As the chariot was automatically driving, Hai Wuya and the two girls played small games all the way and left the Zhutian Trial Field smoothly.

Hai Wuya can be said to have gained a lot from this trip to the trial field.

Not only did he upgrade his level by one level, he also successfully completed the plundering mission, not only did he get an intelligent chariot, but he also got so many ore items.

These ore items are very rare and play a very important role in the future development of the base. Hai Wuya also attaches great importance to them.

In Hai Wuya's mind, these ore items are even more important than getting a chariot. After all, getting a chariot can only be a means of transportation, but so many ores can improve the overall strength of the base.

However, since both have been obtained, Hai Wuya did not care much about gains and losses. After all, he got sesame watermelon and didn't need to consider other things.

Having fun with the two girls all the way, the chariot soon returned to the previous thorn space, but now the thorn space is bald, burned bald by Hai Wuya with a big fire before.

After returning to this place, Hai Wuya also went to the cab. He looked forward and saw that the rock cage that he had trapped Xiao Yan before had no damage on the surface.

Thinking about it, it was indeed the case. After all, Xiao Yan's own strength was like a waste. He could only rely on the chariot to be safe and sound, but his chariot could not destroy his rock cage, so it was normal that he was still trapped in it.

But now that he had returned and the opportunity had been plundered, he would just release Xiao Yan directly. After all, he was his own treasure-hunting mouse, so he didn't want to die here.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart and came to the top of the chariot at the same time. He stood on a high place and looked at the rock cage. He swung his hands slightly, and the rock cage slowly loosened.

But Xiao Yan was in a very bad situation at this moment.

Since he was trapped in the rock cage by Hai Wuya, he was close to collapse. He looked at the flickering light in the chariot, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

During the time when Xiao Yan was trapped, he thought about many things, such as why he met that demon, and if he hadn't met him, he would have lived happily with Miss Lin Yiyi now...

If there hadn't been that change, how wonderful it would have been for him to drive an invincible chariot and travel the world with a few beautiful women.

Why was he so unlucky, why did he meet that demon, why did God treat him so harshly.

Why, why...

The depression in Xiao Yan's heart blocked his chest, and he couldn't help coughing twice, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out directly, dyeing the main control screen with bright colors.

Xiao Yan covered his chest and breathed quickly. He was desperate at the moment, and even had an idea.

This idea was to leave this world. After all, this world didn't treat him well, and he was repeatedly stepped on by others.

The feeling of despair caused by the shattered dream made Xiao Yan have ideas that he had never had before, and he even wanted to take action now.

He looked at the short knife at his feet, then slowly raised it and placed it in front of his neck...

But at this moment, a special light suddenly shone in and hit Xiao Yan's face.

Xiao Yan looked up and saw that the cage that was originally closed tightly was slowly relaxing and slowly withdrawing from the top of his head?

Could it be that the existence period of this cage has ended and he will not be trapped anymore?

Xiao Yan quickly put down the short knife in his hand, and then a light called hope flashed in his eyes.

He stood up impatiently, then opened the skylight of the chariot, and then climbed to the top with a swift movement.

Xiao Yan watched the rock cage slowly withdraw, and his hands were clenched, and even his nails were slightly embedded in the tiger's mouth.

In this way, accompanied by a rumbling sound, the rock cage gradually began to withdraw.

However, when the rock cage withdrew to a certain height, Xiao Yan suddenly saw a scene that made his back cold.

Just in front of him, there was a chariot similar to his own, and there was a person standing on top of the chariot.

The moment he saw that person, Xiao Yan's hair stood on end and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

That person was exactly the person Xiao Yan didn't want to see the most, or a demon!

"Xiao Yan, I locked you up for so long just now, you shouldn't blame me, right?"

"I'm a little sorry to let you out now, but you don't have to go to the trial field again, because I've taken away all the upgrade ores and other materials you need.. "

Hai Wuya raised his lips slightly, and said to Xiao Yan jokingly with a chuckle.

After hearing these words, Xiao Yan was like a cat with its fur standing on end. He screamed:

"You devil!"

"Why are you targeting me? Why do you keep ruining my plans!"

"Ahhh, I'm going to kill you!"

"Go to hell, go to hell now!! "

Xiao Yan roared helplessly and furiously. His anger had overwhelmed his mind and made him forget to think calmly for a moment.

He had clenched his fists so tightly that blood was flowing out, but he did not feel any pain at all.

What made Xiao Yan most angry and upset was not that his upgrade ore was taken away.

What made Xiao Yan most angry and uncomfortable was that the demon on the opposite side actually had a brand new chariot, and it looked more advanced than his own, as if it had some spirituality.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and prepared to wait for Hai Wuya's reply, but what surprised him was that the demon did not react at all after being provoked by his anger?

And at this moment, the other party actually left the top of the chariot and returned to the inside of the chariot?

But at this time, Hai Wuya's A word still floated to Xiao Yan's ears.

"Xiao Yan, I won't kill you easily. You can be a treasure hunter for me in the future. I will arrive on time before you get the good stuff..."

Hearing this sarcastic remark, Xiao Yan was furious on the spot. He hysterically insulted Hai Wuya's chariot for several minutes until the other chariot had driven away from here.

As Hai Wuya's chariot left, Xiao Yan immediately collapsed on the top of the chariot like a ball that had stopped breathing.

Xiao Yan's eyes were full of despair, and Hai Wuya's words just now were always ringing in his ears.

"Could it be that I can't get rid of that devil in the future..."

"Damn... Why... Why on earth..."


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