The ten chieftains of the dwarf demons all rushed towards Hai Wuya at this moment. Their movements were so fast that Hai Wuya could not see them clearly at the first time.

However, even if he could not see them clearly at the first time, Hai Wuya left the original place with a space transfer, and then quickly opened up the gap with the ten dwarf demon chieftains.

Hai Wuya was standing in the distance at this moment. He looked at the ten demon chieftains who were a little dazed, and his mouth corners slightly raised.

After all, their tone just now made Hai Wuya feel very unhappy. He was ready not to hold back this time and wanted to kill them directly.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya clenched the two knives in his hands, condensed two wind blades, and swung them directly at them before they could react.

Hai Wuya's knife light was very fast, and it attacked two of the chieftains in almost an instant.

The two chieftains looked at the ordinary knife light and showed a look of disdain, but soon they could not laugh anymore.

The other eight chiefs did not support Hai Wuya's attack this time, or they were not in a hurry to support him.

But they were all observing, wanting to know the strength of the human who broke into their territory.

With a bang, the two chiefs who were locked by the knife light hurriedly picked up their weapons to resist, but they obviously underestimated Hai Wuya and the power of the two knife lights.

Just after they hurriedly resisted for a moment, they were directly blown away by the attack. Both chiefs spit out a large mouthful of blood and felt that they were going to die.

Because they never thought that just two ordinary knife light attacks would almost make them die.

Looking at the two chiefs who were blown away, the eight chiefs around them were all shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that a simple battle would have this result.

Who would have thought that this human intruder could not only transfer out of thin air, but also be so powerful?

Could it be that the hiding place was not accidentally exposed this time, but was actually found by other races?

Among the ten dwarf demon chiefs, the oldest and most aged demon was in a brainstorm at this moment.

They, the dwarf demons, should have been hiding very well. Why can they be invaded and arrived here silently by foreign races now?

It has been peaceful for thousands of years. Is the outside world still in the era of war?

Damn it!

Why is the invading creature this time still such a powerful person? The human race is the most cunning. Anyway, he must not be allowed to leave here!

Although the dwarf demons are a kind race, they also know the principle of cutting the grass to the root. Once the human in front of them leaks the hiding place of the dwarf demons, they will be in great danger!

The old chief has made a decision in his heart at this moment, that is, to do his best to kill the human in front of him on the spot. No matter how painful the price is, he can't let the tribe fall into danger!

Thinking of this, the old chief immediately used the language of the dwarf spirits to convey the order to fight desperately to the other seven chiefs who were not injured.

After receiving the order, the other seven chiefs all restrained their disdain, all took out their strongest fighting postures, and were ready to exert their strongest strength at any time.

Even the big chief felt it was difficult, so they would definitely not be easy.

Therefore, they gradually looked at each other, and then formed a formation to fight towards Hai Wuya. This time it would be a very difficult war, and they were all mentally prepared.

When Hai Wuya saw their actions at this moment, he chuckled and didn't care.

In the previous attack, he had roughly known the strength of these monster chiefs in front.

Their strength is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary dwarf spirits, otherwise it would be impossible for them to take their attack and not die but be seriously injured.

Just based on this point, these dwarf demon chieftains deserve Hai Wuya to treat them with a slightly more serious attitude.

After all, killing the enemy is the greatest respect for the enemy.

Hai Wuya took a deep breath, and then directly used space transfer to leave the original place. Then he found the attack point, and two more powerful sword lights directly bombarded the two lucky ones.

The two chieftains who were hit were not seriously injured by the blow because they were fully armed and alert this time, but they were also not feeling well. At least they had no ability to continue fighting in a short time.

After hitting the two chieftains, Hai Wuya directly used space transfer to change his position. This time he was still ready to use the sword light directlyAttack.

After all, this is the most time-saving and labor-saving method. Anything else is more troublesome and completely unnecessary.

Hai Wuya took a deep breath, then continued to condense the knife light and prepared to bombard the chiefs.

However, this time the chiefs seemed to have learned to be smart. Because they could not find the trace of the monster, they gathered together back to back. Although their strength was not very good, they were at least not stupid.

Facing two parties with completely unequal strength, they could only resist in this way. Even if they tried their best, they had to persist and consume the other party to death.

Hai Wuya looked at their actions at the moment and was not in a hurry to launch the next attack, although their current formation was useless to Hai Wuya.

However, since they had the courage to face Hai Wuya without fear, Hai Wuya also admired them a little.

Since he admired them, Hai Wuya would not waste time. He directly used the talent of the Holy Flame King, and then rushed towards the chiefs who were in a defensive formation with two knives in hand.

The chiefs were nervous at the moment. They looked at Hai Wuya who was charging towards them, and all of them showed solemn expressions, and then began to defend this side.

This time, the chiefs already knew Hai Wuya's powerful strength, so they used their most powerful strength to defend, and all kinds of mechanical weapons were deployed.

But even so, they still couldn't resist Hai Wuya's attack this time.

Hai Wuya, who was already possessed by the Holy Flame King, rushed into the chiefs and started to kill them.

In just one encounter, he directly shattered the defense formation, and then waved his two swords and started to slash.

Facing the chiefs who had lost their defense formation, Hai Wuya's attack could be said to have no obstacles at all.

