Inside the woods, the tentacles of the slime lord continued to extend until they almost covered a quarter of the park.

Covering such a large area is already the limit of the slime lord, but in this area, Hai Wuya did not get the answer he wanted.

Therefore, when the slime lord reported the results to Hai Wuya, he immediately prepared to go to the next area to find the possible location of the secret realm.

Now Hai Wuya, who was driving the chariot, has also come to the next area that has not been covered. After arriving here, he also released the slime lord and let it continue to obtain the location of the secret realm.

After all, it is necessary to ambush before Ye Fan arrives, so it is necessary to seize a little time, even if it is more difficult for the slime lord, it is inevitable.

Of course, the slime lord has no complaints about this. After all, facing Hai Wuya's orders, it dare not have any complaints.

Although the woods are already very terrifying, what is more terrifying is that Hai Wuya can kill it directly, so it can still distinguish between what is important and what is not.

While waiting for the slime lord to explore, Hai Wuya did not express anything. He just waited for the news calmly and did not urge the slime lord.

The slime lord's work attitude was still very serious, which made Hai Wuya difficult to blame it.

About ten minutes later, the slime lord explored another quarter of the area, but still did not find the approximate location of the secret realm.

Hai Wuya frowned slightly after getting this result, and then drove the chariot to the depths of the park, preparing to explore deeper areas.

Soon the chariot came to the back of the park, that is, it arrived at the opposite side of the main gate. The park area here can be said to be more lush, even reaching a difference of one time.

Of course, this means that the forest here is more lush, and it has increased several times more than the area entered at the beginning.

This is not a good sign, because the lush forest here also fully explains one reason, that is, the plant life here will be more powerful.

Fortunately, these plant lives will not attack me, otherwise I might be in danger.

Although Hai Wuya has full confidence in his own strength, Wang Yan probably has to lose here.

The chariot can be taken away in the space, but Wang Yan, a living person, can only stay where he is and leave it to fate.

But all this is hypothetical. If the plant lives attack me and others, then this situation will occur.

But the plant lives currently ignore outsiders, so there is no need to worry too much.

Hai Wuya was thinking in his heart. At this time, the slime lord seemed to suddenly sense something, and then it looked up at him and said:

"Master! I found something unusual. I sensed a breath that does not belong to the forest, but it does not belong to humans or zombies!"

Hai Wuya was standing on the roof of the car. After suddenly hearing this shout, he came back to his senses immediately, and then he asked the slime lord:

"Tell me, where is that breath? If it is really like what you said, then it must be the secret realm."

It does not belong to any of the previous breaths, and it is not a human breath, so it is most likely the secret realm.

After all, any secret realm will emit its own unique energy fluctuations as long as it appears on the earth.

This is because it takes energy to build the entrance to the secret realm, and this energy is generated out of thin air and is completely not a product of the real world.

Therefore, when the slime lord senses a completely different breath, it can be concluded that it belongs to the secret realm.

After hearing Hai Wuya's slightly anxious words, the Slime Lord immediately thought for a moment, and then said:

"Master, according to the information conveyed by the tentacles, the special breath should be 1 kilometer ahead of us in the northwest direction."

"One kilometer away from us, it should be the location of the secret realm. I think we can go over and see the situation!"

Hearing the answer of the Slime Lord, Hai Wuya did not refuse, but if he wanted to go to the center of the forest, he could only walk there, or he could not drive the chariot there.

First, the chariot was too large to pass through the trees, and there was no complete road for the chariot to drive.

Second, if the chariot entered the densely wooded jungle, it would most likely alarm the plant life.

After all, if the chariot rolled over the roots of the plants, it would definitely convey a scene of someone invading.

So for a combination of several reasons, in order to prevent himself and others from falling into danger, Hai Wuya finally put the chariot into the space, and then took Wang Yan to use the spaceTransfer quickly away from the original place.

As for the slime lord, it was put back into the companion space. After all, it was very troublesome to use space transfer with it.

Now, with the upgraded space transfer, about a minute later, Hai Wuya had already arrived one kilometer northwest of the original place.

Arriving at this place, Hai Wuya saw the emerald green entrance to the secret realm at the end of his sight.

However, the entrance to the secret realm has not been opened yet, so it looks very quiet, and there is no energy fluctuation spreading.

But even so, the weak energy fluctuations it emits were sensed by the slime lord, and Hai Wuya successfully found the specific location.

Looking at the emerald green entrance to the secret realm in front of him, Hai Wuya's mouth corners also rose slightly, and then he walked to the entrance of the secret realm and observed for a while. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, he prepared to find a hidden place to hide.

Because he has the talent of a hurricane walker, as long as he can not be seen by the naked eye, it is difficult for others to detect it with perception.

So Hai Wuya only needs to take Wang Yan to a place a little further away from the entrance of the secret realm and a place that is hidden enough to avoid being found by Ye Fan.

After hiding, he doesn't need to worry about when Ye Fan will arrive. Anyway, Ye Fan will definitely come here before the secret realm opens.

And he only needs to follow Ye Fan into the secret realm and pick peaches.

Hai Wuya has done this many times, so he is familiar with it and doesn't need to worry about turning over.

Now the plan has been initially realized, and Hai Wuya's mood has improved a lot. Therefore, he took Wang Yan away with a smile on his face and prepared to find a Feng Shui treasure land to hide.

Now he just waits for Ye Fan to fall into the trap, and Hai Wuya doesn't need to do too many trivial things.


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Uncomfortable, the cold hasn't healed yet...

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