A hurricane blew up, and Hai Wuya moved to a huge tree.

Hai Wuya controlled the hurricane to go towards the flower demon, and then used his fire talent while he had time.

The flames of the Holy Flame King grew stronger and stronger, and with the speed of the hurricane, the sea of ​​fire swept towards the flower demon tribe in an instant.

The Holy Flame Sea of ​​Fire was extremely powerful, and almost in an instant, it rushed towards the flower demons.

The flower demons were still living a peaceful life. They thought they were very overwhelmed by the sudden sea of ​​fire.

But the flower demons were not stupid. They knew that this sea of ​​fire would definitely cause harm to themselves, so they fled and resisted.

However, even if they reacted in time, they could not avoid being swept by the sea of ​​fire.

Facing the overwhelming flames, even if the flower demons worked together to resist, they could not achieve any results.

After all, flower demons are naturally afraid of fire, not to mention Hai Wuya, who is specially equipped with the Holy Flame of Light to restrain demons.

The sea of ​​fire continued to sweep and slaughter the flower demons, but Hai Wuya's attack was far more than that. It was too slow to kill the flower demons with just the attack of fire.

Therefore, Hai Wuya was ready to use his thunder talent again, using the surging lightning mixed with fire to kill the flower demons at the fastest speed.

However, Hai Wuya was still a little restrained and did not attack with the strongest power. After all, it was completely useless and would also destroy the environment here.

In this forest secret realm, there are not only monsters producing, but also other materials and creatures. It is more like a small world than the previous secret realms.

Therefore, in the warehouse of the flower demon group, there are still materials that they have accumulated for many years.

For example, among the flower demon group, there is nectar that they have been accumulating. If ordinary awakeners eat this nectar, it will enhance their physical fitness.

Hai Wuya didn't want to destroy this kind of trophy completely. It would be better to harvest it as trophy after destroying the flower demon tribe.

With this idea in mind, Hai Wuya slightly restrained his attack and did not intend to destroy all the buildings on the ground at once.

But even with Hai Wuya's restrained attack, this group of flower demons still didn't last long, and they were directly wiped out, leaving only charred corpses on the ground.

[Experience value +2 +2 +2...]

The experience value continued to increase, accompanied by the continuous killing of flower demons.

The flower demons who had been killed in a round finally reacted at this moment. They knew that their homes had been invaded, so in order to protect the safety of their homes, they had to activate the full alert state.

Looking at the continuous attack of the sea of ​​fire and thunder, the leader of the flower demon tribe stood up.

It was three times taller than a normal flower demon, and its strength was also E-level. It was naturally no problem to deal with ordinary awakeners, but it was wishful thinking to want to stop Hai Wuya's attack.

The flower demon leader stretched out his arms, and a pink energy barrier appeared in front of his chest.

The energy barrier continued to expand from the moment it appeared, until it completely covered itself, and the countless ordinary flower demons behind it also infused their energy into the barrier.

This is an ability of the flower demon leader. It can create an energy barrier defense, and then let its own tribe contribute a little, so that the barrier will become indestructible.

It hopes that its energy barrier can resist the attack, but it has also made two preparations.

The flower demon leader called a few little flower demons, and then quickly spoke in a strange language, telling them to flee here quickly and go to other tribes to inform them that there was an intruder.

Although the little flower demons did not cry, they all nodded with a depressed look, and then under the tough order of the leader, they had no choice but to evacuate this dangerous place.

As the last hope of the flower demons evacuated the battlefield, countless normal flower demons still on the scene used all their strength to contribute to the barrier that resisted the raging sea of ​​fire and thunder.

However, when this terrifying attack approached, the flower demons would know what true despair was.

The barrier that had expanded to almost cover all the flower demons was directly broken in an instant.

The defense that they had originally held absolute confidence in also made them fall into despair in an instant.

Looking at the attack that seemed like a scene of world destruction, the flower demon leader also showed a look of despair, and then he gritted his teeth and made a certain determination.

He turned his head and roared at the flower demons behind him, meaning that they all evacuated here quickly.

As for himself, he tried his best to resist the attack.

He had to shoulderTake the responsibility of a leader and make the least sacrifice to get the greatest chance of survival for the tribe.

Of course, it was difficult for the flower demons to execute the action of the flower demon leader for a while, but there were always people in the tribe who knew the overall situation. Therefore, after a brief hesitation, the flower demon tribe quickly evacuated the battlefield.

As for the sea of ​​fire that was like a world-destroying fire, the flower demon leader resisted it alone.

But the idea was good, but it was very difficult to execute it.

The reason was also very simple. With only the flower demon leader, there was no possibility of resisting Hai Wuya's attack.

Even at the moment when it exhausted all its strength to contact the attack, its whole body was instantly drenched by thunder and burned by the sea of ​​fire.

Similarly, it did not last for a few seconds and was directly killed by the sea of ​​thunder and fire.

It was no different from an ordinary flower demon, and only a charred corpse remained in place.

With the death of the flower demon leader, the attack of the sea of ​​fire and thunder did not weaken much. Hai Wuya continued to output energy to keep the attack at a balance line.

As the battle line continued to advance, the flower demons who had just fled the scene in a hurry did not escape the punishment.

Although the speed of the flower demons' escape was not too slow, there were too many of them. Therefore, as long as the sea of ​​fire continued to advance, there would be flower demons who would continue to die tragically.

They were first pierced by thunder and then burned by flames.

After this process, even the flower demon leader could not resist, let alone these ordinary flower demons.

The repeated attacks made Hai Wuya have an illusion, an illusion that he was the real devil.

Facing the weak races, he seemed to have no mercy at all, and he directly killed them continuously.

Of course, this was done to make himself stronger, but the monsters in this secret realm were smarter and more racially bound.

Doesn't that mean that as time goes by, the wisdom and strength of the secret realm creatures that appear in the future will continue to increase?

This may not be a good thing...


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