Time passed quickly, and soon it was one o'clock.

As the hour hand slid to one o'clock, the whole space suddenly trembled, the thorn vines danced wildly, and the stone tablet also made a creaking sound.

Hai Wuya brought the two women and saw this scene. They immediately used space transfer to leave the circular space, ready to wait until everything settled down before taking the next step.

The plants in the space seemed to revive at this moment, and the thorn vines began to grow rapidly and spread infinitely. In the end, they filled the entire space, leaving only a thorny road that directly connected to the stone tablet.

On the stone tablet, the pattern has completely reflected the real image at this moment, the engraved disk has disappeared, and all that is left is a simulated space door full of biological movements.

This simulated space door must be the entrance to the final destination, and it looks quite extraordinary.

On the simulated door, there are countless unknown creatures roaring, as if they have already started fighting, but this has not affected the outside world.

But the faint earth-shaking roar seemed to have been transmitted to the outside through the mimicry door.

Hai Wuya frowned slightly as he watched this scene, and then he used the Exploration Eye to want to learn about the introduction of this mimicry door.

And when the Exploration Eye looked at the door, it actually got some information.

[Name: Entrance to the Primary Trial Field of the Universe]

[Introduction: The interior is the primary Trial Field of the Universe, but it has been abandoned for a long time. However, after countless years of immersion, new races may have been born during this period, and there will be powerful biological remnants. The degree of danger is relatively high, and it is not recommended for those with weak strength to enter.

(Note: Danger and opportunity coexist. It is indeed dangerous inside, but the spoils that can be harvested are also worth a dangerous attempt.)]

After reading this information introduction, Hai Wuya's expression was also a little solemn, because he did not expect that there was actually a Trial Field of the Universe inside?

Could it be that it will descend on the Universe in the future?

Or, can the secret realm itself connect to the heavens and the myriad worlds, to compete with countless races?

Several questions flashed through his mind, and Hai Wuya frowned, but for now, there is no need to worry too much.

Because it is just a primary and long-abandoned Trial Field of the Heavens, even if there is danger, it is not a big deal for Hai Wuya.

After all, Xiao Yan was able to enter it with a chariot. Although Xiao Yan in this world line was trapped by himself, it can also be said that it is not very dangerous.

In this case, Hai Wuya does not need to worry at all.

The only thing to pay attention to is the two women beside him. The strength of the two women is not strong, so Hai Wuya is thinking at this moment. He doesn't know whether to take them into the secret realm.

But since they have been brought here, the choice is left to them. Thinking of this, Hai Wuya told the two women about the dangers in the trial field.

After hearing the information about the trial field, the two women were hesitant, but Wei Anqi soon made the decision to go inside the trial field.

As for the reason, Wei Anqi said that since they were already here, it would be inappropriate for her to stay outside, so she decided to go in together.

As for Wei Anqi's decision, Hai Wuya certainly did not refute it. After he agreed, he took the two women and did not waste any more time and went directly into the trial field of the heavens.

The moment they entered, the white light was dazzling, but after another blink, the scene was completely new.

The current scene is no longer the space full of thorns before, but a land full of desolate atmosphere. It is very vast, but there are four mimic entrances around, which should be the passages to enter here.

At the end of the sight of this land, there is a light red barrier range. Presumably, it is impossible to go outside the red barrier.

As for the range of activities of creatures, they can only be within this barrier, but it is very vast, and it is estimated that the diameter is tens of kilometers.

The trial field is not a flat wasteland, but a red mountain range. There are no trees growing on the mountains, only rugged rocks and other objects.

Hai Wuya observed the surrounding environment and did not find any problems or dangers, so he relaxed his vigilance slightly. Then he said to the two women:

"There are still dangers here. Don't let your guard down. If you encounter any problems, just call my name."

"Of course, you follow me and don't wander around alone."

Hearing Hai Wuya's instructions, the two women immediately nodded.Nodding, he followed Hai Wuya's footsteps and walked slowly forward.

Because the purpose of coming here this time was mainly to plunder Xiao Yan's ore and other upgrade materials, and the ore was basically near the mountains, so at this moment Hai Wuya took the two women and walked towards the mountains.

The mountains here are not very high, probably only a few dozen meters at the highest point, which also resulted in the mountain area not being large.

At this moment, Hai Wuya came near the mountain. He looked at the red mountain and immediately turned around. After not finding any entrance, he directly used space transfer to come to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was also bare. Except for some strange-shaped boulders, there was nothing worth noting. Hai Wuya also used the exploration eye to check the information of the rock, and the answer given was indeed an ordinary rock.

It's just that the rock has changed its name, called red blood stone.

As for the reason, the explanation given is that the creatures being tested have dyed it red with blood accumulated over time.

Hai Wuya shook his head and immediately lost interest in this place.

And the chance ore was nowhere to be found, so Hai Wuya left here immediately and headed for the destination.

But what disappointed Hai Wuya was that in a large area ahead, there were no other objects except the red blood stone.

Hai Wuya frowned slightly. It was obvious that Xiao Yan's chance was not on the top of the mountain. In this case, let's leave here and search other places.

For example, inside the mountain, or there is an entrance to the bottom of the mountain, the probability of the existence of ore in that place is greater.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya immediately took the two women away from the top of the mountain and continued to explore the bottom of the mountain.

Now that Xiao Yan, the treasure-hunting rat, is no longer there to explore the way, he really has to spend more effort. Next time, he should wait until the last minute to come out and harvest...


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