly made green paper kind, and he was wearing a bulletproof vest.
He glanced around, noticed several men and women whose souls had been tainted by demonic energy, revealed a faint sneer, and said indifferently:
"I received a report that you are holding an illegal gathering here."
"In accordance with the internal fortress legal provision prohibiting unregistered religious gatherings of more than six people, I will search this place. Please cooperate."
From the corner, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face stood up and said with a smile:
"Although this is a bit presumptuous, we at Wanli Gold are all good people… Could we see your credentials?"
The young woman beside him suddenly pulled out a pistol from under the table and fired a shot at Wang Jixuan.
Daoist Wang had dozens of ways to dodge this standard-caliber bullet, but he chose to comply with the bullet's inertia, pressed down on the Vajra Talisman, 'hit' in the back, and fell forward.
The tavern fell silent instantly.
Most people showed uneasy expressions, and two young girls were pale and trembling.
The middle-aged man looked at the woman who fired the shot beside him, glared, and roared:
"Guang Siyao, what are you doing! The Enforcement Team! The Upper City Enforcement Team!"
The woman's pupils flickered with pale green light. At this moment, she did not respond to the man's roar, but tilted her head and stared at Wang Jixuan.
Calm, indifferent, and eerie.
She raised her hand to give Wang Jixuan a follow-up shot, but the middle-aged man pounced on her and punched her in the face.
The woman fell back into the sofa and fired another shot.
A bloody hole appeared in the middle-aged man's forehead, and his body fell limply.
The gang members around were stunned for two seconds, but immediately drew their guns and aimed at the woman. One person, with red eyes, pulled the trigger, and several people fired at the same time!
The woman's body was riddled with bullets, but she still勉强raised her hand to give Wang Jixuan, who was趴着on the ground, a follow-up shot.
Wang Jixuan stood up straight.
The woman fired a shot into the ground, slowly stopped breathing, and her right hand fell weakly.
But she still kept her eyes open, her expression very calm, and the pale green light in her eyes did not dissipate.
'Sure enough, the soul has been腐蚀 beyond recognition, it's not just a simple demonic energy invasion, it's like this…'
Daoist Wang narrowed his eyes slightly.
In the corner, three men and two women suddenly grabbed wine bottles and knives, crossed the coffee table, jumped over the sofa, and rushed straight at Wang Jixuan.
A sharp sound of air being torn apart rang out!
Blood flowers suddenly exploded from the back of these people's necks!
Several nuts, with bloodstains, were embedded in the pink wallpapered wall.
The gang members' brains were obviously short-circuited, and they stared blankly at Wang Jixuan.
What was this operation?
Wang Jixuan said calmly:
"The Purification Troops will be here soon. I suggest you drop your weapons and go to the door to squat down with your hands on your heads in advance."
He pulled out two large-caliber pistols from the back腰of his武装带, checked the magazines, and loaded the bullets.
Then, Daoist Wang turned his head to look at these gang members:
"Help me tell the Purification Troops that those I leave alive don't need to be killed."
A burly gang member愣愣地抱起头, just as he was about to slowly蹲下, he was kicked by the person next to him.
Wang Jixuan didn't care much about these ordinary people, and walked straight to the wooden door on the left side of the bar, kicked it open, and窜入into the corridor that extended downward.
A few seconds later.
Gunfire like dance music drumbeats sounded from below.
These gang members woke up as if from a dream.
"Damn! He, he, he!"
"Should we squat down? Will the Purification Troops really come?"
"He was shot just now and is okay? Ah, it should be a bulletproof vest."
"How did those people die… Was it nuts? The ones嵌着的on the wall, are they the legendary kind of nuts?"
"Black Wind!"
"Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about! Do you not want to live!"
"I've long discovered that the聚会they're搞的is not right, it's too邪乎!"
The sound of gunfire continued to ring out under their feet, moving quickly.
These gang members looked at each other a few times, turned their heads to greet the men and women hiding in the corner, walked to the door of the tavern,靠着the corner of the wall, and整齐划一地抱头蹲下.
Just a few meters away from their feet.
A bullet, accompanied by鲜血,窜出from the back of the head of the old man with light green eyes, and the old man's body靠on the double doors of the casino, slowly软倒.
In the通道next to it, more than a dozen corpses lay scattered, each with guns.
Wang Jixuan didn't带too many bullets. He put the pistol back in the枪袋, slowly解开了the球带包on his back, took out the three sections of the gun杆and拧好, and checked the 符箓储备on his body.
The gun身lit up with繁复的纹路.
The sound of多人humming传出from behind the door.
Daoist Wang踢走a corpse aside,拉开a door缝, and闪身挤了进去.
It is rare to find this kind of金碧辉煌style hall in the lower city of the堡垒. If you can find it, it is大概率a high-end casino.
