After leaving the Peace Hotel, Hai Wuya had to go to two places to collect things.

One was a warehouse in the suburbs, where the firearms and weapons that Hai Wuya asked his men to transport were stored.

After the end of the world, not everyone can awaken their talents. Even if they can awaken their talents, most people can only awaken talents of very low levels.

And Hai Wuya wants to build a base, so it is very useful for patrol law enforcement personnel to be equipped with firearms. One is to resist ordinary zombies and ordinary monsters, and the other is to deter the staff in the base.

After all, it is normal for a base to have most ordinary staff to operate.

Therefore, with the combination of firearms and weapons, the greatest lethality and deterrence can be exerted. However, the main combat power of the base still depends on the highly talented superpowers, such as Wang Yan, and his wives.

As for himself, he is a controller and a ruler!

However, the suburbs are relatively remote, so Hai Wuya thought about going to the two department stores in the city first.

Hai Wuya ordered the manager to close the two department stores of his group in Donghai City yesterday.

At this moment, Hai Wuya was preparing to go there and transfer all the supplies in the supermarket to the supernatural space.

Hai Wuya wanted to transfer all the supplies that he could control to his own hands.

If he waited until the end of the world to collect supplies, it would be very troublesome and a waste of time.

When Hai Wuya collected all the supplies from the two supermarkets, he would not have to worry about basic supplies for a long time in the future.

Even if the consumption of building a base would be huge, it would be enough. When the order of the base was perfected, the team could be organized to go out and find survival supplies to maintain the supply cycle in the base.

While thinking, Hai Wuya had already arrived at one of the department stores. After parking the car, he directly contacted the manager here and asked him to open the door for him.

Within two minutes, the manager hurried to the door, then opened the door and led Hai Wuya in.

"Master, I have followed your instructions and closed all the doors and reinforced the interior."

"But our store's turnover is pretty good. Closing the store like this will cause huge losses..."

The manager didn't ask why the store was closed, but Hai Wuya didn't care. Instead, he said to the manager:

"Take me to the warehouse here, and let all the staff leave here."

Hearing Hai Wuya's instructions, the manager had to agree, and then led Hai Wuya all the way to the supermarket's warehouse.

This department store occupies a large area and is divided into four floors with various areas.

Therefore, the supplies stored in the warehouse are also huge.

There are all kinds of goods in this warehouse, basically all kinds of goods on the market, they are neatly arranged, and Hai Wuya is ready to start and take them all into his hands.

But before that, Hai Wuya asked the manager to go out first, and then started to collect the supplies after the people left.

There are many kinds of goods in the warehouse, and it will take Hai Wuya about ten minutes to collect them all.

After taking away all the supplies here, Hai Wuya also prepared to pack up and take away the items on sale on the supermarket shelves.

Anyway, there is enough space for supernatural power, so it is not too much to have supplies!

Hai Wuya acted quickly, and the supplies in the warehouse were already empty after ten minutes.

After taking away the last pile of goods, Hai Wuya turned around and left the warehouse and went to the sales area.

When the manager saw Hai Wuya coming out, he quickly stepped forward and said:

"Master, I have just sent away the staff. Do you have any instructions now?"

"Are you going to renovate this place?"

Hai Wuya nodded, but did not answer, and said:

"You did a good job. Wait for me at the door now. Guard the door and don't let outsiders in."

The manager hesitated for a while, but nodded and agreed:

"Okay, Master, I'll wait for you at the door."

Then, the manager rushed to the door.

The first floor of this department store is the play area, the second and third floors are the sales area, and the fourth floor is the management area.

Therefore, Hai Wuya's goal was very clear, and he went straight to the second floor.

When he arrived at the second floor, Hai Wuya did not waste time and started collecting directly. It took about ten minutes to collect all the items on the second floor.

Then he went to the third floor to continue collecting, and it also took about ten minutes to collect them.

Then Hai Wuya turned and went downstairs, ready to go directly to the next department store to collect.