At this moment, the chiefs had no strength to stop Hai Wuya at all, and could only let him kill them directly.

After a few rounds, the chiefs were all wounded. They were all panting and fell to the ground.

But even though they were defeated to this extent, they still protected the old chief.

The old chief's face changed from firmness to fear. He said to the chiefs around him in the language of the dwarves:

"We can't resist this human. You hold on for a while. I will notify the chief immediately. We must stop the human from continuing to attack before the chief arrives!"

"Even if we all die here, we must stop the human until the chief arrives!"

"All chiefs listen to my order. There is no need to restrain yourself. Use all means to stop the human attack!"

The old chief's tone was heavy, and there was a trace of sadness. After all, after today, their race will lose its most powerful fighting force, and their race will also suffer heavy losses.

But since it must suffer this disaster, it must minimize the loss, otherwise he is unworthy of being the chief!

The other chiefs who were already seriously injured, hearing the solemn order of the chief, were all ready to die in battle. After all, they were about to wake up the patriarch, and it is conceivable that the current situation has reached various levels.

The faces of several chiefs were serious at this moment, and they all looked like they were ready to die. They had to use their lives to stop Hai Wuya's attack.

Although they knew that this was beyond their ability, there was no other way.

Hai Wuya did not continue to attack at this moment. He stood not far away and condensed thunder in his hand. He was ready to condense a very powerful thunder to end this battle.

The chiefs in front had also stood up at this moment. They knew that no matter what equipment they used, they could not resist the attack again.

So they planned to use their bodies as shields to buy time for the chief to wake up the patriarch.

After all, only in this way can they die a worthy death.

The thunder in Hai Wuya's hand has gradually condensed into shape, and Hai Wuya did not stop them when he saw their actions.

After all, his current goal is to try to condense the most powerful thunder and see how powerful it is.

As for what the monster chiefs are planning, he really doesn't care. Anyway, no matter what they are discussing, he can kill them all.

So let them struggle before death as they imagine, and it would be best if they can burst out with more powerful strength.

Otherwise, Hai Wuya's slightly expected thoughts will disappear completely.

After a few seconds, the thunder in Hai Wuya's hand has been sent out.There was a ferocious roar, and there seemed to be electric snakes rolling in the thunder, but it was very obedient to Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya had sensed the impatience of the thunder, so he did not continue to condense, but directly arched his hands forward, and then the thunder in his hands roared and rushed forward.

The thunder was very thick, almost as thick as a bucket, and the speed of attack was also in the blink of an eye.

The target of the thunder's attack was naturally the chiefs who used their bodies as shields. Their faces were a little pale at this moment, and even their bodies were shaking a little.

But even so, they still did not withdraw. After all, behind them, the chief had already started meditating to communicate with the chief, so there could be no mistakes!

It might take a few minutes to communicate with the chief, and it might take a day or two to receive no response. But now it has reached a critical moment, so the chief naturally used all his skills to wake up the chief.

However, the thunder attack would not show any mercy because of their actions. In a flash, the thunder as thick as a bucket had already hit them.

With a loud bang, the thunder exploded directly after hitting the chiefs, and almost at the same time, the chiefs who were hit turned into charred corpses.

As their bodies were blown away, the thunder as thick as a bucket also reduced its power a lot, and it continued to attack forward.

Just when it was about to attack the chief, the four chiefs who were seriously injured at the beginning suddenly appeared in front of the chief to resist this fatal blow for it.

They were fearless and brave, just to buy some time for the tribe, because they firmly believed that as long as the chief came, everything would be fine.

But the thunder's offensive was still unabated, and almost instantly, it directly hit the four chiefs.

The injuries of the four chiefs were very serious, so almost in an instant, they became charred corpses like the previous ones and were blown away.

However, after experiencing these layers of barriers, the attack power of Thunder was finally weakened a lot, so that after attacking the chief, it only caused it a not very serious injury.

But even this not-so-serious injury still made the chief spit out a mouthful of blood, but at this moment, with a creepy smile on his face, he showed a row of bloody white teeth to Hai Wuya.

This action made Hai Wuya raise his eyebrows, and then he didn't care too much. Anyway, no matter what means it had, it couldn't resist his next attack.

Hai Wuya shook his hands, and then when he was about to take out the double swords again, bursts of mechanical clicking sounds suddenly came from the deep area of ​​the cave.

At this moment, the chieftain in front laughed wildly:

"Hahaha, human! The great chieftain has awakened, just wait to be killed here!"

"We, the dwarves, have no grudge against you, but you suddenly appeared here to kill people, you deserve to be cut into pieces!"

"When the chieftain arrives, he will not kill you easily, but will slaughter you in front of many chieftains, only in this way can they die a worthy death!"

"Damn human! This is all your own fault! You alien races are crazy and violent, you really deserve to die in the battlefield of the heavens!"

The chieftain has fallen into madness at this moment, and he uses this not very proficient human language, and it is unknown whether he is madly outputting to Hai Wuya. In the end, he laughed and launched a final charge towards Hai Wuya.

"Human! Our tribe will make you pay! You devil!!!"

The chieftain held a weapon in his hand and charged towards Hai Wuya. Although he knew it was an egg hitting a stone, he was willing to die calmly for the dignity of the dwarves!


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I was sketching outside during the day, and I wrote this in a hurry...

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