Under the huge shade of the tree that blocked out the sun, Hai Wuya stared at the huge monster in front of him with a serious expression, thinking about the detailed information he had just obtained.

When he first discovered that this giant tree actually had D-level strength, Hai Wuya was really surprised, but after reading all the information, he let out a long breath of turbid air as if relieved.

"No wonder this tree is so aggressive, but it has no reaction after being attacked... It turns out that it is just a clone!" He murmured to himself, with a flash of relief in his eyes.

Hai Wuya, who was originally afraid of this mysterious giant tree, was now in a much more relaxed mood.

After all, although this clone is of a high level, its actual combat power can be almost ignored - such a result is really unexpected!

However, after carefully checking the information introduction, you can know that the main purpose of this clone is to monitor the surrounding movements.

In other words, the attack he had just launched must have attracted the attention of the original tree demon.

Since the main body had been touched, Hai Wuya and Wang Yan must have been exposed to each other's perception.

Even the indestructible energy barrier above the city at the beginning might have been created by this original tree demon!

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya suddenly smiled.

You know, the combat power of this original tree demon is definitely above level D, but how can it be his opponent when it encounters his natural talent that specializes in defeating monsters?

Hai Wuya is very sure of this.

Not only that, after destroying the energy barrier, his own level was improved, and now his strength has increased several times compared to before!

Therefore, Hai Wuya did not feel any pressure on the original tree demon, and even felt a little eager to meet it. After all, this monster might be the most powerful monster since the end of the world!

It has been a long time since Hai Wuya had a fight that made him feel happy, and he also wanted to fight the primitive tree demon very much.

I don’t know why, every time Hai Wuya’s level was upgraded and his combat power increased several times, an irrepressible and increasingly strong desire would surge in his heart.

He was eagerly looking forward to a thrilling battle.

This feeling seemed to come from the blazing fire of desire that burst out of his body.

Hai Wuya had no definite answer as to whether this situation was a blessing or a curse.

However, his intuition told him that there shouldn’t be too many problems.

Just like children can’t help showing off to their friends when they get new toys, maybe his mood at the moment is not much different?

In this way, there is no need to suppress emotional fluctuations too much.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya let out a breath and his mood gradually calmed down.

Then, he stepped into the depths of the city with a firm and resolute look, determined to explore the true appearance of the legendary master of the secret realm.

Only one clone has reached D-level, and its defense strength is invincible, so its main body must be able to become a sandbag and be beaten directly by itself.

A sandbag that can withstand its own beating, Hai Wuya couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth.

"Let's go, this giant tree is just a clone, let's continue to check the situation and find the original tree demon's main body!"

Hai Wuya turned his head and said to Wang Yan. In fact, he was also a little worried about whether to bring Wang Yan in.

If Wang Yan was brought in, there would not be much help, but if he let the other party stay here, there might be some accidents.

And his strength was enough to deal with it, so after thinking for a while, he decided to take Wang Yan to go deeper.

As Hai Wuya spoke, Wang Yan also nodded quickly. He would not disobey the order of his young master.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya immediately performed space transfer without saying a word, and disappeared instantly with Wang Yan.

The destination of their trip was the more profound and mysterious main city of the secret realm.

Along the way, no matter where Hai Wuya and Wang Yan passed, they never saw a single monster.

According to common sense, there should be at least tens of thousands of monsters in this magic city, but there was no sign of them appearing.

Faced with such a strange situation, although Hai Wuya was puzzled, he did not pay too much attention.

After all, these monsters were no longer useful to him, and it would be a waste of time to think about it.

Wang Yan also felt that something was wrong and was secretly puzzled in his heart, but he just followed Hai Wuya silently without saying a word.

As the two continued to go deeper, the surrounding environment and scenery remained unchanged. Except for the increasingly flat and open road, there was really no other eye-catching place.

Hai WuyaYa performed the art of space transfer, and his figure rushed away like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he was far away from the range of the second monster city.

He looked far away, and saw the outline of another city vaguely emerging at the end of his sight.

Compared with the one he just passed, the city at the end of the horizon seemed shorter and less magnificent, but it revealed a strong ancient atmosphere.

The ancient and heavy city walls surrounded the city, as if telling the vicissitudes of time.

From a distance, the whole city looked like a sleeping ancient city, exuding a mysterious and charming charm.

Not only that, judging from the scale of the city, it seemed to be much smaller than the previous one, and the layout of the buildings within the city wall was relatively compact.

However, it was this small and exquisite pattern that added a bit of quaint beauty.

Witnessing this scene, Hai Wuya and Wang Yan narrowed their eyes at the same time, and did not take action immediately.

They quietly observed this ancient city, secretly speculating on the dangers and opportunities that might be hidden in it.

However, in addition to this city full of ancient style and charm, there is another eye-catching thing - in the center of the city, there stands a huge towering tree.

The crown of this giant tree is dense, like a green ocean, covering a large area of ​​the sky, which makes people marvel.

This covering the sky and the sun is not just a verbal statement, but it is really jaw-dropping!

It is completely different from the original tree demon seen before.

At this moment, the scene in front of him made Hai Wuya know that there was the original tree demon's body.

He stared into the distance, and an uncontrollable strong desire to fight surged in his heart.

After all, from a distance, the original tree demon seemed extremely powerful. If it could be defeated and killed successfully, the gains would be extremely rich.

Not only that, once this huge threat was eliminated, Hai Wuya would be able to become a truly unmatched person during this period of time.

In this way, he can sweep away all obstacles and dominate the world.

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