As Gu Chenyan nodded in agreement, Hai Wuya put the chariot into the space.

Because this operation was mainly for traveling together, it was definitely not beneficial to ride in a chariot.

Gu Chenyan looked at the chariot that disappeared in an instant, and although she was very confused, she didn't say much.

After all, the world is different now. Everyone has special abilities, so this is not surprising, but if you ask yourself, it would be too presumptuous.

Soon the two of them walked together and continued to go deep into the passage.

As they went deeper into the passage, the environment here became hotter and hotter, but it was not a problem for Hai Wuya at all, and he didn't even feel the slightest abnormality.

But Gu Chenyan was different. Although her talent as the God of Light War did have some fire elements, her current strength was still very weak, so her resistance was far less than Hai Wuya's.

Therefore, as she continued to go deeper into the passage, Gu Chenyan's forehead was covered with sweat at this moment, but after she saw that Hai Wuya still had no abnormalities, she didn't show it, and she was still very serious on the surface.

Hai Wuya and Gu Chenyan were walking at the same position, so he naturally noticed the other's series of actions from the corner of his eyes.

Seeing that the other party was a little hot at the moment, Hai Wuya's mouth corners slightly raised, and then took out two chocolate crispy ice creams from the space, handed one to her and said:

"Here, it's still quite hot in here, eat an ice cream to cool down."

Gu Chenyan looked at the ice cream in front of her, with a hint of surprise and suppressed desire in her eyes.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then waved her hand hesitantly and said:

"Thank you, but you can keep it for yourself, I don't like sweet things..."

At the end, Gu Chenyan herself didn't believe what she said, so her voice became smaller and smaller.

But Hai Wuya chuckled when he saw this, and then stuffed the ice cream directly into Gu Chenyan's hand, and said at the same time:

"Don't be polite to me, just eat an ice cream, do you still want to lose weight in the end times?"

Gu Chenyan, who was forced to eat, pursed her lips, and finally nodded and responded softly:

"Thank you..."

Gu Chenyan has been very independent since she was a child, so she always refuses any benefits given by others.

Even when she was in college, she had to give back the snacks shared by her roommates in time, otherwise she would feel very embarrassed.

At this moment, Gu Chenyan received Hai Wuya's gift. Although she wanted to give back very much, she didn't have the ability to do so at all.

Therefore, in Gu Chenyan's heart, she felt that she owed Hai Wuya a favor, and she secretly made up her mind to find an opportunity to repay Hai Wuya.

Even if Hai Wuya gave her something that he didn't care about, Gu Chenyan would care very much, because she didn't want to owe anyone anything.

Gu Chenyan made up her mind in her heart. After watching Hai Wuya eating the ice cream, she could no longer hold back and tore open the bag and started eating.

The cool feeling after the ice cream entered her mouth was so refreshing that Gu Chenyan couldn't help sobbing. Then she turned her head and looked at Hai Wuya, feeling a little embarrassed.

But Hai Wuya didn't care. He quickly finished an ice cream and took out a bottle of iced drink.

The iced drink was more stimulating than ice cream after entering the mouth. Even Hai Wuya couldn't help but raise his eyebrows comfortably.

He also noticed Gu Chenyan's gaze, and then he smiled at Gu Chenyan and took out another bottle of iced drink.

It should be said that the prototype storage of the dimensional space power is very good. Frozen is still cold, hot is still hot.

After Hai Wuya handed a bottle of cool drink to Gu Chenyan, there was a surprise in her eyes.

But this time she was no longer reserved. She gently took the drink and smiled at Hai Wuya and said:

"Thank you, I will repay you."

In the end of the world where everything is restarted, she can still enjoy this cold drink when she needs it most. You can imagine how happy she is in her heart.

Gu Chenyan didn't want to say more about the refreshing feeling of the ice drink. Anyway, she is in a very good mood now.

The two of them went deep into the passage with a happy mood at this moment, and soon arrived at the periphery of the trial site. The lava stone gate still stood.

Seeing the scene of this place, Hai Wuya was not surprised, after all, he had been here before.

But after seeing this strange scene, Gu Chenyan was immediately very curious. She looked at the series of buildings here, turned her head and said to Hai Wuya:

"Let's go to that gate and take a look.There seem to be a few big words on it. "

Hai Wuya nodded and followed Gu Chenyan forward. Soon they came to the lava stone gate.

Looking at the gate, Gu Chenyan's eyes were shining. She always felt that there was something good inside. This was her usual intuition.

After Hai Wuya looked at Gu Chenyan's expression and behavior, he immediately said to her:

"Let's go in and take a look. There should be some opportunities in this place with the word Flame Demon Trial Field. "

Hai Wuya was right. After all, Gu Chenyan's talent as the God of War of Light contained some fire elements.

With the existence of fire elements, one can undergo the Flame Demon Trial. Once one passes the Flame Demon Trial, one will be blessed to increase one's own strength.

And with Gu Chenyan's talent and strength, she must be able to pass the Flame Demon Trial and will definitely be able to receive some blessings to strengthen herself.

Therefore, Hai Wuya said that this was an opportunity for Gu Chenyan, and there was no problem at all.

Gu Chenyan nodded after hearing what Hai Wuya said, and then she slowly pushed open the door and entered the Flame Demon Trial Field.

A rumbling sound rang out, and Gu Chenyan took the lead and entered directly.

After all, she was not a weak woman who needed to stay behind a man to avoid being hurt.

Hai Wuya saw this and had no intention of Seeing this, he immediately followed in.

Entering the trial site, there was no change here. There were still magma lakes on both sides, and there was a road in the middle to move forward.

Gu Chenyan always walked in front, and soon the two came to the mimic entrance.

As the two came here, a line of characters immediately appeared on the stone door in front.

Those characters told where this place was and what they would encounter after entering the mimic door.

At the same time, it also emphasized that only those who have fire elements in their talents will receive blessing enhancement after entering.

Looking at this line of characters, Gu Chenyan raised her eyebrows. There are fire elements in her talents, although most of them are light elements.

So she can enter and participate in the Flame Demon Trial.


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