Hai Wuya raised the Flame Demon Saber in his hand. He paused after hearing the faint sound.

In fact, he didn't know how to answer the question of the dwarf chief.

After a series of events just now, the dwarf chief obviously didn't know that these monsters had been regarded as experience points.

Although he himself couldn't explain why these monsters would become victims of species upgrade and evolution, if he explained this to it, it would definitely find it absurd.

But if he didn't tell it the truth, he really didn't know what to make up, so Hai Wuya was silent for a while, and then he said truthfully:

"Not long ago, the world I was in was distorted, and some spaces similar to secret realms occasionally appeared on the earth, and I came here after entering the secret realm."

"As for the purpose of entering the secret realm, it was to kill the monsters in the secret realm, and you demons can become the ladder for me to become stronger. As long as I kill you, I can gradually become stronger."

"I don't know what the reason is. Maybe this is the arrangement and will of God. You demons are destined to become the sacrifice of the evolution of all things."

"In this new era, you demons have no other way to go except to become sacrifices."

Maybe it's because the tone of the dwarf chief is sincere, or because it is currently the only creature that can make Hai Wuya feel a sense of crisis.

So Hai Wuya is willing to let the other party die clearly, so as not to let it die in ignorance.

For creatures whose strength makes him recognize, Hai Wuya is willing to give them a certain respect.

After hearing what Hai Wuya said, the dwarf chieftain's eyes widened in fear and surprise.

Finally, he murmured for a long time, and tears suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he murmured sadly:

"Is that so..."

"It seems... the reincarnation has finally begun..."

"It is God's will... It is God's will!"


The dwarf chieftain spoke in a high tone, laughed a few times, and then died.

Hai Wuya looked at this scene, and there was a hint of thought in his eyes.

What reincarnation, what God's will...

Forget it, anyway, the information about the increase in experience value has sounded, and Hai Wuya is too lazy to think about it.

As long as he keeps killing monsters, he will definitely be able to reach a height that people look up to. With just the current strength, he is still too weak.

If it weren't for his many talents and good combat power, he would have been dead against the dwarf chief.

This also made Hai Wuya more eager to upgrade and improve his strength.

He was far from being invincible, so he had to hurry up to become stronger.

He had to get more superpowers and improve his level, otherwise he would only become a stepping stone for others in this new era.

Hai Wuya already had a sense of urgency in his heart, so he ignored the body of the dwarf chief and used space transfer to leave the place.

At present, only about a quarter of the entire dwarf demon group has been cleared, and he will need to spend a lot of time to sweep the entire cave area.


Hai Wuya is now rushing towards the building complex of the cave. He has no obstacles now, so he can easily sweep the entire cave area.

Just give him a little time, then there will be no problem in clearing the entire cave.

While Hai Wuya was cleaning up, not far from the gate of the cave, the slime lord was leading two women and slowly going deeper into the cave.

According to the perception of the slime lord, it found that the demonic energy in the cave was getting weaker and weaker, while the smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger.

The only one who could achieve this scene was Hai Wuya who started to slaughter monsters, so in order to understand Hai Wuya's progress and meet the strong request of the two women.

The slime lord had no choice but to lead the two women and slowly move forward.

After all, the slime lord knew that the relationship between these two human women and Hai Wuya was not simple, and there was a high probability that they would become his mistresses.

Fortunately, the slime lord did not encounter any danger along the way with the two women, and even did not encounter two monsters.

There were one or two lone dwarf demons, and they were directly killed by the slime lord, without causing any danger to the two women.

The two slime lords led the two women forward, and killed the sporadic monsters they encountered along the way.

Because Hai Wuya had previously ordered them not to kill the monsters, but toAll of them were left to him to kill, so the slime lord was very restrained. Unless there was a real possibility of threatening the two women, it would not take action.

At this moment, the two women were under the protection of the slime lord, and they were also looking at the scenes along the way, feeling a little heavy.

The surrounding scene was like hell, because there were corpses of dwarf elves everywhere, but fortunately the corpses were monsters, otherwise they would really be unable to accept it.

They also knew that killing monsters would gain experience points, so at this moment, looking at the monsters being killed, they did not care too much, nor did they think that Hai Wuya was a bloodthirsty demon.

After all, they were not of the same race, so how could they empathize with them?

As they went deeper, they also saw Hai Wuya not far ahead.

At this moment, Hai Wuya had transformed into the King of Thunder and Lightning. When he waved his hand, thunder rumbled, and the whole cave was almost shaking.

As for the reason why Hai Wuya used thunder, it was also very simple, that is, if you use thunder to kill monsters, it is not only fast but also a sure hit.

As long as the arc of thunder touches them, the monsters will basically be electrocuted to death. After all, thunder is very powerful against monsters, not to mention that Hai Wuya is using thunder.

Hai Wuya stood on a high place, his hands never stopped at all, he quickly released thunder in all directions, and only moved to the next place after the monsters around him were basically dead.

And now he saw the huge body of the slime lord and the two women under his protection.

The two women looked solemn and pale, probably a little afraid of Hai Wuya's current posture.

However, Hai Wuya didn't care. He used space transfer to come to the two women, and then directly opened his mouth and ordered:

"I will sweep the monsters here first, you stay away, and take you to the treasure house of the dwarf demon tribe in a while. I believe you will also like to harvest treasures?"

As the two women nodded, Hai Wuya left directly and continued to start the clearing plan around.


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