— In fact, casinos are also the主营业务of the Wanli Gold帮会.
The tables and chairs in this casino were搬去the corners on both sides, and the huge red carpet in the middle was空了出来. A名名of men and women, wearing朴素or讲究, were盘腿sitting on the ground,吟唱着舒缓的曲调, and their bodies followed the曲调slowly摇晃.
幸福and迷醉were revealed on their faces.
A慈祥old grandma was sitting in the正前方of the crowd.
This old grandma was sitting on a半米高的舞台, wearing a洁白长裙,慈祥地看着眼前the '信众'.
There was a中年壮汉beside her, and the latter was盯着Wang Jixuan with a pair of green竖瞳.
伴随着the歌声,一道道浅绿色的波痕朝Wang Jixuan涌来.
'Can actually联合起these被侵蚀的凡人魂魄to施展精神冲击?'
'Although the威力is far不如入门级魔音邪法…'
Wang Dao長's right hand竖握长枪, lifted three寸, and重重落下.
A青色冲击波visible to the naked eye荡开forward, and the十几人closest to the door were directly掀翻.
Those green波痕崩碎one after another, and the吟唱声also停下with it, and many people低头干呕.
The老奶奶in the正中of the舞台睁开双眼.
The光芒of the聚光灯on the side hit down, and her面容became more and more慈祥, but the倒影she投on the舞台was无比狰狞, just like a巨大飞蛾.
The old grandma said in a温润的嗓音: "Child, have you also encountered困难吗?"
"Is your晶核still there?"
Wang Jixuan凝视the old妪with清澈的目光:
"Can you lend it to me? I have大用."
That壮汉跳下the舞台, and一名名'信众'站起身来 and转身看向Wang Jixuan.
Under the充足光照of this place, these people's双眼绽出a绿色光亮, and their表情逐渐狰狞.
Wang Dao長slightly挑眉, and his left hand握住了the last一把螺帽.
'These杀孽can't be算to贫道头上.'
The left hand suddenly前甩!
The sound of破空炸响!
A排排血雾appeared in the人群!
That壮汉吼着and扑来forward, and his body seemed to要直接炸开.
Wang Jixuan握枪前冲!
… …
Three minutes later.
Zheng Shiduo, Wan Xiaoqi, Lin Bo, and Lin Yong arrived at the entrance of the tavern and couldn't help but look at each other when they saw the men and women squatting with their heads in their hands.
"Has it already been搞定?"
Wan Xiaoqi嘀咕in a low voice:
"It seems like you don't even need to战斗, Captain Zheng."
Zheng Shiduo's嘴角抽搐了a few times, and didn't搭理this小女子who likes to塞纸团弄虚作假, and directly踹开了the tavern door in front of him.
The smell of血腥扑鼻而来.
Zheng Shiduo's目光扫过the corpses on both sides,淡定地走去一边, and把the螺帽嵌着on the wall扣了下来.
Although Wan Xiaoqi had见过了the Blade Beast战场a few times, she was still略有发憷when she saw these瞪着眼的corpses in this阴暗environment, and subconsciously朝后面的Lin Bo Lin Yong靠了靠.
Wan Xiaoqi asked in a low voice: "These, these are…"
The most ⊥ new ⊥ small ⊥ say ⊥ in ⊥ six ⊥ 9 ⊥ ⊥ book ⊥ ⊥ bar ⊥ ⊥ 首 ⊥ 发!
"They died in帮派内斗."
Zheng Shiduo said淡定地, and raised his hand and 打了个手势, and the战士们of the清肃部队冲了进来.
Lin Bo said: "We can下去from here."
"Xiaoqi, you在这等着吧!"
Zheng Shiduo耸了耸鼻子:
"The下面的画面may affect your好印象of Chief's小男友."
Wan Xiaoqi翻了个白眼: "What's wrong with that, I've上过the Blade Beast战场的."
"Then come, Lin Bo, you看好her, Lin Yong, you在入口守着, no one is allowed to靠近这边without my permission… Don't take武器, I only闻到了the味 道of a活人."
Zheng Shiduo轻轻啧了声,带the Lin Bo and Wan Xiaoqi进the向下走廊.
Two corpses倒on the拐角, with枪支擺on their bodies.
When they走下阶梯and转过拐角, Wan Xiaoqi's俏脸was a bit发白.
眼前this通路leading to the赌场, but十几米场的,躺满了human corpses.
Most of the corpses had 血洞破开in the额头眉心, and the wall was拼凑出of弹孔,鲜血and脑浆的作画.
"I told you, don't下来," Zheng Shiduo撇了撇嘴.
Wan Xiaoqi抿嘴不语,低头跟着Zheng Shiduo林波,走到尽头的双开门前.
Lin Bo稍微微拉了the大门, and the two扇大门砸落 outward at the same time,吓得the three of them左右跳开.
