After walking around the park for a while, Hai Wuya still didn't find anything unusual.

For Hai Wuya, the scene inside was almost unchanged, and there was not even a little bit of abnormality.

However, the absence of abnormality is actually the biggest abnormality. This is an empirical philosophy, and it is useless to not believe it.

Hai Wuya really couldn't find the entrance to the secret realm just by relying on his own words, but he was not without help. With the existence of the slime lord, if he wanted to find a class, he could just leave it to it.

After thinking of the slime lord, the tool demon, Hai Wuya's mouth corners rose slightly, and then he stopped moving the chariot and came to the roof.

As for the reason, it was very simple, that is, the slime lord could not be accommodated inside the chariot at all, and it had to be released in the open space outside.

Hai Wuya came to the roof of the car and released the slime lord to the open space in front. After the slime lord shook his head and came back to his senses, Hai Wuya slowly spoke to it:

"Venom, you have rested for so long this time, have you slept enough?"

It was two days ago since the last time the slime lord was released, so it has indeed been sleeping for a long time.

After hearing this question, the Slime Lord nodded and said happily:

"That's right, Master. I should have been silent for two days this time. My energy has been fully restored. Thank you for your concern!"

After the Slime Lord finished speaking, he turned his head left and right to observe the surrounding situation. After seeing the scene nearby, he was a little confused, so he continued to ask Hai Wuya:

"Master, where is this place? Why does it look a little weird?"

"Although the trees here are similar, it is precisely because many trees are completely the same that this is the most bizarre place."

The Slime Lord scratched his head, and then looked at Hai Wuya with a pair of big eyes, as if he wanted to get a response.

However, Hai Wuya responded to the Slime Lord with just a slight shake of his head, because Hai Wuya himself didn't know what was going on around him.

In addition to feeling novel at the beginning of observing the forest, the more he observed, the more weird he felt. This was something that even Hai Wuya felt. He didn't expect that the slime lord could also sense it.

"I don't know what's going on here, but it's for this reason that I asked you to come and see the situation."

"Your perception of monsters is much stronger than ours, so I asked you to come out and sense the surrounding environment to see if there are any monsters."

"Also, you should pay special attention to see if there is an entrance to the secret realm. The main purpose of coming here this time is to find the entrance to the secret realm."

Hai Wuya was not polite to the slime lord and directly told it things. After all, these were things that only it could accomplish, and no one else could do it.

After hearing Hai Wuya's instructions, the slime lord was in a daze, but he did not refuse. After all, he didn't dare to refuse.

Therefore, after nodding, the slime lord directly began to spread its tentacles around.

Its tentacles can sense the environment and situation on its behalf, so Hai Wuya waited quietly without getting anxious after seeing this.

After all, there is no use in getting anxious, so let's wait for the slime lord to fully sense it, anyway, I don't need this little time.

At this time, Wang Yan had already gotten off the chariot, and he slowly walked to the front of the chariot, while frowning and looking at the slime lord.

Hai Wuya had already explained the mission this time to Wang Yan, so Wang Yan knew what the slime lord was doing at this moment, and he did not interfere.

Then he turned his head to look at Hai Wuya on the roof of the car, bowed slightly to him and said:

"Master, are we at our destination?"

"The environment here is quite special, but there is an indescribable feeling, as if there is a little... weird?"

After observing the environment here, Wang Yan also expressed his doubts. After all, the environment and scene here are too weird, even he, a man full of righteousness, noticed it.

Hai Wuya just nodded after hearing this, and then he simply repeated what he had told the slime lord before.

Wang Yan also nodded after listening, and then carefully observed the surrounding environment to prevent anything from rushing up directly.

After all, his main task here was to be alert to the surrounding environment and to assist Hai Wuya.

Wang Yan was very good at this, after all, his previous job was to protect Hai Wuya.

As a professional bodyguard, this part of his job wasHe still has some professional literacy, and it is not low.

Hai Wuya didn't care about Wang Yan's actions and didn't think of stopping him. After all, he really needed to be vigilant here, in case some monster suddenly jumped out.

While the two were thinking about it, the slime lord opened his eyes at this moment, and a solemn expression appeared on his dark face.

As for the reason why the slime lord had a solemn expression, it was because he found that this forest was not simple, and it was not simple in the literal sense.

These huge trees seemed to be completely motionless, but in the perception of the slime lord, powerful energy was actually brewing under the roots of these trees.

It was because the roots of the trees were brewing energy at this moment that these trees were not moving at this moment.

In fact, there is a simpler and clearer statement, that is, the trees here are actually living things, but they are dormant at this moment.

The purpose of dormancy is to brew something, and when the energy of the roots of all the trees is brewed, then maybe something terrible will break out.

The slime lord looked solemn at the moment. He did not retract his scattered tentacles, but said directly to Hai Wuya:

"Master, I have discovered a very terrifying thing now. This thing makes me feel terrified, because I am not sure I can stop it."

"Even if it happens, I won't even have time to buy time for the master to escape..."

This was the first time that the slime lord spoke in a solemn tone, and Hai Wuya narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

It was obvious that he could also feel that the matter was not simple from the other party's tone.

"Tell me, I want to know what made you feel scared."

Hai Wuya's eyes were like torches. He looked directly at the slime lord and signaled him to speak boldly.



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