When he arrived at the door, the manager was still waiting. Hai Wuya saw the other party's somewhat eager expression, and he hesitated for a while and then said:

"Go back to accompany your family, tomorrow is notUse it for work. "

The manager was stunned when he heard this, and then he slumped to the ground with a frustrated face.

Hai Wuya's words seemed to him like he was fired, so he was completely devastated.

However, Hai Wuya ignored it. He got in the car and drove to the next destination. He arrived at the second department store 20 minutes later.

Then Hai Wuya did the same thing, first collecting the materials in the warehouse, and then collecting the materials in the sales area.

This operation took almost an hour.

But the harvest was also very rich. At this moment, Hai Wuya's materials It is not an exaggeration to say that the supplies are piled up like a mountain!

At this moment, it is 3:30 in the afternoon.

Just then, his subordinate Lao Jin called and said that all the weapons have been transported to the suburban warehouse, waiting for Hai Wuya's order.

Hai Wuya asked his subordinate Lao Jin to wait there for a while, and then drove the sports car to continue moving forward.

About half an hour later, Hai Wuya finally arrived at the suburban warehouse.

Lao Jin also came up to him, opened the car door for Hai Wuya, and immediately said:

"Master, the things in the 'warehouse' have been transported here, do you have any instructions?"

Hai Wuya stood up and said as he walked:

"Come on, take me to see."

Lao Jin understood what he said, and then said to the four bodyguards at the door of the warehouse:

"Guard the gate well, and don't let even a fly fly in! "

Then he quickened his pace and led Hai Wuya into the warehouse.

After entering the warehouse and walking into a large room, Hai Wuya saw piles of about fifty green metal boxes of various sizes.

The room was almost full.

Before Hai Wuya asked, Lao Jin introduced:

"Master, there are a total of 300 automatic rifles, 20 large-caliber sniper rifles, and 50 automatic pistols. As for explosives, they are difficult to get, so there are none."

"But there are enough bullets. There are 9 million rifle bullets, 20,000 sniper bullets, and 500,000 pistol bullets."

Hearing what Lao Jin said, Hai Wuya nodded slightly.

These ammunitions are sufficient, and there is no problem in maintaining the order of the base after the end of the world, so Hai Wuya has no objection.

"Okay, you go out and wait for me, I'll take a look here myself. "

Old Jin nodded and walked out the door, leaving it ajar.

After everyone left, Hai Wuya used his supernatural powers to transfer all the guns and supplies into the space.

Two minutes later, the guns were transferred, and there was no need to stay here, so Hai Wuya turned around and left.

Old Jin was waiting at the door of the warehouse, patrolling the surrounding area with four bodyguards.

When Hai Wuya saw this scene, he suddenly felt that keeping these people would help the base after the end of the world, so he said to Old Jin:

"Old Jin, take the four of them to the Haoyue Hotel to wait for me. I will announce something big in the evening. "

Old Jin is not old, about 40 years old, with a strong body and a face full of flesh.

After hearing Hai Wuya's order, he nodded immediately, although he is not Hai Wuya's personal bodyguard like Wang Yan.

But he is completely convinced of Hai Wuya and is willing to obey Hai Wuya's command.

"Got it, Master! ”

Hai Wuya nodded, and was about to get in the sports car, but he remembered that his family was about to arrive at the airport, and it was obviously impossible to drive the sports car to pick them up.

So Hai Wuya turned around and threw the sports car key to Lao Jin, asking him to drive his car back.

Then he asked Lao Jin for the key to an off-road vehicle, ready to drive it to pick up his family.

The five of them also have two cars that can accommodate them.

Now the preparations for the eve of the end of the world have been almost done, and when the family returns to Haoyue Hotel, they can do the last thing!

That is to use the supernatural crystals, volatilize a little of the energy in it, and then make their first batch of men immune to the disaster virus!

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya has already started the off-road vehicle and rushed to the last stop, the airport.

The world after the end of the world will be controlled by me, Hai Wuya!

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