On the third floor of the giant tree building, at this moment, Hai Wuya has finished reading the introduction of the last item.

At the beginning, Hai Wuya did not have any expectations for this fan.

You know, in a secret realm of this level, the probability of finding a high-quality weapon is almost zero.

However, to his surprise, this last weapon actually has such a strange effect.

After all, weapons that can add elemental attacks are very rare.

After taking the fan in his hand and observing it for a while, Hai Wuya put it into the space.

This weapon is useful to him, so he doesn't mind taking it with him.

Hai Wuya is not a person who is very picky about strengthening his strength, so as long as he can strengthen his own strength, he will basically accept anyone who comes.

Of course, this "accepting anyone" means that no matter what the path to becoming stronger is, he will accept and execute it.

After putting the bamboo fan into the space, the third floor area was completely cleared, and there were no other objects at all.

Basically, as long as there were still useful things, Hai Wuya packed them up and took them away, whether it was nectar or various spiritual ingredients.

After harvesting all the supplies here, Hai Wuya did not stay for too long. After all, this secret realm was still very vast and he needed to harvest them one by one.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, then used space transfer to leave the original place and rushed outside to check the situation.

Although the experience value in his mind was still increasing, the speed was much slower.

I don’t know whether it was because the number of flower demons was very small or because they were dodged by the impact of the attack.

In short, for the sake of safety, Hai Wuya decided to check the situation.

Whether it was for his own experience points or to avoid wasting time, he needed to kill the flower demon tribe as soon as possible.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya came to the "town". At this moment, the environment here has undergone tremendous changes, and the smell of ashes is everywhere.

However, because Hai Wuya was a little restrained, he did not destroy the entire flower demon town.

Except for some trees becoming bald and thatched houses without roofs, there was not much loss...

Hai Wuya casually observed the surrounding environment, and Wang Yan had already arrived here.

He had been looking for the lone flower demons, but unfortunately, except for a few who were still alive, the rest had all turned into charred corpses.

So Wang Yan had been busy for so long, but in fact he only gained about ten experience points...

But Wang Yan had no complaints, after all, his task was to follow Hai Wuya and then deal with some trivial matters in the secret realm.

He thought that when he wanted to kill monsters to gain experience in the future, Hai Wuya would definitely agree to let him get it.

So he was not in a hurry, but felt that following Hai Wuya to do tasks like this would increase his experience.

If Hai Wuya knew about Wang Yan's mentality, he would definitely praise him.

"Master! I have dealt with all the omissions along the way. Where should we go now?"

Wang Yan saw Hai Wuya's back, so he immediately shouted loudly.

Hearing this shout, Hai Wuya was also stunned, and then he turned his head to look at Wang Yan.

After seeing Wang Yan's slightly excited expression, Hai Wuya didn't say much, but directly used space transfer to leave the original place, and then quickly came to Wang Yan's side.

"Here, this defensive wristband can enhance your defense, and it can also resist the attack of plant elements. You will be safer after wearing it."

"After all, this secret realm is the world of plants, so you really need this wristband."

Hai Wuya said calmly, and at the same time handed the thorn wristband to Wang Yan.

When Wang Yan saw the thorn wristband, his eyes lit up, and then he paused and accepted the thorn wristband.

Looking at the vigorous plant element breath on the thorn wristband, Wang Yan's face was also a little surprised.

Although he knew that his young master had very good defensive armor, and it was definitely stronger than this thorn wristband, this thorn wristband was still a high-quality item.

Therefore, Wang Yan's gratitude was beyond words.

"Young master... this wristband is probably of a high level, isn't it a bit of a waste to give it to me..."

Wang Yan's tone was a little unconfident, after all, he didn't help at all in this operation.

He even felt that he was a bit of a drag.

But before Wang Yan could finish his words,After saying that, Hai Wuya interrupted him directly and said:

"Don't refuse or feel unworthy. This wristband is the most suitable for you, because I don't need it at all."

Hai Wuya waved his hand and took Wang Yan to use space transfer to leave the original place. It is estimated that there are really few flower demons left, so he is not going to waste time.

This secret space is probably still very large. The flower demon tribe explored at this moment should be just a small place in it.

In the deeper part of the secret realm, there must be more powerful monsters, and they can definitely provide Hai Wuya with more experience points.

Hai Wuya was very sure of this, so he led Wang Yan deeper into it, and soon passed the area where the flower demons were, and came to a crossroads.

Because this place is in the forest, the crossroads is not obvious, but traces can still be vaguely seen.

Facing the other three forks, Hai Wuya was a little embarrassed for a while, mainly because the ends of these three directions are basically the same, so he did not immediately make up his mind where to go.

However, whenever he encountered such a situation, Hai Wuya had a trick, which was to summon the slime lord and let it identify where the demonic energy was more concentrated.

The slime lord was a good guy. It could find the right path for Hai Wuya in a very short time, so he did not hesitate to summon the slime lord in the companion space.

With a click, the slime lord appeared in the middle of the crossroads.

Then the slime lord, who had just woken up, looked around in confusion.

After seeing the strange environment around him and the gazes of Hai Wuya and Wang Yan, he immediately understood his situation.

"Master... What is the reason for you to summon me this time?"

The slime lord was a little cautious. It was a little scared by the gazes of the two people, and it also guessed that it was probably not a good thing.


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