Behind the door panel was a 'stuck' basic Mimic Blade Beast, much stronger than the ones they had killed before.
Its hind legs were still stuck in the strong man's back, and the conjunctiva of its head had exploded, with most of the mouthparts inside blown away. It was dead, beyond dead.
Looking inside along the corpses of the Blade Beast and the strong man... …
"Ugh!" Wan Xiaoqi turned her head and dry heaved.
Lin Bo also looked pale.
Zheng Shiduo showed a morbid smile at the corner of his mouth, admiring the stage where Wang Daozhang was engrossed in studying the strange Blade Beast as if no one else was around.
"Don't get me wrong," Wang Jixuan's voice came, "I'm not wantonly killing the innocent. These people's souls have already merged with this Blade Beast. Even if I were stronger, I wouldn't be able to save them."
Lin Bo immediately said, "Understood!"
Zheng Shiduo suddenly gave a light 'eh' and stared at the Blade Beast in front of Wang Jixuan.
This thing still had the foundation of a Mimic Blade Beast, but its figure was more 'petite', and it had two huge flying wings on its back, with vertical pupil-like patterns on the flying wings.
"Apostle! Holy crap! You killed an Apostle!"
Zheng Shiduo suddenly howled, shouted with wide eyes, tiptoed over the pile of corpses in front, and rushed to the Blade Beast.
He turned his head and glared at Wang Jixuan: "You, you killed it?"
Wang Daozhang curled his lips.
This thing was indeed tricky, specializing in mental shock and soul control, constantly trying to disturb his mind.
But this thing…
Wang Daozhang's remnant soul just lacked soul power, it's not like he lost his Dao realm or forgot his incantations. He had faced the Heavenly Tribulation and resisted the Heart Demon Tribulation, this level of mind control was a bit too petty.
"Its main body is not strong, it is only good at bewitching people's hearts. Getting close to it can kill it."
Wang Jixuan explained simply and asked softly, "Do you want to take a photo?"
"Can I? Can I keep a memento!"
Zheng Shiduo shouted excitedly, took out the communicator he carried with him, squatted next to this 'fluttering moth', raised his hand to make a V sign, and took a selfie with a click.
Lin Bo and Wan Xiaoqi tiptoed over here, inevitably stepping on bloodstains.
Wan Xiaoqi also took a few photos.
Wang Jixuan smiled, squinting.
Fortunately, he was witty and took out the crystal nucleus of this thing, and then pressed its skull back.
He specially used three Demon Sealing Charms to seal the colorful crystal nucleus.
After half a minute, Wang Daozhang reminded:
"Let's not delay too long. There should be one or two Mimic Blade Beasts on this floor. Let's continue searching… I'll burn it."
"This is an extremely precious specimen!"
Zheng Shiduo sighed:
"It has happened before that an Apostle killed a fortress. This kind of Blade Beast rarely appears."
Wang Jixuan was unmoved, put his hands together in a sword gesture, and directly activated the True Fire Charm that he had secretly stuffed into the body of this Blade Beast before.
Clusters of enchanting white flames lit up, the Blade Beast's corpse melted rapidly, and wisps of spiritual energy escaped, secretly absorbed by Wang Jixuan.
"Let's go…"
Ding ding!
The communicator in Zheng Shiduo's hand rang twice.
Zheng Shiduo looked up at Wang Jixuan, his expression a little dignified.
"It's bad."
"What's wrong?"
"The Spirit Energy Home suddenly issued a level three warning for Blade Beast attacks. The fortress has activated the closed system on each floor. Spirit Energy users can now move freely within the fortress!"
Wang Jixuan immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.
This may indicate that their battle in the lower city has been known to the Spirit Energy users of the Thirteenth Institute.
Wan Xiaoqi cursed crisply: "These bastards are not helping but adding trouble!"
"It's not just adding trouble," Wang Jixuan said, "This should be…"
In the northwest direction, from a rather distant place, came the call of the young Queen Worm, followed by an ear-piercing scream!
Wang Jixuan pressed his forehead with his left hand and couldn't help but groan. His spiritual consciousness was actually subjected to an aerial impact!
Is the young Queen Worm so strong? Is it retaliating because this Apostle was killed?
But the young Queen Worm is too far away from here, and he couldn't possibly be injured because of this…
Wang Daozhang was puzzled;
The alarm sounded on Wan Xiaoqi's body. She grabbed a pocket watch-like device and glanced at it, exclaiming:
"The commander's condition is problematic! Hasn't the team already retreated! The commander is unconscious!"
Wang Jixuan raised his head suddenly.
Because he had just suffered the impact of the young Queen Worm, there were a few streaks of blood in his eyes, his nostrils were twitching slightly, and his expression was indeed a bit scary.
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