The night was as dark as ink, and it was already late at night.

The fatigue of the whole body had been relaxed. At this moment, Hai Wuya came to the top floor of the villa to look at the scene in the base.

After plundering Xiao Yan's talent this time, his harvest was actually very large, and he had not had time to count the many ores that he had collected in the space.

However, just relying on the gilded iron ore that he checked for the first time, he could also know that such a large number of ores were not ordinary.

So many ores will definitely be very useful for the development of the base, but they are not needed for the time being.

At present, the combatants in the base are average in strength and do not need to be equipped with good weapons at all. The weapons forged for them last time are actually enough.

So Hai Wuya did not think of using rare ores to forge weapons for them.

The weapons forged by himself with rare ores can become a reward system in the later stage, allowing those excellent combatants to fight for it.

After all, for talented people, the attraction of powerful weapons can be said to be no less than any other items.

Therefore, Hai Wuya would definitely not allocate such items to them, after all, his brain was not burned out.

Now that the base has been planned, Hai Wuya does not need to take care of anything else, and it can proceed steadily.

So Hai Wuya is currently thinking about what the next plan is.

The main purpose of the next step is of course to improve his own strength. It has been so long since the first secret realm was opened, and the monsters must have been refreshed, right?

The first secret realm is a stable monster refresh location. For me, I can often go there to gain experience at the F level.

I have now reached the F+ level, and the next level is to be promoted to the E level.

And the experience points for the promotion from F+ to E level are as much as 100,000, which is twice the experience points required for the last level promotion.

However, Hai Wuya can still accept it. After all, it is very generous to increase the experience points five times compared to the first to second upgrade.

Going to the primary secret realm once can gain 10,000 experience points. Although it doesn't take much time to brush a blood sea secret realm alone, it takes a long time to refresh the monsters each time.

So if you want to get 100,000 experience points, it still takes a lot of time.

Unless in this process, a random secret realm can appear again, such as Xiao Yan's random secret realm this time, which provided Hai Wuya with more than 50,000 experience points.

But thinking of this, Hai Wuya thought of another lucky person, that is, the first destiny protagonist Ye Fan.

Now it has been a long time since I met Ye Fan last time, but why hasn't he received any news?

It stands to reason that before each important opportunity is obtained, the system will give you a reminder. Could it be that Ye Fan has not had the next important opportunity for so long?

But after thinking about it, it seems that the opportunity I plundered Ye Fan last time was his second important opportunity, right?

That's no wonder, after all, after the first two important opportunities of each destiny protagonist are harvested, there will be a relatively long development stage.

But how should Ye Fan, whose opportunities were robbed by him, develop?

Hai Wuya thought of this and shook his head and laughed. Anyway, no matter how Ye Fan develops, he will go to plunder before the next time he gets an important opportunity.

So Hai Wuya has made a decision at present, that is, to go directly to the Blood Sea Secret Realm to brush experience early tomorrow morning, and then pay attention to the refresh time of the Blood Sea Secret Realm.

Next, I will focus on upgrading. If there is a prompt for an important opportunity, I will go to plunder by the way.

Anyway, this complements each other and will not waste time.

But there is another point that Hai Wuya cares about, that is, isn’t this world a fusion world?

Why so far, there are only two protagonists around him?

Hai Wuya is a little confused. After all, according to the previous system prompts, wasn’t he killed by a group of destiny protagonists?

But there are not many destiny protagonists now...

Hai Wuya stroked his chin and fell into thought, but it was useless to just think about it, anyway, let it go.

Anyway, I have enough rewards in all aspects. If there are more destiny protagonists, I might be a little too busy.

After shaking his head and letting out a breath, Hai Wuya turned and left the top floor of the villa.

It's getting late now, and I should find a wife to spend a good time together.

But who should I choose tonight? This is a bit tangled...

As Hai Wuya returned to the villa, he fell into thought..

When he came to the living room on the second floor, he remembered that he had not talked with Ye Xue and Xia Xiaoyu for many days.

The two of them have been living together, and he can just satisfy them at once.

Having made a decision in his heart, Hai Wuya did not hesitate and walked directly to the target room.


Early the next morning, Hai Wuya woke up from the bed.

He walked out of the room carefully without waking up the two women.

Hai Wuya went into the bathroom to take a hot bath, and then dressed up and prepared to leave for the Blood Sea Secret Realm.

This time he did not plan to bring anyone with him. After all, he was going to gain experience, and there was no need to bring others to distract himself.

Hai Wuya quickly came to the garage and then boarded his invincible chariot.

"Jarvis, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"This time I will take you to a place full of monsters. I hope you won't be afraid."

Hai Wuya chuckled and walked to the driver's chair and sat down, and then entered the location of the Blood Sea Secret Realm on the main control screen.

After hearing Hai Wuya's joke, the artificial intelligence Jarvis responded in a very serious tone:

"Please rest assured, master. If you are really in danger, I will do my best to send you away safely."

"I am very grateful for the new life given by the master. I will do everything for the benefit of the master. Even if I sacrifice myself, I will not hesitate at all!"

Jarvis's mechanical voice is very serious. It has never been to the Blood Sea Secret Realm, and it does not know whether what Hai Wuya said is true or false.

But it has a rule, that is, it will definitely protect Hai Wuya, no matter what enemy it has to face, no matter how powerful the monster it has to face.

As long as it Jarvis is still alive, it will definitely protect Hai Wuya. This is the command engraved in its program and a rule that cannot be violated.

After hearing Jarvis' response, Hai Wuya chuckled and stopped joking. He said softly:

"I believe you, let's go."


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A female destiny protagonist will appear soon...

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